And KOTOR 2 is better than anything canon Mousefag
Wyatt Diaz
>All i did was C+P the OP fuck you cunt You're supposed to remove the embeds, dude
Juan Smith
Charles Phillips
H-he could still be a triple agent! They're just trying to fool everyone!
....I'm gonna lose another husbando. Goddammit.
Eli Campbell
You knew the rules
Kevin Hall
I like that death trooper in the back
Noah Thompson
Dammit Dave, you hypocrite! Why can't he be Schrödinger's husbando? You did it for your waifu. Unfair!
Dylan Jenkins
you could do away with colonies and mid rim
or at least change mid rim and expansion
Angel Long
That's how it is on the official canon map
Samuel Walker
David Nguyen
He failed to use the sheev spin when he needed it the most. It's a good trick
Jeremiah Gutierrez
I don't understand why so many people have a "Who is Snoke?" theory when there's blatant evidence who he is. He's clearly Palpatine because JJ said "we need a character who's the Emperor" and then they made Snoke
Mason Campbell
He could try offering them sexual favors for the duration of the rotation. It's his only option at this point to escape execution.
Anthony Turner
>Implying Snoke is not going to end up being some nobody we've never heard of before that J.J pulled out of his ass for TFA
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Too bad that's what they're using Lyste for to make up for his failures
Levi Ramirez
kek, classic JJ!
They've got two films to tweest it around, they won't make him just a throw away villain.
Just like in my fanfictions!
Mason Sullivan
Well fuck.....
Jace Long
Well, he is kinda cute. I bet he cries a lot.
Easton Anderson
He does. But not as much as Aresko did.
Hunter Green
Whoa, who is this guy?
Cooper Adams
Given your reaction, I'm guessing your new husbando. In which case I have bad news for you.
Jeremiah Morgan
Yogar Lyste, aka that one Imperial guy who's been on the show for three seasons that for some reason is only now getting noticed by the husbandofags
Leo Hernandez
Blake Lewis
Star Wars is literally just hot dudes running around in robes or Nazi uniforms, wiht the occasional chick. Maybe you should switch to Star Trek if homolust offends you.
Jacob Miller
Why do all helmets in star wars have T-shaped opening/visors?
Anthony Johnson
I dunno, it seems like a bad idea. It's basically saying 'aim here' isn't it?
Landon Hernandez
Because they're based on roman/spartan helmets
Nathan Morales
I must be dense or something, because that is just too obvious.
Brayden Peterson
Yeah but the ancient world had no laser guns and advanced aiming tech, and the chances of someone hitting you in the eye with an arrow were rather low. In SW it seems like it would be rather easy to take an eye out.
Grayson Perez
Soldiers today don't even have full helmets, it obstructs visibility. They even mention how stormtroopers cant see shit
Ayden Cox
This map isn't accurate, but it might be of interest.
Dominic Price
Well yeah, all the high profile husbandis are dead so it's slim pickings.
Wyatt Phillips
is that blood on Kallus's forehead?
Jackson Brown
>This map isn't accurate How is it not?
Isaac Phillips
Well for one, Mortis has no fixed location
Julian Garcia
That doesn't make it inaccurate. The map is just showing its location at one particular point in time
Jaxon Green
How much would someone have to pay you to fight a magnaguard?
Chase Phillips
Placements aren't exact, kind of 'spirit of', I think Hosnian Prime has been moved a fair bit too
Gavin Wilson
Fucking cutie
Wyatt Morales
Leo Anderson
I won't leave you! Not this time.
Alexander Baker
Camden Miller
Then you will die.
Jonathan Hill
Too old
Nicholas Cruz
shieeeet, OP is a faggot
Jordan Howard
Juan Collins
I loved the slight sad expression on his face after she said that. Like it was probably the biggest emotional stab he's had since Padme's death, but then the Dark Side influence quickly kicks in , and he's probably all like 'Too little too late, bitch. Where was that shit 17 years ago?"
Asher Mitchell
Chase Moore
Camden Wood
William Bell
Too old.
Henry Powell
Still hotter than that slut
Cameron Martin
She is no slut! She only ever had eyes for Ezra.
Samuel Johnson
Why did Galen give this up for Lyra though
Ethan Adams
Galen doesn't like dick.
Thomas Thompson
They went to the academy together, of course they experimented
Logan Wilson
Wyatt Perez
She seduced him and turned him against Krennic
the cunt
Dylan Bell
So is it confirmed that Starkiller Base was Ilum, or just heavily implied?
Dominic Young
Somebody draw Ahsoka in this style.
Benjamin Watson
From the same system as Ilum, but not the same planet.
Oliver Hughes
>Ahsoka did I ever tell you about Obi Wan chopping off my limbs and leaving me to burn to death while saying he loved me like a brother? He was not a good master.
Jeremiah Long
Where is that info from?
Wyatt Bennett
Pabby G
Connor Sanders
Don't talk like that, weirdo.
James Evans
I keep trying to imagine worst case scenarios for him so that when it finally happens I won't suffer as much. the worst I've thought of is Thrawn putting one of those "good soldier" chips in him before sending him to meet up with the Rebels crew.
Ryder Foster
Lucas King >“[The next Star Wars Battlefront] is dramatically larger than the last one. It will have a single-player component to it. We’ll add a lot of new Star Wars characters that we didn’t have in the first game two years ago because it was before the two movies that have come out. The Star Wars universe is just unbelievable to build games in, because it’s so vast. So, [it’s] very exciting.”
Are you excited for all those new characters that will be in DICEFront 2?!?! All those TWO movies sure will add a lot to justify making an entirely new game!!
>“[…] we’ve got a Star Wars action game, which is very open; it’s great to explore in a Star Wars universe,” he said. “Part of the action genre is all about that exploration.”
Andrew Cooper
I would be fine if they add in some of the Rebels characters. Won't hold my breath for any novel or comic characters though. Be sweet if Lothal was a playable map.
Luis Price
We'll see how it turns out but I'm having more fun with GoH and Force Area for $0
Asher Hall
Oh, what are those chips?
Parker Perez
I want to fly over Garel. It would remind me of the Rogue Squadron mission, Liberation of Gerard IV. Plus Garel is beautiful
Jeremiah Price
The ones they put in clones.
Matthew Ramirez
No clones, no buy.
Luis Thomas
post Twileks
Aiden Allen
Jesus christ youre a faggot
>s-so what if i fucked it up?! >a-at least i made the picture kotor >i-its better than your lame m-mouse stuff!!
Charles Thompson
Okay am I blind or is Lothal not there?
Logan Moore
You're not blind. user just refuses to put it on there.
Benjamin Carter
>wanting inferior alien waifus
Joshua Nelson
Luke Campbell
>finally getting noticed by husbandofags, because all the other attractive Imperial men have been killed >he is immediately framed when fans start to get attached to him, and probably sent to be executed for treason All part of the plan
Nolan Lee
They can get fucked after the first one.
Only thing that could persuade me is Clone Wars.
Any self-respecting fan will agree with me.
Christian Jones
only way I'd get it is if they had clone wars
Wyatt Edwards
The Grand Scheme will strike again in Zero Hour.
Grayson Diaz
Should Yoda's origin be explored in any kind of medium be it comics/books except movies?
Asher Morgan
No, it's bad enough that Yaddle was even a thing, however brief it was it's still canon.
Isaiah Perez
No and Yaddle is a mistake
Nathan Watson
But "The One Below" is one of the better Star Wars Tales stories.
Owen Rogers
Only if it involves seagulls
Aiden Richardson
>Star Wars Tales
Isaiah Flores
Making Yoda some special snowflake "last of his species" would be better?
They are almost certainly never going to explore Yoda beyond that anyways, so you dont have to worry
David Rogers
>Making Yoda some special snowflake "last of his species" would be better?
Literally yes.
Brody Torres
So why didn't the Empire keep a few of these babies around. They were a very good escort fighter.
James Lewis
>Making Yoda some special snowflake "last of his species" would be better? indubitably