Is Bard Quest worse than Homestuck?
Is Bard Quest worse than Homestuck?
BQ > PS > HS > PB
>bard quest will never be completed
Even though it was never finished it's still leagues better than HS.
so how was hiveswap i heard it came out in january???
I heard it came out last year.
Which story had better codpieces?
I'm so fucking sick of homestuck threads disguised as MSPA threads
Just make actual fucking HS threads and stop getting my hopes up that someone made a thread for any of the other comics
>ever coming out
I like talking about Homestuck at length when I can (and also because I'm so ridiculously bored) but I feel ya user. I really love Problem Sleuth and every time I see a PS OP I always go in expecting lots of love for the comic.
Instead they're almost always HS threads in disguise after the first few posts. I don't mind if it's a 'talk about MSPA comics' or whatever but damn it I love Problem Sleuth too much to be faked out like that.
>bards quest
Easily my least favorite of the four, at least Jail Break had more content to it.
Dude, then just talk about Problem Sleuth. Better than the same fetish discussion being repeated over and over again.
I don't know man, I heard it came out in 2015.
Usually by the time I find one of those PS threads it's already about 50-70 posts in and full throttle into the typical Homestuck cancer that envelops the threads. Any effort typing anything out just feels like a non sequitr, or dumping apple juice into a sea of piss. Might as well take the effort elsewhere.
I just agree with that other user about how disappointing these threads are since they exist to be stealth Homestuck threads. Bards Quest legitimately doesn't have enough to live on its own as a thread topic for very long outside discussing disappointment that it was discontinued so quickly.
If you hate talking about Homestuck, then talking about hating talking about Homestuck won't get you less talking about Homestuck.
Problem Sleuth will stand the test of time; it still works as art after the event of publishing has passed. I can give my PS books to a friend, and know that they'll experience what I experienced.
how are the books compared to the original web version? I feel like the animated bits wouldn't be able to be portrayed as well in a still format.
the issue isnt people talking about HS it's HS threads being started under the guise of another comic. Happens every time MSPA comes up.
Your whining about the thread content is more annoying than the homestuck discussions.
The feel is different, but it still works. The animated gifs are better but the books I can read on a train. and the books I can hand to someone. It's easier to distribute a website ilnk, but ironically the less effort it takes to make the "read this" request, the less likely it will be acted upon. If I give someone a book, it's more likely to be read and digested than if I give someone a website url.
hussie should have really put all his horses in making a franchise out of problem sleuth.
it is a finished story, all the books are published, its a lot neater and rounded up, it could very easly lend itself to be adapted into other formats.
if it were to come out would you prefer animated series or animated movie for problem sleuth?
the only correct answer
OVA series. there's too much for a content for a single film and too much continuity for it to be split up into small episodes.
A series would work better. A significant part of the art's value is it's epic scope, how the author keeps raising the ante on his own story. A movie script is one minute per page, and condensing Problem Sleuth to a mere 90 or even 120 pages would lobotomise the work.
I hereby double this
man, hussie sounds so normal here, nothing like the weirdo who operated under five layers of meta irony that was on formspring or twitter at the hight of homestuck
Youre just salty
getting internet famous while making a webcomic will do that to people, especially when your fanbase gets taken over by people with their own agendas.
>his favorite character was one of the four original kids
>his favorite character was karkat
>his favorite character was vriska
>his favorite character was a furry.
>his favorite character was white.
>his favorite character had horns.
>his favorite character had a complete character ark.
>his favorite character had blood of any color.
BTFO favefags.
>he has a favourite character.
At least my favorite character isn't Terezi.
You don't need to find a PS thread. Just start talking about PS and you will get anons who want to join your discussion.
My fantroll is called Gofuck Urself.
But Bard Quest was never finished.
You say that like HS was finished
>implying he will ever release the epilogue
>implying we would even want it
It's pretty hard to talk about the other MSPA without mentioning how the creator went fucking bonkers and is never giving his fans their 2.5 million dollars back
trying to talk about non-homestuck MSPAs is like trying to talk about homestuck ships in homestuck threads that aren't davekat and davejade
I wonder what's going to be more interesting, the fact that (a.) Hiveswap ends up being a three-hour-long browser-tier piece of shit or (b.) it will be such a quiet launch that nobody will end up caring.
homestuck fans deserve to be robbed of their money imho
Her legs are very clearly hairy
And she has braces
bout fucking time she got braces, the whole prospit quartet needs some serious dental work.
>Calliope replaced Vriska's spot in the new universe
>Just like Ophius taking over Scorpio
Better get her one of those dog cones
Astral signs are pretty much the exact opposite of deep, but goddamn do they sell merchandise
Are there any art pieces of jade wearing a cone? I've seen stuff of Jack with it
This thread is now property of best boy. Other characters pls leave.
Fuck your shit character and fuck Act 6.