Why are all the latest cartoons pushing the gay agenda

In all seriousness, they need to fucking stop this disgusting shit!

God doesn't exist.

He's gonna do it
He's gonna bait it
To the sky and beyond!

Better question is, why are you so insecure and easily triggered?

>getting this triggered over a bunch of background characters kissing for a split second you wouldn't even notice if you wouldn't freeze-frame your cartoons like a fucking autist

Go back to reading your bible.

When you stop pushing your faggot agenda.

what show is this

OP is a faggot, starring OP the faggot.

Star vs. The Forces of Evil.
Now someone please nuke this thread.

Doesn't an agenda imply a goal or at least a desired effect? What's the end game of showing two guys kissing?

Anyone who was actually triggered over this needs to re-evaluate their priorities.

Calm down you filthy prudish Sup Forumstard

>Implying I was only talking about a single show.

Could you answer please?

What's the "agenda?"

This thread is just awful. 0/10

I want /r/donald to leave.

americans will all turn gay and finally stop having their ugly retarded useless children

not sure if inbred christfag or bait

But user, if cartoons show gays, all the plot and characterization will have to go because there won't be any space for it anymore, because there will be just so much gay in it. And what if the kids start thinking gay people are *legasp* normal?! Why can't these gays be gay in their house?

good post, you triggered a ton of tumblrtards

Well that's already happening, gay or no. Selfish people make for poor parents, and millennials hate the concept of responsibility so they generally avoid childbirth.

That's what I've heard before, but I was curious to know if maybe Sup Forums user had another reason.

For a group of people who worship Western values and idolize Western culture, they seem to ignore that a lot of the people who founded Western thought were really, REALLY into buttsex.

What a wonderful way to safely promote population control. Shut up before they figure it out retard.

OP kill yourself

Do you think the storks were always cool with letting same-sex couples adopt? Or did they update the rules after 18 years?

what's this from?

So we're not gonna talk about the interracial couple or what?

(Also if someone tried to hold a baby like that in real life the joy of parenting would be over real soon.)


This. OP here. The pic was related to what I was talking about, not that show specifically.

Now, where to begin. By just simply showing Homosexual character(s) (regardless of their importance or impact into the show itself) sends a strong message to not only children watching the show, but to appeal and please the gay community itself.

The desired effect you ask? Simple. It's to gain ratings, viewers, and profit.

By having/adding Homosexual characters in a children show, you've openly stated that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality period to that said child who's watching his/her favorite show. Even if it's a "brief second" of screen time with no kissing or spoken lines/quotes, it still sends a strong message.

I'll come back later to talk how this also affects the community and society in another time. Maybe I'll explain what I said with more detail and easier explanation.

Completely different, user.

Ah ok I get it now. You're a crazy person. Or Australian shitposting.

Sure is Sup Forumsmblr in here

Being gay isn't normal. Its wrong by nature. Faggots can't have children, and shouldn't. Every single gay person, just like every single pedophile has been molested, or has some kind of trauma, or brain damage.

Every gay person I ever met has had sex with another gay person. Do you think that is a coincidence?

The agenda of reflecting the reality that gay people exist?

Sure is /r/donald here.

32-year-old user here. I was a kid back when interracial couples in cartoons were as weird as gay couples now.

I recently watched Jem and kek'd hard when this dude walked in and made a fucking beeline for the black Hologram. And then I realized that if I were 10 I would have shipped these two like Cartman shipped Token and Nicole.

That they all need a better taste in Music or all three are braking up the wrong tree.

>Or Australian shitposting.

Why couldn't that faggot moot just global range ban all of Australia when he had the chance?
No chance of Hiroshima doing it.

I am convinced all this shitposting on Sup Forums during this time is there handiwork.

pls no bully the conservative. Otherwise they'll start ranting that free speech is being violated and they'll put a screaming toupée in charge of a superpower to show them who's boss.

And they said Sup Forumsmblr wasn't real

Nice filename.

fags are mentally ill prove me wrong

/r/donald are fag enablers though you dumb reddit cuck

Technically they are, but the point is, what the fuck do people care?

I would argue they aren't, but the real question is, does it matter? If they're happy, productive members of society, and don't affect my life at all, then who am I to care?

>Australian shitposting
oi 2009 howdy

Homosexuality is totally oversaturated in comics and cartoons. It's the cool new thing to have now instead of the black best friend, you've got to have a gay friend instead.
It's got to the point that it actually seems weird, because they aren't actually a tenth of the American population like black people are.

daily reminder that the website's culture has been ruined by uptight conservatives who were brought here by Sup Forums

Well at least unlike SU or AT, Star vs doesn't make itself about the gayness.

>Every gay person I ever met has had sex with another gay person.

It's almost as if they prefer homosexuals!

it makes itself about shipping which is just as gay

also about a fucking boy that looks a bit too good in a dress

so this show is all about disgusting fetishes and homosexuality fits right into it

>Being gay isn't normal. Its wrong by nature.
Then why has homosexuality been observed in nature?

>By having/adding Homosexual characters in a children show, you've openly stated that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality period to that said child who's watching his/her favorite show. Even if it's a "brief second" of screen time with no kissing or spoken lines/quotes, it still sends a strong message.
And? There's nothing wrong with homosexuality.

This trend is nothing but virtue signaling, no agenda.

That was the celebrity nude leaks in 2014 you moron. Gamergate discussion was banned on Sup Forums.

Guys, not that user but

>Every gay person I ever met has had sex with another gay person.

makes it pretty obvious it's a joke.

The problem is, homosexuality should be normalized, but instead people kept pandering and being obnoxious about it, so now when a "normalized" scene like this happens triggered anons mistake it for pandering.

both sides of this argument are a lost cause because nature fucks up and creates monstrosities all the time

>virtue signaling
>on the place famous for being the alt-right's beehive

That isn't even close to the gayest thing this show has done.

Why should homosexuality be normalized? It isn't normal. It's never going to be normal. It will always be at best a curiosity.

>people kept pandering and being obnoxious about it, so now when a "normalized" scene like this happens triggered anons mistake it for pandering.
Fucking this. This is like the least offensive way possible to display homosexuality, yet somehow people still find a way to get offended by it.

The point is, it exists. And there's no reason to hide it or persecute it beyond the fact that it triggers those who can't handle the different or the alien.

You could say the same about anal vore fetishists.

the trend of gay characters in cartoons

>Being gay isn't normal. Its wrong by nature.
>By nature

Actually, homosexual behavior has been noted to exist among many animal species on the planet, it's one of nature's many purposes to keep a number of certain species in check and prevent them from overpopulating.

You only think it's unnatural because a book of fairy tales called Bible says so.

What about the blatant hetero agenda?
Why is the media pushing boy/girl relationships down our throats.
Why can't an individual decide for himself/herself/xenself what kind fo relationships he/she/xe likes to watch.

I refuse to believe there are people this retarded out there. There just can't be.

What's the difference between anal vore fetish and heterosexual fetish?

Aside from the fact that kinks and your sexuality are different things, well yeah. Why would you attack (as in, actively oppose) someone for their fetish?

>Take issue with characters in background shots at a boyband concert in SoCal
>not the girl with a crush on the female lead
>not the fact that the male lead has repeatedly and comfortably crossdressed
Star vs isn't a pandering show, my dude. It's just a little weird

Heterosexuality is the natural order.

What's "the natural order"?

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dick in vag

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One where the forces of Law and Chaos must be balanced.

Come friend, let us ride together and battle angels and demons alike.

>It's an "argument from nature" thread

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Even if it was, who gives a fuck? Humans pride themselves on ascending above the natural order in literally all other facets of life, why should sexuality be an exception?

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Is this how the alt-right recruits new members?

because i hate gays

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no, that's done by posting cherrypicked aggravating image captures of stupid articles from huffington post or such talking about feminism and other subjects that get neckbeard asses fuming

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They aren't worth your hate user. Care about what actually matters.

Why? Why the fuck did anyone respond to this thread?

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