Your favorite cartoon characters from childhood are older now. What do they look like?
Time Skip
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Puberty hit her like a truck.
still a grump
Seems they all turn into witches in their own age
>Dipper grew up to be Nathan Drake
This makes too much sense.
Are you surprised? I'm not.
so she got knocked-up with triplets at stage 5, and is carrying them all at stage 6? or are those her sisters or something?
Did she turn into the Fates?
She grew a chin.
nah the artist just felt like drawing her in a bunch of different outfits
Is this canon? I thought Mari was only a fatty in that one fancomic.
Johnny Quest??
>linked to mystery virus
>the dumbest one ages the least poorly
This is one of the few that I like that don't just straight up make him Alex Hirsh 2.
I was one of those kids.
#4 should be canon
She lost the babyfat on her face as she got older.
MILFification is a high tier fetish
For some reason in the thumbnail the e pluribus unum pyramid looks like it's flipping the double bird.
Only the final stages are canon. They're from a deleted scene in the episode where Eddy wakes up in the future and everyone's old.
what about GILFification?
what about no
4 > 3 > 1 > 2
1 > 2 > 3 > 4
But what about yes please.
>Gawky girl grows up to be super attractive/thicc
And there's my fetish.
He gets fucking ripped.
Something about goth chicks man.
>leather couch
>modern reading glasses
>modern bound book
Why not just give them all cell phones if you're not going to actually give a shit
was this in an actual episode?
yes, they capture an experiment that time travels you ten years into the future, but it also ages you up appropriately. she does it like 3 times and basically becomes nani the third time, also nani ages really well.
I like the fan designs that give her full lips
Full lips and full hips
>when she feels her own curves
Cock grade: DIAMOND
I had always assumed she'd grow out of the goth phase. Most people do. Not that she was that much of a goth in the first place, she just kind of adopted the look, but wasn't she super excited to go to prom or some shit? Hartman confirmed for not actually knowing anything about goths.
Why would they leave the babyface on that 10/10 body.
>The dumb blonde ages the best