Teen Titans 4 estimated units sales only 41,304
Why Damian is not selling more?
Teen Titans 4 estimated units sales only 41,304
Why Damian is not selling more?
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He is, that's a decent number, even if its nothing fantastic
anywhere from 25-40k is within the good margin not counting the volume sales, does that number include the digital releases?
It wouldnt.
its from this site
It's doing much less than N52 TT.
And to answer your question OP, fans are getting bored with TT and Damian isn't really a big draw.
Timfag it It sells better than any marvelbook or Tim book
Tim Drake has killed the titans..
I think Tim Drake's presence in the Teen Titans book Is a drama for the fans-Does anyone like Tim Drake ?
I sure don’t.
IT up to 38 in the top 100 comics in February ..Timyfag.
Where are you getting your numbers from? If I remember correctly TT during n52 would average much lower than what it is right now.
Tim drakes teen titan -- 23,566
red robin --27,861
Tim sucks.
>Damian isn't really a big draw
I'm not ragging on Tim since I like him better than Damian, but you're a fucking idiot. Look at the numbers of serials he guest stars in and you'll see an average spike. Damien is a draw you're just fucking insecure and a beta.
the art is terrible
you fucks are the worst
It is just Timfag.He starts again tim is a special snowflake-But tim sells like shit
red robins salles 2009 31,873
>doesn't have a valid argument
>nitpicks grammar
>"sure showed him"
Faggot snowflake motherfuckers like you can eat a dick.
timfags are the reason why Tom king hate Tim .
Lookin' at the numbers right now by release, n52 TT was selling from 15-25k TOPS, at the first few releases it sold well(cuz of hype mostly) but then it tapered off fucking hard. Face it Damien is saving Rebirth TT.
That's perfectly fine. With digital added to that the comics is doing good.
I will do post a post about tim drake comics sales--he was selling like shit.Since the 80's.
TT Damian isn't the real Damian. It's a fake. So I stopped buying.
No it's because no one right him right, he's either a smarmy snowflake or a vindictive little shit. He needs his own personality and writers who understand his character there were a few good solo runs I can't remember the issues but when he was the "normal" one he was great, Dick is the prodigal son, Jason is the rebel and Damien is the heir Tim needs to be the fucking anchor that keeps the Batman family strong and united since all of them have big personalities he needs to be the guy that plays on their characteristics to get shit done like a middle brother should.
>No it's because no one WRITES** him right
Fuck haven't slept in 49 hours sorry about that.
By far worst is DAMI xD
I know it was in the top 10 but aren't digital sales still very low overall?
It's hard to like tim his fans kill him for me..He is like the perfect white rich child that everyone hates..
1. Detective Comics (2016-) #951
2. Justice League of America (2017-) #1
3. Action Comics (2016-) #974
4. Wonder Woman (2016-) #17
5. The Flash (2016-) #17
6. IvX (2016-2017) #5 (of 6)
7. Teen Titans (2016-) #5
8. Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps (2016-) #15
9. Amazing Spider-Man (2015-) #24
10. Black Panther (2016-) #11
I fucking hate fans in general although personally I find Cassfags the worst, they're rarer but rabid when their special snowflake is criticized.
its not even 50.000
Timfag.I it is in the top 50.
>It's another "Damian's #1 fangirl spamming Sup Forums for attention" thread
I wonder if we'll ever see Berryboy again. Maybe we can combine the two, blueberry Damian.
>YWN jerk off a bloated, helpless Damian
I hate Tim Drake fanboys.
>>It's another "Damian's #1 fangirl spamming Sup Forums for attention" thread
is is just tim fag ...
>Implying Tim Drake has fans outside of fujoshi Tim/Kon shippers
You're stressing over a non-existent group.
Tim Drake's popularity has fallen significantly over the past ...
He's refreshing, especially after Tim drake, and he had a great character arc.But mostly because Damian didn't show up ready made to be the perfect sweet little Robin. He was a jerk, he was annoying and he was self-important. But you know what? Damian grew, he evolved, he became a better stronger person while still staying true to his core character. He's beloved because he had an actual character arc.
Cos why eat vanilla (Tim ) when you can enjoy chocolate (Jason and Damian), you know?
Batman 14 is selling 106,816
Hey fuck you, vanilla is amazing. Tim is a shitty pistachio ice cream at best.
Pretty sure Jason would be strawberry and Damian'd be that blue smurf ice cream (because he's a tiny angry midget any way).
Jason is delicious dami too.They are a delicious sin ice...I'd eat the eva apple for jason...Because he is so hot and sexy-Jason is like the eva apple. You have to do him no matter what...my dami is caramel...
Nightwing 12 sales 46,057
Jesus christ, someone's thirsty as fuck.
Why are the only people who like Damian pedophiles?
because Damian is poison, literally only a vocal minority cares about him
Why are you sure TT is selling because of Damian?
i bet it sales because of Starfire.
I thought Damianfag hated Jason.
Did that Batman last month convert you?
It has
>Beast Boy
and was shilled literally everywhere no stop for months and it still sold less than Titans who got no advertisement
Because Damian would be the least likable Robin if Tim didn't exist
>still sold less than Titans who got no advertisement
You mean the Titans book that has both the Wallyfag, Dickfag and nostalgiafag audience sewn up? TT is doing fine, and so long as it stays over the 20,000 mark which even Lobdell's run managed, then it'll run until the next reboot.
>at the first few releases it sold well(cuz of hype mostly)
Rebirth TT was also hyped and still didn't do as well as New 52 TT at the start of the run.
Who said that I like Tim? And since you are the one who was triggered hard by my post, it's pretty obvious who is "the insecure and a beta" here.
Ah yes, Revan. Son of Trogin, a powerful demoness.
Now I want to see Damian with acne.
But it has Beast Boy it should sell more than 100.000
Tim works best as a straight man to whatever crazy stuff is happening around him,when writers try to make him edgy they mess with his character
Because the lineup is so fucking boring as said.
I don't get Damianfags, you always go on about how he's so much less bland than Tim is and then harp on about his development as a character, and said praised character development has always been him becoming more mild-mannered, less cocky, less arrogant, more competent and straight up average/vanilla... like, uh, TIM has always been?
...the fuck?
Still sells more than obscure shit like red hood.
>57 posts
>18 IP
>Red Hood
Leave him alone, user. The poor thing is extermly butthurt and can't think clearly.
You can't deny that it sells like shit compare to TT, faggot.
Yeah the lineup needs work. I like the characters but the writers are playing things safe right now.I'm not sure if Aqualad joining will make things more interesting, hopefully more characters join in the future.
>sells like shit compare to TT
Rhato is selling 30k while TT (a shilled book) is selling 40k. Yeah, what A MASSIVE gap. Freak off dumbass.
Damifags are cancer.
Timfag are cancerYou're doing an anti damian post ..And then cry because everyone hates Tim Drake.
grow up :)
i LOVE TEEN TITANS AND RED HOOD , Nightwing Deathstroke,,it are good comics..
Timfag just wants to post hate He is a boring loser.
Can someone please make pedo Damifag stop with the emo/ji/ticons
It just reiterates the mental image I have of this 60 year old man who barely knows how to use the internet aside from being able to shitpost and search for shota
Who the fuck is actually interested in the stories of Damian & Those Other D-Listers?
20 POST:
Timfag We all hate you :)