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Waaaaaaaaay to easy a decision.
The one with the body of a woman.
You really need to throw Stacy into the mix to make it a more difficult choice.
But Candace will last longer once she gets her body
Candace always and forever, I love this P head
Mentally challenged girls are my fetish.
the bla... i mean the goth one
Candace, dem feet
Candace eventually settles down and gets her mother's figure. Vanessa seems high maintenance by comparison.
So, long haul, Candace. One night stand, Vanessa.
Candace. Vanessa is too cool for me.
why choose when you can fuse?
The sexy Puerto Rican (or whatever Hispanic) to the right.
The way Candace shakes her implied ass is pretty well done
Because those fusions are always ALWAYS inferior to their originals?
She's basically Molvanian from the same vaguely eastern european joke country Doofensmirtz is from
we'd need a drawing of them fused to properly decide that
There can be only one.
Candace. She is my favorite character of the show.
They will both fight for me.
seems to be stacked in Vannessa's advantage quite a bit
>nice figure
>a chin
but user you can groom candance into the perfect child bride and marry her in sweden
Candace, because I like her outfit and she doesn't wear lipstick.
You have chosen ... wisely
because once she hits puberty... wait...
I take a third option
Candace would snap her in half in a fight.
Candace has some impressive physical feats when motivated by busting frenzy, which doesn't apply to fighting for user's dick
Why would you do this to me?
Phineas and Ferb music thread?
Not him but you'd think she'd have more mass than noodle arms tho
>song about Isabella's crush
>dance involves humping the air
she really wasn't subtle was she
As far as I know a HD version of the original no longer exists, so this is what I've had to settle for.
Her personality mainly breaks down to Busting and Love. It's a safe bet she could transfer that strength over to Love if need be since the Love side was a lot faster than the Busting side in Split Personality.
Candace, she's a bad mamma jamma and always looks so good in white
Phineas could had ridden Isabella but didn't saw the obvious signs, pottery
Bigger bersion (vertical) on Paheal.
the artist was very good to draw her.
She's to pure for this world god dammit
Does anyone think Stacy or Vanessa can wrestle and defeat an alligator?
>choice between two yankee sluts
I choose neither.
I know right
I can't believe it became canon
Best ships often do
thirsty ho
Ferb is a cool guy.
I mean, that is more or less her whole character
The mad scientist beautiful daughter. Yes.
I was sure she'd stay with Monty.
at 0:34 look where Katie (the blond one) is looking
dr wexler you're a platypus
Fuck you Seth, she belongs to Ferb which is short for...
how does he get both his eyes on the same side of his nose?
Eye on the pwize?
Those wittle wascals.
>Mini skirt
Left wins by default
Really makes me wish I could draw, cause now I want some ultra /fit/ Candace
One of them is the Letter P with a face and hair on a body shaped like a bell and the other isn't even worth discussing.
She'd be far more attractive without that point in her hair.
And Phineas would look better if he wasn't a triangle
The animation in this show was always a little too slick for my taste.
One simple rule to get you through every Sup Forums waifuwar:
Unless it's TLH where there's no redheads.
There is a redhead user
Any MEGAs?
If it's for Candace, Stacy could.
Are you calling me a nigger?
I still find it kind of weird how Disney just let her be so thirsty on this show. Disney was like the bastion of family friendly strictly G rated cartoons when P&F first aired.
viscerally disturbing
And then came Mabel and Star
to be fair it never really went beyond 'schoolgirl crush'
Candace always looks better when she's in a look besides her default one
The one who has the nicest butt
so Vanessa (Ferb seems to think so anyway)
I have a different versoin of that one :P
Who the fuck would pick Candace?
Candace for the most part is written like a pretty realistic teenage girl, which is a plus.
v for vanessa
It would be weird if he was checking ass of his stepsister
According to this evidence, I'd pick Candace.
Only a little. Still funny that nobody bats an eye about Phineas singing a love song with his own biological sister.
I was thinking more about a tomboy-ish look but whatever