Why is he the best boy? What can we do to protect his smile? How can we save him?
Why is he the best boy? What can we do to protect his smile? How can we save him?
There is no saving Ludo, he is already gone.
Toffee is best boy.
I want Toffee to fuck me in the ass.
Toffee is the type who'd agree to fuck you in the ass, but then you'd wake up after that drink he gave you with your wallet and car keys gone, and probably with a dick drawn on your face. Toffee don't give a shit, he owes you nothing.
Alan Tudyk is an absurdly excellent voice actor. I even believed his British accent in Death At A Funeral (bad movie don't watch)
Good. He can do whatever he wants with me.
He is a literal baby, boo hoo family issues boo. Grow the fuck up you queer and get your own house.
Best boy gonna lose his arm.
We all have lawyer lizard lust.
Moon? Is that you?
Toffee a shit
>Grow the fuck up you queer and get your own house.
He literally did all of that in season 2.
user a liar
Give him some slack he's a moody teen, in twenties at best.
No, I'm just another Toffeefag. Get with the program.
Toffee a best
I like Ludo but he's so damn annoying at the same time. I hope he turns out fine but then I also hope he dies a violent death.
Agreed. Toffee is great.
>wanting cold, manipulative lizard over loyal, protective amphibian
Yvgeny will treat you right.
>I hope he turns out fine but then I also hope he dies a violent death.
This, desu. It's been a while since I've both wanted to cheer a character on and mercilessly kick its punk ass.
Buff Frog is a devoted father. I don't want to drag him into my sadomasochist sex fantasies.
But cold, manipulative lizards are my fetish.
Dennis will die trying to save his brother, and this will snap Ludo out of his unconscious state, and Ludo will wrestle control away from Toffee.
No, Ludo fucking sucks. I want that spider and eagle to eat him before the end of the show.
Is true. What Buff Frog needs is stability, good job, and mate who won't eat babies.
Why are we not talking about the fact that his father beats his mother?
Domestic violence in a Disney cartoon
It's truly a new age boys
She just fell down some stairs, cause she's so clumsy
Looks like eyeshadow unless her other eye is bruised as well.
I hope he has a BAD END if only because he's not the kind of character who gets a happy ending. He's really fun and enjoyable to watch but if his life wasn't Kafkaesque and doesn't end horribly, he'll lose some of his charm.
Maybe all mama birds just have a single eye that gets swole shut from time to time.
Helps them learn the needs of the nest a lot faster.
I don't think it's spousal abuse. It's more like this.
Michael C. Hall's voice really helps. Never thought a lizard in a suit could have such a sexy voice.
I shouldn't laugh at this but I am.
Wasn't his eye a genetic defect from the toxic sludge?
I don't think it fits the queen.
Undertale gave us goat mama.
Now we have Owl Mama.
Toffee is frighteningly attractive. I would go furry for him.
Yes, he is too pure. Not for dirty gay sex.
Aren't they kappas?
im pretty pissed he lost everything so fast and offscreen
ludo was made for sufering
man thinking about it
this show has top notch voice acting
they're clearly birds, user.
They all do have kappa bald spots though.
He was a complete fucking bitch in season 1.
After Ludo in the Wild he became based through pure suffering and emerging triumphant over nature with nothing but a bag of chips.He might be misguided, warped and broken, but he'll always be da best.
>Moon tries to bring him back to sanity but he tells her to fuck off because his current state is the only thing in his life that he can be proud of
Da best.
Also best VA together with Toffee
post lewd Toffees and cute Ludos