Is it true that once a guy asked charles schultz to sign peanuts rule 34, and he got so disgusted he wouldnt go to cons again?
Is it true that once a guy asked charles schultz to sign peanuts rule 34...
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I can't see this guy ever going to cons to begin with, so no.
Man, look at how jerky those lines are.
Why didn't he get someone to ink the lines for him?
yeah and the reason wasnt even because it was rule 34 it was because it got in conflict with his cannon pairing
Wait really?
He went to cons all the time, in fact he criticized Bill Watterson for being a douche and not signing autographs at this one con.
It was a passion as much as a career for him. The guy really put himself into his work, to the point that he died before the final strip reporting his retirement was published.
You know, I adore Calvin & Hobbes and find it a wonderful exploration of lots of ideas with beautiful art. But sometimes I think Bill Watterson needs to get off his fucking high horse.
>Man, look at how jerky those lines are.
He was old and he had hand tremors that got so bad that he'd have to clamp onto his drawing desk in a death grip.
"I remember hearing how Bill Watterson attended a comic convention and announced beforehand that he would not take any interviews or sign any autographs. I never understood this. Like it or not, this is a commercial industry we're in, and it carries certain obligations. If you want to be a serious artist, take up painting or something."
Because they're his characters and he was dedicated to drawing them until he couldn't any longer. He drew up until the very end
Does the r34 exist somewhere?
Schulz also told some underground cartoonists in the late 60s that although he admired some of their work, guys like Robert Crumb didn't understand that being all shocking and vulgar isn't the same thing as having something meaningful to say in your work.
that's hilarious
Schultz is like Shigeru Miyamoto
Passionate, but wouldn't put his work and medium on a high pedestal to be called art
So he just wanted people to come up and say "thanks for the comics" and maybe buy a book off of him? I don't think Watterson should ever have been obligated to stand by the commercial conventions of a newspaper comic, but going to a con just for fans to bask in your presence...
I'd have still done it, especially back when I was 7 and Calvin and Hobbes was my whole world, but he'd already turned into a full hermit at that point.
All of the characters apparently represented a different aspect of his personality.
its one of the 7 mysteries of drawn porn
He wasn't wrong.
Sometimes I get the get the felling that Watterson has a mental/anxiety problem.
what are the other 6?
No he wasn't, but hey they grew up. I've never read them but I know Spain's autobio comics are pretty lauded and Crumb's Weirdo and later work was a big improvement, mostly because he wasn't always high out of his mind
These days Zap! is celebrated for it's importance more than anything
One of them is probably the Mickey-Minnie sex scene that Walt supposedly fired some guys over.
Watterson is the comic strip John K, an auteur who has a somewhat deluded lebornintheronggeneration nostalgia for the 1930s-40s and who was never able to understand how to work in a commercial medium.
- Charlie Brown rule34 that killed cons for Schultz
- MickeyxMinnie Walt Fired Some Dude For
- Secret of Nimh gay scene that was a big f-you from Don Bluth before leaving Disney
- Sleeping Beauty concept art depicting her bust size and director notes
- Hanna-Barbara 1969 Holiday Party Favors; some sexy, some filthy, some just showing a drunk Huckleberry Booze Hound
- Batman TAS Poison Ivy animation stills from korean studio that lost them a contract
- Dexter's Laboratory Rumored Video ("Rude Removal?") that was true
I've never heard of Sparky doing comic cons.
It seem like he'd be to wealthy to need to.
Too many people suck his dick and think that C&H is the greatest thing ever made.
I never got the appeal of it, even when it was running in the paper.
He had a heart surgery and afterwards he had a tremor that was never right again.
The fact Sup Forums knows about this is so... so... Sup Forums.
Also the original Simpsons pilot episode animation.
Rude Removal wasn't all that great.
also add the dink the lost dinosaur r34 that was almost animated because someone sent the wrong pictures
There's also that Wally Wood "Dirty Disney" poster from the 60's
I think there's no confirmation/proof that it was Wood, but he's the most commonly believed artist
Schulz had a heart attack in the early 80s, but as far as I know, he didn't have problems with hand tremors until the final few years of his life.
Wasnt that the same incident that led to the cancelling of the show since they planned it to be land before time 2.0
>Batman TAS Poison Ivy animation stills
Tell me more about this one.
Before conforming something is "true", where did you get that?
"My entire life has been tragic if you think about it. I'm 75 and the only thing I've ever accomplished in life was drawing a comic strip."
what about the adult flinstones scenes?
At least he's not anthony burch
Lucy yanking the football from Charlie Brown was a metaphor for Schulz's marriage. When he divorced his wife in the late 60s and had an affair, he did a series of strips about Snoopy dating a cute girl beagle.
I think he understood perfectly well how he could make money off of his comic, and I'm sure he's still living comfortably on book sales. He just thought the idea of selling off his characters for merchandising and watered-down cartoons was distasteful and would stain his original work by association.
It'd also ruin the imagination/magic of the comic - imagine going to a store as a kid and seeing a whole shelf full of mass-produced Hobbeses with tags on them, then taking one home and coming to the very disappointing realization that even a "Calvin and Hobbes (TM)" brand stuffed Hobbes is just a bunch of fluff and cloth, and that Hobbes should be with Calvin anyway, and that you'll never have a fuzzy friend with a fun personality who constantly keeps you company and loves you unconditionally like that. That could ruin the comic for a kid. The standards would be set too high.
I liked it because it was aimed at my extremely young age group but still gleefully taught me words like "nihilism" and "avant-garde". It's not the greatest thing ever made, but it's the best newspaper comic by miles and up there among the greatest works of the medium of comics in general.
get outta here Sup Forums
>High Horse
>Just doesn't want his characters to be made into merchandise.
>Sacrificed potential millions by sticking to his ideals.
Yeah no, I side with Watterson.
Go make a Hobbes plush yourself if you want that sweet merch so much.
C&H is great work but no matter how great something you make is you should act with humility. You don't see Gary Larson acting like a complete prick
>- Sleeping Beauty concept art depicting her bust size and director notes
What's really wrong with this? You want your character models to remain consistent
Is that the latest from the musical?
I don't see how he's like John K. at all.
I don't think I've ever read a single interview in which he's criticized contemporary work for not being like the comics he enjoyed in his youth.
He understood the commercial medium very well and wanted no part of it.
There's also the fact that unlike John K., Bill Watterson still can draw. He's probably drawing right now.
He'd have starved to death in the 30s/40s. Publishers would have made him sign a new contract every time he got a paycheck, owned his characters and just waited until they knew what the readers wanted from them before finding some other bum to draw them for cheap.
I don't think he ever claimed his work was the Best Work, he just wanted to make it for the pleasure of living comfortably off of his artistic efforts without feeding it through the wringer of the children's media/merchandising industry or being obligated to engage his masses of fans.
And to think, all those Susie Derkins dakimakuras we missed out on.
>wanting a daikamura of the president of the deluded fruit-cakes anonymous
>not wonga taa
that would take all the charm out of it
>I don't think I've ever read a single interview in which he's criticized contemporary work for not being like the comics he enjoyed in his youth.
Maybe you should read more interviews.
>There's also the fact that unlike John K., Bill Watterson still can draw. He's probably drawing right now.
On what basis are you saying this?
Susie isn't moe enough for that shit.
>being obligated to engage his masses of fans.
There's "not engaging" and then there's "being actively contemptuous of". He is definitely a prick.
underrated post
I remember reading somewhere that he lives with his elderly father in an isolated log cabin. The guy does seem like a weirdo.
I don't think I've seen anything that suggests he dislikes his fans. I've seen that he likes to keep his privacy as far as avoiding interviews and being a general recluse goes, and for the autographs I could see it as him trying to prevent someone from commodifying his signature - imagine how much a signed Calvin and Hobbes collection would go for.
>Calvin and Hobbes created a level of attention and expectation that I don't know how to process
I would if you'd do me the honor of pointing them out to me. In an interview from 2013 he even said the equivalent of "to each their own".
As for art, well there's always the work he did on PBS in 2014.
He used to sneak signed copies of C&H into bookstores, but stopped once he realized they were being sold off for the highest bidder.
Dude just wants people to appreciate the comics as they are.
I don't understand the point of going in the first place if he is not going to do a single thing related to a con at all. Why put himself there if he apparently hates it and does not want to take part in it?
He's a weird dickhead control freak.
My understanding is that he doesn't go to cons anymore so he must have realized this at some point.
Whatever he said could really also be applicable to a lot of today's (and the last decade's) internet humorists.
If you want to eat shit you have super hero comics for that.
Is Moe moe?
Nah, this was actually a rant by a well known, but complete douchebag scifi author from the 60's Harlan Ellison
He was ranting in the commissary at Disney about how he would make a Disney porn using the characters about 10 feet away from Walt and Roy.
>Happened, but it was some con goer bullshittery
>Harlan Ellison, totally true
>No way this happened, Bluth was an annoying Mormon goody goody
>This is probably not half as bad as people make it out to be
>This actually happened, but it was doodles from official artists etc on napkins
>This is true, Timm also made tons more images like it elsewhere on his old 90's site, and in his journals.
>happened, find it on youtube, it's average at best
I'm sorry you're too lazy to make your own Calvin doll.
Comparing Watterson to John K is a shallow comparison that is basically "artist not like new things, complains about them" which could be applicable to a lot of artists. Or non-artists for that matter. By your standard we might as well say C.C. Beck and Alan Moore and John Byrne are like the John K of comic books but each approach things far differently and the comparison becomes meaningless.
Watterson did manage to get a larger format going for his comic, so arguably he succeeded at going for what he wanted compared to John K. And arguably more people still think fondly of Watterson's work over Ren and Stimpy Adult Party.
>But sometimes I think Bill Watterson needs to get off his fucking high horse.
Some people just aren't extroverts. This is doubly true for a profession that requires a lot of introspection. Being indignant at artists like Watterson for not allowing people to impose themselves on him is fan entitlement, and entitlement is what makes every fandom seem so damn cringey from the outside looking in.
You are, are 100% correct. Anti-commercialism is not a bad thing, but Watterson takes to a place that is too extreme, and even a bit ugly. You can have some mass produced things without turning into a parody of Gordon Gekko.
An you guys.... just ugh. Please crawl back into the CalArts, or Vancouver, or San Francisco, or whatever up-its-own-ass place you learned these obnoxious anti-fun ideas shrouded in the overblown ideals of some art professors anti-commercialism in-class rant.
(or maybe you just drank the Hollywood cool aid that they love to spew about even fun commercial stuff being "muh e-vul cap-i-tull-ists", while simultaneously selling you Disney branded diapers for your babies)
Either way. Watterson is a prick and can get rekt. I look forward to his kids or grandkids instantly selling out upon his death and the slow of unfetter Calvin and Hobbes merch that is gonna flood the market.
Seriously, what does it matter to you that he decided not to commercialise his work? Are you bitter you never got you official Hobbesplush, or trademark approved "Calvin pissing on logos" stickers?
I assume he wanted stickers of Calvin doing something other than peeing on things
Aww someone is butthurt that the crybaby autismo-artismo wont get his way for all eternity LOL. (neither will you kiddo)
And yeah, some product other than a sticker of Calvin putting and his ideas in the place they deserve would be nice. :)
Im with this guy. Capitlaism at its zenith sucks ass, but what made america great was the joyus commercialism of the 80s and 90s.
>I don't think I've ever read a single interview in which he's criticized contemporary work for not being like the comics he enjoyed in his youth.
He has done it, though. He has criticized lazy art, shallow writing, merchandising deals, cape comic violence, and other stuff.
Still, I don't really see him and John K. as comparable people. Watterson's choice to retire and fade out of the comics scene when he was still on the top was his deliberate personal decision. John K appears more like a has-been who hit his peak long ago and keeps failing to create something of relevance ever since Ren & Stimpy ended. Furthermore, it's hard to find newspaper strips that surpass Calvin & Hobbes, but there are a lot of animations that are superior to Ren & Stimpy.
I have wondered the same thing.
It was so tame it could have probably aired on TV just fine.
Admittedly it wasn't any more offensive than Spongebob's Sailor Mouth episode, however there is apparently an uncensored version with the voice actors actually swearing but im not buying it.
Can't find any info on 3-6 anywhere
It definitely has been proven to be wood, it was published in The Realist and he's credited for it.
Isn't there also the Jiminy Cricket having sex with Tinkerbell animation?
Semi-related bump
>Many of the animators who worked on [Fritz the Cat] were professionals that Bakshi had previously worked with at Terrytoons, including Jim Tyer, John Gentilella, Nick Tafuri, Martin Taras, Larry Riley, and Cliff Augustine.
>According to Bakshi, it took quite a long time to assemble the right staff.
>Those who entered with a smirk, "wanting to be very dirty and draw filthy pictures", did not stay very long, and neither did those with a low tolerance for vulgarity.
>One cartoonist refused to draw a black crow shooting a pig policeman.
>Two female animators quit; one because she could not bring herself to tell her children what she did for a living, the other because she refused to draw exposed breasts.
Watterson just wants to be left alone. Dude enjoys a quiet life, it's not like that's so bad.
It seems like the guy just has real anxiety issues with publicity. Can you blame him for wanting to live a peaceful life away from the world?
Best Sup Forums meme
I just had the most horrible Vision of a Funko hobbes
You don't see Gary Larson at ALL. The dude is less visible than Watterson.
>Either way. Watterson is a prick and can get rekt. I look forward to his kids or grandkids instantly selling out upon his death
He doesn't have any kids.
>"Drawfag" criticising one of the masters of the form who by that point had to grasp his drawing hand with his OTHER hand to stop it shaking
He had to hold his drawing hand with his other hand. I don't see how holding onto his drawing desk would ameliorate the problem. Sorry, not trying to be a dick, it's just there are several accounts of what I wrote reported by everyone from journalists to other professionals
He has an adopted daughter.
Schulz expressed shock in his later years at how mean-spirited many of the strips from the 50s were.
Which pairing?
>An you guys.... just ugh.
>Those who entered with a smirk, "wanting to be very dirty and draw filthy pictures", did not stay very long, and neither did those with a low tolerance for vulgarity.
Of course. What he was looking for was the right combination of dirty but not hardcore pornography, and it's difficult to achieve that balance.
>Two female animators quit; one because she could not bring herself to tell her children what she did for a living, the other because she refused to draw exposed breasts.
That was in the 70s, so a lot of people (especially women) were still quite prudish and had 1950s values. Probably wouldn't be an issue in the Tumblr age.
The man is a private person and quite simply just wanted to peacefully retire. He doesn't owe anyone anything.
Violet Watterson