>this is a british MI6 agent that operated in the united states outside their jurisdiction
why was this allowed
and would you Sup Forums?
This is a british MI6 agent that operated in the united states outside their jurisdiction
Other urls found in this thread:
I would reply to you, yes.
>>this is a british MI6 agent
>>operated in the united states outside their jurisdiction
And? Secret Squirrel was a bandit and trespassed on private property without a warrant multiple times just to "get the job done". Like Bugs Bunny, he would get his sick kicks too while disguised as a woman, slowly rubbing himself on all the men he was sent to investigate. I recall him unzipping someone's dick while he was dressed up like a pansy as well, once. Disgraceful.
Why were all the women i this show so damn hot
Even that bee villain had a huge rack
What does a bee need breasts for anyway
because america is rightful british clay you filthy rebel
because rodents are for fug and hug user
I'd tell you to stuff your tea where the sun don't shine, you filthy lobster-backed scum, but you guys are uncucking yourselves pretty well as of late, so I can't in good faith be contentious with a fellow dissident nation.
fuck you, fuck uncle sam, fuck apple pie and fuck eating steak rare like the filthy barbarian you are
>fuck you
>fuck Uncle Sam
Well if you feel that way that's fine.
>fuck apple pie
Hey now we didn't even invent that, I believe that was the Dutch.
>fuck eating steak rare
This is really fun, are you actually a britbong?
i know you have the drawings, user
Is there rule 34 of that squirrel?
There has to be.
It's the rules.
every country operates illegals, even your allies
everybody does it the world over, and everybody accepts it and even knows who most of them are but does nothing (because expelling them, since they're most likely there on diplomatic covers, is a time-consuming process which will only result in your own illegals being traded home)
the alternative is diplomacy, which is for wankers
And you know I can't post them here.
I feel you. Timon and Pumbaa had a music video they would air after some episodes about how much they liked eating bugs, and the one really fat bug they wanted to eat had some pretty womanly hips. This picture doesn't really show it that well, but I noticed it even as a kid.
It's hip
America is a trash country ruled by a literal fascist.
Britain is a meme country. Sup Forums said so
>it's another "let's insert Sup Forums into a thread that doesn't need it." episode
>>this is a 'murican secret agent that operated in the United Kingtom outside their jurisdiction
Also why is this allowed
Also, would you?
do you think she likes nuts? ...human nuts?
Would I watch it?
Well first I would need to know what it's called.
I totally forgot about this girl, but seeing her has jogged memories of thinking she was really, really cute as a kid. Kid-me was right; still cute.
Not only is there porn, there's also porn of her as a human.
That's the Danger Mouse reboot. It's better than I expected it to be.
Zoom in. How many characters can you name?
Five Eyes motherfucker.
Ya like jazz and getting turned on by simple character designs
>not letting her operate in your jurisdiction
What are you, some kinda fag?
To feed honey to the larvae
Use a proxy, do it outside of the hospital.
MI6 is foreign intelligence, that's what they do. MI5 is domestic.
>and would you Sup Forums?
She's probably in her late 60's/early 70's by now. Depending on how she aged, we'll have to see.
Assuming, of course, she aged like a human.
If she's anywhere near Slappy Squirrel, very yes.
Why do I feel like this kickstarted a lot of furries?