Why are they so cute and perfect?
Star vs the Morning
>Marco's arm is turned into a tentacle with a mind of its own, that tries to kill and eat others and attempts to strangle him at one point. This episode is also kicked off by him accidentally breaking his arm
>purple Mewberty gunk shoots out of Star's arm out of nowhere and sticks to a locker
>Marco karate-chops Tom's hand off before it reattaches itself through demon magic. Not even a plot point or anything; it just happens
>Toffee is permanently missing a finger and we see the open wound, including part of the bone, nearly every time he appears physically
>later on we also get to see the severed finger itself
>Toffee's arm is shot off and we get a direct shot of the bloody wound. Later it graphically regrows onscreen
>Marco's arm is briefly trapped within his crystal cage in the same episode, just long enough to give the impression something's about to happen to it
>Rasticore seems to have some sort of metallic/prosthetic arm; same with Meat Fork. Other incidental/background characters have traits like this too but they're the most prominent
>Rasticore also gets disintegrated and all that remains is a bit of his arm. Heinous goes on to carry the still-conscious arm around with her as it slowly regrows
>Rhombulus's snake hands have a mind of their own. They try to knock him unconscious, and he responds by physically beating them into submission and then crystallizing them
>Toffee regrows Ludo's own flesh over the bones that make up his wand. Ludo's own arm is now inside Toffee's while Toffee's bones are inside Ludo, making one hand of the possessed Ludo oversized. Ludo/Toffee also has a random rock in his hand now, to stabilize the wand crystal
So can we all just agree that Nefcy has a fetish for hand/arm body horror, or
When you spend enough time with someone, you have an unspoken bond that few others can understand or even experience. Some call it Love
Nefcy is pretty kinky. Have you seen her comics and animations?
I bet she wants Monster Arm to be her boyfriend too
Star losing her own arm when?
The weird stuff she draws is great.
>The body I've lost... the Kingdom I've lost...
>Star... I'm already a monster.
This show's writers is cucks?
>Marco is finally determined to find Star
>Went through multiple adventures saving helpless victims and beating evil monsters
>Famous among Mewnians for his mission: "I need to find Star."
>Star eventually learn of this, touched, but Moon reminds her to focus
>Star believes Marco will find him, because she believes in him
>Marco continues building up legends, allies, skills and weapons
>He went through hardships and loss, but keeps going because he "needs to find Star".
>Finally about to meet Star in S3 mid-season hiatus
>Both defeated a giant monster together
>On top of the monster, Marco held Star's hands
>"Star, I want us to remain friends."
We are all cucks enjoying works by other cucks.
whos the artist
i love this shit
I keep seeing you trying to force this, are you that weeb and want a pat in the back or something?
How dare you? This is a Christian image board, please delet this nudity.
I wanna have an episode about Heinous trying to crash Princess Marco con.
What about star vs the world?
I know he's like kinda your hero or something, but portraying hentai of a work to its creators are disgraceful.
>but portraying hentai of a work to its creators are disgraceful.
It's 2017, they knew what they were getting into by joining twitter.
They sure could handle it. I'm just saying.
The commission ain't dead, they're probably got zapped into some random magical place like Glossaryck in that one ep. In the live chat Nefcy pretty much confirmed they're important and will be back next season.
Soon when she goes full Dark Star.
>season 3 is all about corrupting Star as she tries to defeat Toffee
>they beat Toffee in the midseason finale but Eclipsa comes out of nowhere
>Star is manipulated into the dark side
>becomes Dark Star in the season finale
>season 4 is Star AND the Forces of Evil
oh i have been searching this pic for months!!!!!!
So what was the Trans Marco ttheorists' delusional explanation for older future Marco?
>Spend 6 hours reading Starco fanfiction
>more than a little lewd
>don't fap
>don't even take off pants
>left feeling warm comfort in my chest but also a deep longing
>from the darkest magical realms the most arousing I find is Marco calling Star his princess and Star calling him "Papi"
h e l p
but it could impoved tho.instead of an sharapnel horn, broken left horn on left of his head, and yellow hair. also posing like this pic
What did she mean by this
the fuck is wrong with her eyepatch?
>Ravage me right now, Marco
>"You want me to kiss ya?"
>"N-NO! I just want you to feed me pizza nuggets."
Nefcy knows how to twist the knife
don't read the comments
Starco 1000% endgame. If you disagree, you're in complete denial.
>finally forced myself to watch the entire song in Face the Music
This is some advanced level cringe. WOW. It makes the crush admitting from Starcrushed look like a cakewalk.
>this was used to contrast Marco and Star talking the same thing at the exact same time after they return from the Blood Moon Ball
A cruel Nefcy reigns.
I'm starting to believe that Tomco or Starckie might be a thing after all.
And it took adventure Time 8 seasons to get rid of a single arm
Well the creator is a woman with a cuck fetish, i wonder if Nefcy's fantasy is watch his beaner husband fucking the real life Jackie
Day 3 of cannot letting go of hearing Just Friends and the Princess Song
It was no secret
she's the rebel princess
show me your world
she's the best
and you run out of time
she rocks her narwhal blast and
we will be just friends
Marco finds out beyond the cool, She's a Ronnie
You Starcucks sure like to assassinate Jackie's character
There is plenty of Indian influence on these designs isn't it?
go stick to some SFW ones like broken
"a princess under true love spell"
Is he talking metaphorically?
Goblins are commies?
or better yet, stop embracing shitty ship like Starco
They try to drag her down to Star's level, the master of fucking up her own character and everything around her.
Who drew this?
It's pretty sad that Nefcy is going to have to break up a perfectly healthy couple just to satisfy the Starfags. Jackie is cool though and she'll probably move on
jackie is pretty cool
but she really needs an episode, all of her episodes were actually marco episodes, if she is to be a serious contender she needs some time for her non marco stuff, just friends is one of the few times we get to see some of her actualy interactions not orbiting marco
Wow those guys are disgusting. Can't believe people haven't grown up yet.
t. insecure jarcucks.
Your tears are going to be delicious when they eventually breakup.
That Souls guys sounds like he should grow up.
Nefcy seems like a contrarian. to the extent that she thinks about what the fans want, I wouldn't be surprised if she plans the Jarco route while Starco polls the highest, and will only divert to the Starco route if Jarco becomes more popular.
I hope this show gets a movie.
I hope Marco touch Jackie booby.
>implying he hasn't already
It's sad that even though she actually won the Marcobowl I can't think of an episode premise for a "Jackie episode". Something about a...skateboard? Maybe an episode where she taught Marco how to skateboard, like how Marco taught Star how to ride a bike?
This is clearly just me being inconsiderate towards this girl whose existence threatens my ship, but try as I might I can't conjure up a Jackie thing to exploit for an episode. So Jackie fans, if you're tasked to write an episode exploring Jackie (be it in the context of her character or her relationship with someone), what would you write?
I'm sure you see more in her than I do.
Even if they share my opinions these "Twitter owns" just makes me feel bad for everyone involved.
Manna is endgame
Janna is beautiful ...you can't deny that
She is worse than Star.
Janna is too beautiful for Marco. She should be with someone good, like...Toffee.
>if you're tasked to write an episode exploring Jackie
>exploring Jackie
Oh, I can write about it alright.
I've been under the assumption that a big part of Star's character arc is understanding that she can't have everything she wants. Coming to the realization that she can never have Marco, in my opinion, would be a great way to develop her character.
Reminder that Nefcy all but confirmed that Marco is Mars, and Star is Venus with Oscar's Keyboard.
>Oscar: You think maybe it will end up on Mars?
Proceeds to drop on Marco's house
>Marco is both an Italian and Spanish name. It derives from the Latin Markus, which in turn derives from Mars, the Roman god of war; "warring" is the meaning of the name Marco. Red is the color associated with the god of war--the planet Mars was so named because of its red color, resembling blood.
this comic is chris-chan level of shit
>opening post is shipping garbage
You fucking no better than that. Don't let me catch you doing this shit again.
What can you expect of Starcucks? They throw a bitch-fit when their ship is threatened, which is all the time since it isn't canon since the show started.
Didn't realize anomalyah had a new thing
instantly refuted by the live chat, but hey, you can't listen to everything
>Star is Venus
Does it mean that she'll give Marco a Venereal disease?
THIS, I've never seen a cartoon,at least don't remember one, with a moral law so mature as this, it would be great
>mommy please make them stop shitting on Starco
Her character arc is learning that her actions have consequences, not that she can't have what she wants.
The only Starcofags to throw bitchfits are those on the same level as Jarcofags - i.e. the people unable to understand how stories work or see what's coming.
Yeah, it's more likely that Oskar is gonna end up with Marco instead of that retarded theory of yours.
>Star learned that Jackie fits Marco better and that he should be with some Earth person
>Eventually got over her crush
>Marco started having a crush on this Star
There, we can fill up to season seven with this kind of shit
I mean, what do you expect? They like a character who overreacts when there's something she can't have.
Which is basically all of them.
>Star's Venus
But we already knew Star was a slut.
Just try and stop me fagtron
>Star is Venus
Botticelli's Star when?
So far Star's character arc was 'I constantly fuck the shit up and people get hurt because of me'.
It would be cool, but realistically speaking, there's 0% chance of happening.
When was the last time a show got a movie?
Add some occasional cuckening and we can call it a ten seasons at least.
exactly, she keeps doing stuff because she thinks one step ahead and it seems solid, but then it quickly spirals out of control for her
Yeah. let's not listen to the showrunners and focus instead on a fancomic from a buttmad shipper because it aligns with muh ship. Nevermind the fact that Marco would act out of character and make him act like a jerk, uproot his life toward uncertainty and leave behind his family and friends and girlfriend without explanation.
Yeah, let's turn Marco into an inconsiderate jerk instead of the person that Star fell in love with, that should work.
Most Starco fans rarely post, only lurk. Me for example.
Yeah, screwing up her life and those of others has been a common theme so far.
Dam this would be a very good lesson for kids. Too bad that they'll eventually pander to the fandom which is like 90% Starco
>When you realise you are about to be the cucked one
so will her relantionships
I thought this was a joke. Are the other facebook edits real too?