Why do so many girls fing him attractive?
Why do so many girls fing him attractive?
Girls like bad guys, same reason why guys like girls who are villains.
Not quite
Girls like villains because they're badguys, men like villainesses because they're shameless dogs when they see a cute girl
He looks like a dildo
>Why do so many girls fing him attractive?
When did this happen?
News to me too, but with his voice, I can believe it.
Looks like a penis. Studies show despite what they may say women are aroused by the sight of a hard dick.
Im a guy and I want to fuck plankton sooo fucking hard
I want to ride his tiny little evil green dick.
What the fug
Where are you getting this information from?
He makes me so fcking horny
Some people actually find him attractive? I mean, I don't doubt it's true, but what the hell do you consider sexy in a plankton?
I understand characters from anthropomorphic-centric media, like Liska from Scalie Schoolie and Nick from Zootopia, are attractive to a lot of people because of their great character design and personality.
But... A plankton with a failing restaurant? That's just a terrible taste.
sex ass dick
PS: It's the voice .
Is this a Bazinga joke, OP.
It's his villain personality. How he has charisma and confidence.
The same reason why there are so many fangirls for a floating triangle.
As usual, only the stupidest reasoning behind everything they do. Goddamn, I hate women.
>liking charisma and confidence
>stupid reasoning
granted plankton is fucking plankton and no amount of either can save him but still
>liking people who lack charisma
>liking people who lack confidence
no standards
>women love a guy for his personality
>men love girls for their bodies
Cmon now.
women love a guy for not being human so that they can draw humanized pictures of him as a tall handsome slightly INSANE gentleman with a glass of wine
I would agree but I've also seen a shit ton of non humanised stuff.
He's driven. Girls like a man who knows what he wants.
He went to college.
Also, his real life voice actor is pretty hot.
True. Just look at how girls like to draw Bill Cipher as a handsome young gentleman in a dandy costume.
I mean he tries to steal krkappy patty formula and doesn't afraid of anything
lmao thanks for the laugh
I love this thread
I need evidence for this claim.
Have you ever seen gay spongebob porn? Most of it is on model.
It's the eyebrow
I don't even see any girls liking him, but if I had to take a stab at why they WOULD like him, I can list a few things:
generally, girls like lower voices from guys. shows that they produce testosterone more than people with higher pitched voices
>character that gets beaten up a lot
he's kind of like starscream in this regard. many tween girls fawning over that kind of character because they get pushed over by other people in their respective shows. it awakens the maternal instincts in girls
kind of like the above point, but only because they think small things are cute (most things, at least... some other obvious things aren't that cute when small)
Are there even that many Plankton fangirls? I know that Squidward has a lot of fangirls for some reason.
You should listen to his Japanese voice though!
was he voiced by a girl in that one?
Yeah. Also, he sounds like a yandere loli from an ecchi anime .