Why does it feel Ruth hasn't changed and is just acting meek to get pity points from everyone around her?
Is it the bad writing by Willis? yes
Why does it feel Ruth hasn't changed and is just acting meek to get pity points from everyone around her?
Is it the bad writing by Willis? yes
That's what abusers do, user; they manipulate others into believing they're the ones at fault.
A shame Willis doesn't have the balls to depict an abusive relationship like that with Billie and Ruth. That would actually be interesting.
Sad thing is that for a while he was portraying their relationship as negative and destructive.
When ISN'T it bad writing?
This is a 50 Shades kind of relationship where it's unhealthy as fuck to the point that splitting up the lovers is a GOOD thing, but for some reason we're led to believe that love is literal, physical pain and they only hurt each other because they love each other.
>I don't want to die on repeat
This was so forced it fucking hurt. Like, this didn't feel like it was earned. Ruth drank herself to sleep. She never attempted suicide, just wallowed in darkness.
I'm pretty sure somebody in these threads came up with a way to use this scene as a segue into exploring the abusiveness of Ruth and Billie's relationship, since this is the kind of action that an abusive partner might take.
I'll see if I can't find it.
In tonight's dull drawing, we get to see the worst hair Willis has ever managed to draw again, and then another obligatory last panel "joke".
But seriously, I can't believe he's sticking with that amorphous brown blob on her head, and not even attempting to make it look more like dark roots growing in.
>You're being let go due to your sexual relationship with me. Let us commemorate your release as our RA by reenacting what happened.
There's really not much to say, since there's not much actually happening. Willis should take from Hemingway that dialogue (or, in this case, individual comic strips) should either advance the plot or develop a character.
Also, the password is "future". Cue your Squidward pictures.
Willis is making Puddin'-Head use ambiguous phrasing to cover up the Big Reveal that Ruth isn't getting fired after all. Calling it now.
Nah, he's probably just dragging things out for the fuck of it. Writer's block, maybe.
I predict tomorrow that we zoompa-zoom-zoom over to Leslie's house as she tries to escape.
>Not one comment from your boss about our *almost-PDA*
I wonder if it'll be revealed that their relationship doesn't break any actual rules, or if Willis will go with his IU rule head canon.
God, Chloe's face is weird. The mouth is crammed right under the nose and off center.
If she ends up bringing down all the potential RA replacements to witness Ruth getting fired that'll be really weird.
That was my first thought too.
This is really boring. Where's Mary?
damn, I bet you're right
>Where's Mary?
She's transphobically getting ready to go to class.
The funny thing is that we SAW Mary in the hall. Prominently displayed, as though we were to assume she might have something to say. But apparently she ditched the scene alongside everybody else.
She is my smiling angel.
Yeah that smug face was great.
>With Mary? I fixed it.
Congratulations! You and everyone else bullied a girl into not filing proper complaints about broken rules and a neglectful RA.
Aren't you fucking proud?
Well, you'd be surprised how much wanting to say that comes across the mind of a depressed person. Unfortunately Willis hasn't done a strong job of emphasising WHY we should give a fuck considering her horrible nature towards everyone.
>If she ends up bringing down all the potential RA replacements to witness Ruth getting fired that'll be really weird.
To me it looks like Ruth is being brought in to brief or help select the next RA, but that is too stupid to actually happen, right?
I wouldn't put anything past this comic.
Ideally, Ruth goes down, Chloe, a higher up (?), and maybe the therapist working with Ruth are there, and they talk about the feasibility of her continuing, her failings in the role, and decide whether or not she can continue.
Then, in a sane world, Chloe would fire her.
So I predict she'll leave it up to Ruth to choose, and she'll decide to quit.
This shit reads like Ruth swallowed a bottle or two of painkillers, but she only stayed in bed and missed a few meals over the weekend. Willis had to have lost his nerve at some point, whether in the plotting stage or later, to make this arc completely toothless.
Does Willis have the balls to get rid of a main character?
Not so fast, user. She's not gonna get expelled, she'll just have to move to non-dormitory housing. You'll still get more Ruth than you can stand.
>move to non-dormitory housing
why doesn't she just move in with Joyce?
Wouldn't that be like putting a crooked prison guard in with the general population?
I think he's talking about Ruth, not Becky.
Ruth and Becky are going to get housing together, and merge energies to form a mighty force of annoyance that will end the world.
She used to want to do an exposé about Ruth and how she's a horrible tyrant. But now they're happy with each other. BS.
Why are they happy with eachother?
I legit don't get it. What exactly is between them aside from alcohol?
more alcohol
That seems to be it.
Like we're supposed to think this is some whirlwind romance but it seems like a friday night fling.
It's not JUST the booze, it's also the
>pic related
It was worse before. Compare.
His "no death" rule is most likely going to always apply.
Password to what? is this a clever pun that one suffers reading the comic so much that you correlate it with bdsm except you're not into pain and you say some password like its a safe word to stop your heart from suffering like a defense mechanism to allow yourself to end the session and carry on with your life?
Which would make Mary's other half taking action make a lot more sense.
But hey Willis and Logic. Can't get more Oil and Water than that.
Yes because Mary is a bad person remember.
>Ruth is abusing her right now
This is not what's happening at all. Back when she was super depressed in her most rock bottom, she made zero effort to emotionally blackmail Billy. She had no intention in being found or displayed to anyone until Carla came in. She doesn't threaten Billy that she'll kill herself if Billy leaves. They don't have that kind
of shit relationship
No, "password" is just the term I use to identify the keyword necessary to access the next day's strip via the actual Dumbing of Age website.
In this case, it's "dumbingofage.com
Do you want Walpurgisnacht?
Because that's how you get Walpurgisnacht
Different kind of abuse.
Considering all the other characters in Willis' porn have literal carpet matching the drapes hair styles, I have to wonder what the fuck her bush looks like.
Also wondering, does not a single girl in DoA shave? I mean, not even the super slutty ones?
No, user, because every single woman loves their natural hair and we need to Normalize the act of non-shaving by having every woman not shave in a webcomic because blah blah end goal feminism or something.
Technically two characters.
Becky, obviously, shaves half her cooch, but keeps the other half long.
And shockingly, Asma, the Muslim in the Hijab shaves clean. You just can't tell she is bald because of the head wrap.
You cannot prove me wrong.
More realistically, they live in a dorm with communal showers and shared sinks. They're not going to shave their pubes due to inconvenience.
Sierra probably shaves. Mary too, because it's just like in her Japanese cartoons.
Given what we have seen, nudity wise, only the men from their private bits (Jason's bowtie pubes are the only example of not direct copying of head hair style to genital hair style)
Does this make it more or less likely that Carla shaves her pubes into a rollerskates shape?
They're shaved to look like Carla's face. That way when she's making you suck her cock there is no escape from looking at her smug self-righteousness.
I can actually see her doing that.
So, you know, fuck you user for making me picture it.
She's also got her face tattooed on her taint in case of 69'ing.
And her face laughing as a tramp stamp for when she makes you eat her butt hole
Sal and Mary appeared to have shaved for their pinups.
It would also be really dangerous for Puddinghead to dye hair down there. You're not even supposed to do it on your eyebrows, much less near your vulva. If her carpet matches her drapes, she should be in the hospital.
What? You shave them in the shower. The only inconvenience is that it's kinda dark in the showers, so you may miss a few spots. If you maintain that area, it takes less than 5 minutes to go weed-whacking.
Walky's pubes look like his hair, remember? So do Ethan's and Mike's. Can't remember if Danny's do.
Makes enough sense to me.
Probably not what you were looking for, but here's something related.
Obviously you shave them in the shower, but shaving them in a standing shower stall, which probably is only separated from the others by a fixed curtain, is inconvenient and considering that most people will have similar schedules they probably won't be able to take up a shower stall for long enough without people getting pissy. The shared sinks also mean that they'd be hogging their adjoining half-bath. Most of the women I was friends with in the dorm Nair'd or waxed their legs and only a few of them shaved their pubes.
Also they make lighteners and dyes specifically for pubes now.
Most people don't have a half-bath. A general dorm set-up has like 40 people on a floor, with two full-service bathrooms. Mine had 2-3 bathroom stalls and 3-5 showers, with 4 sinks.
Looks to me like the DoA people have their own toilets, but not their own shower. That seems extremely unlikely. You either have your own full bathroom for 4 people, or you share with the rest of the floor. I know Willis isn't a girl or anything, but surely it's not that difficult to find these things out.
Like I said, it only takes a few minutes to shave down there. I did it all the time with hardly any issues. I shave my pubes in the shower all the time. It is not hard, except when you don't have enough light.
My dorm had a shower curtain and then an actual bathroom stall door.
And if anyone's shaving their pubes in the sink, I would be VERY concerned, haha.
>Sal and Mary appeared to have shaved for their pinups.
Sal isn't in a pin up in the Google doc, so post a link, she wasn't shaved when she fucked for grades.
Mary is debatable, based on the angle I would expect to see some pubic hair, but it may be obscured by her arm. If she is shaved, I approve.
Read Hall, where this is set, actually does have connecting half-baths with communal showers.
According to my experiences in living in a dorm, each room had a sink but toilets and showers were communal. Showers were separated by immobile curtains. My gf shaved in the sink in her room when her roommate was in class because it was annoying to try to shave standing up in the stall without anything to grab for support.
It occurs to me now that her nose completely changed shape since her last appearance.
Is the DoA edits Tumblr dead?
>Stop fisting my ass
This one cracked me up
I think the trance joke worked better with the Questionable Content edits.
Probably. The Doc is still updating.
Solid edits, but I can't tell if the Cerberus comment is edited or not
>Probably. The Doc is still updating.
The two projects are unrelated. I haven't seen any updates to the Tumblr in forever.
I just update the Doc with whatever seems like it might be referred to later.
Who's running the tumblr anyway?
Not sure, but it's not me (DocAnon and LinkDump). I don't think they ever had a specific username on here.
They used to refer to themselves as TumblrAnon, but as far as I know they never tripped or namefagged.
It's edited, too, and I feel like a true asshole for doing so.
I love the art that some user made of what it would look like.
I would be up for taking the reigns of the Tumblr if they're bored of it.
Ruth will be allowed to be the RA. Like does anyone seriously think Willis will make Roz or Dorthy the RA?
I feel Willis is in constant denial when it comes to that "spilled coffee" look on her head. Like how does he draw that and go "yeah, that's awesome."
Yeeeeeeahhh.... we're probably looking at a plot switch in the next strip. BUT TO WHO?!?!
Yeah, she isn't magically better. Drugs didn't even kick in yet apparently.
Is there a Mary pin up? Where is it?
>I've apparently got an hour
Translation: well fuck this story, let's see what the other group(s) are doing.
>That Ruth speech bubble in the 4th panel
Was that suppose to be some "deep" shit?
Oh God, I regret so much.
Why the fuck does he draw tits so badly.
It's a sad reminder that people pay money for that slipstream shit. Actually paying for porn anything is fucking dumb.
>that Ruth/Billie shot
Between this and Amber fucking Joe does Willis think tits are cones?
He seems to.
Some boobs are cone-like. Bras hate cone-boobs.
It's telling that the fan art near the end is leagues better.
I pay indie porn artists so that they continue producing porn that I like. Slipshine is garbage with no standards and the faggot SJW that runs it thinks pretty much all of my fetishes should be illegal, so it does not qualify.
It's funny, because Sup Forums tells me that when a web comic artists starts doing porn/nsfw artwork of their characters that's when they are getting desperate for money. Like scrapping the bottom of the barrel to get money from people, which is odd cause Willis (I think) isn't fucking poor as he's making mad cash on Patreon. Then again, he's probably only making them because Slipstream keeps paying them money for his shit porn.
I think what happened is that Slipshine commissioned Willis for a comic, then kept bringing him back when they noticed the boost in one-month subscriptions.
That's also why I think Willis is doing weekly pin-ups, as it keeps up subscriber retention. Otherwise, people just drop $25 and leave with a free comic.
Maybe we should ask /d/ for a helping hand with all this crappy porn.
Honestly, Willis is probably singlehandedly keeping that site afloat. Like it boggles my mind to think it generates a profit somehow.
I think /aco/ or even /r/ would be a bit more appropriate. Though an user recently said he was warned or temp banned for posting Willis's porn from behind the Slipshine paywall on /aco/
Willis isn't exactly known for his futa, inflation, or shitting dick nipple porn so I don't think /d/ would really care.
>Though an user recently said he was warned or temp banned for posting Willis's porn from behind the Slipshine paywall on /aco/
Shit is there still at least a download link?
His porn sucks, though. LaFrenais' stuff is at least consistently good. Not sure if she still posts new stuff to the site.
You can find a few of them with a google search posted to reddit or some other random forums, but since our last porn archiver hosted them on the now (once again) defunct sli.mg, I don't think we have anyone with a decent archive of all of them anymore.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's been spoken about by the Slipshine folks with seriousness.
Hell, the last time we posted Willis to /aco/ they pulled a DMCA on our posts.
Fair enough. Still, SOMEBODY out there has to have a subscription. Sad Panda keeps getting updated with Rock Cocks, and I'm pretty sure that's Slipshine exclusive.
Sad Panda would probably be the best place to host them if we get hold of someone with a Slipshine in the future.
They don't seem to give two shits about hosting paywall restricted stuff, and the site is probably not going to vanish overnight.