That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?

> That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?

Jesus downvoting CHRIST Raimi I thought you guys were just memeing

Other urls found in this thread:

It was unironically a different time.

What was Uncle Ben's endgame?

It was a different time

Uncle (((Ben)))
Unironically a Jewish name

check your digits and you will know

would they be able to get away with that same line today?

>That's a cute outfit, did your WHITE PRIVILEGE give it to you?

We've fallen so far, so fast.

>look up
>it's real

I love this movie

This, ironically.

Oh fuck It's real.

all memes aside, it was in all seriousness a different time.

and a better one

Holy shit, Raimi.

Nah it doesn't sound like Tobey. Probably edited in. Honestly it's not like the 00s were a homophobic time. Raimi wouldn't write something like that in a blockbuster motion picture.

Have you ever actually seen the movie? Because I have, many times, and that line is 100% real.

fucking newfaggots I swear

yes that line is real and it's how the meme started

To sell rice.

I thought this other one scene started it

did al fraken write this?

>The worst thing, Peter, that can happen to you is that after you spent your life protecting the white race, you'll look into a mirror and see yourself for what you have become: a nigger. Never forget it: he who fights monsters, should see that he does not become a monster himself.

It's all real.

I always found the foreshadowing a bit too heavy-handed.


top kek

Raimi was a goddamn visionary.

Love these threads kek

Haha racism is so funnay guise!

want to know how I know you're white?


Peter has always been at least half jewish.



There's a difference laughing with racists and laughing at racism. I'm one of the few people on this site who laughs at it. Retarded Sup Forumstards spew bullshit all day and I join among them pretend to laugh at "niggers" while I'm actually laughing at their insanity.

>Harry tells me you're quite the science-whiz. You know, I'm something of a scientist myself. I once took a long, hot piss on an ant colony. I watched as the river of my liquid carried the tiny creatures away into oblivion. I was all powerful in that moment, a god handing down judgment. With my piss.

You sound very intelligent.


Thanks for giving me (you)s to let me know I have successfully TRIGGERED you inbred redneck faggots.

You mean you take a science-whiz?


Rami was also a pioneer in the reverse blackface field, the best trope in existence.

Whatever helps u sleep at night

What part of blacks having smaller prefrontal cortexes, more gene loci for violence and fewer for intelligence, consistently lower IQ scoring independent of socioeconomics and nation, lower academic and vocational attainment, higher crime rates, no historic or current successful black nations, earlier births and puberties amongst other things comes across as insane to you?

Total Aryan victory.

But they stopped him

(you) ;)


Uncle Ben makes some damn good rice. Rest his soul.

little gook girls and being the world greatest young male pop star

yes it is lmao
it's called casual racism and it's funny. it's funny because it shouldn't be taken seriously in this day and age but so many people do

god this is so much worse than the original, kill yourself

White ethnostate.

>That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?
>wife's son laughs

Anyone want to trade?

>Uncle Ben's
>it's a nigger

What did they mean by this?

>Being this desperate for (You)s

Wow, your anecdotal evidence of your personal experience sure showed me the error of my ways.


>Virtue signalling on an anonymous image board
Just go back and get your precious upvotes.

>It's you who's in, Gobby. IN-sane!
What did he mean by this?

>Jesus downvoting CHRIST

I'd spit roast you for thanksgiving din din if I fucking could. Shut up.

The Amazing Homophobe!

You're obviously underaged. Even a redditor knows this scene.
Mods, hop to and ban these children

So were we just too young to notice this shit going on?

Securing the existence of our people and a future for white children.



>Young Uncle Ben is JUSTin Bieber

Young Uncle Ben looks like Justin Bieber

>Harry, please. Look at her. You think a woman like that's sniffing around because she likes your personality? Your mother was beautiful too, they're all beautiful.. until they're snarling after your trust fund like a pack of ravening wolves! A word to the not-so-wise about your little girlfriend: do what you need to with her, then broom her fast!

Jesus christ, raimi. Misogynistic and sexist much?


>some redditor got this butt blasted at the idea of fudgepackers being made fun of of even in the slightestand felt they had to make this
why are they so sad

I assumed that was one of /ourguys/ being ironic.

>call someone out on their retardation
>hahaha triggered :^)
This is how I know you're from tumblr, twitter or facebook.

it's almost like that's what the joke in that post said too you dumb fag

he ran a rope factory and knew a big payday was coming

>Jesus downvoting CHRIST

Jokes on you. I'm a Sup Forums expert. That's right, an oldfag. And you've just been double-memed.

That's just eugenics which is just a psuedoscience.

>Jesus downvoting CHRIST
what the fuck does that even mean

It is. I for myself hate stupid niggers with passion. Now i can combine hate and laugh together.

wait this isn't ironic?

>you know this was coming, nigger.

WHOA it all makes sense.... harry was trying to save the white race.....damn...

irony is lost on retarded Sup Forumsfaggots