It's a female character has that side-shaved hairstyle issue

>it's a female character has that side-shaved hairstyle issue

Why does this keep happening?

Looks cute on her, adds to the goth look for me. I just hate when every scene bitch who wants to try uses it.. then it loses it's splendor. But that skin tone and thair hair color with that eye shading... yeh boi.. i'm all about it. If her hair was pink or blonde and her skin was brown or tanned i'd be disgusted.

Because it's hot as fuck. 10/10 Chads agree

Have you ever seen a single mom in Wal-Mart? Time to leave the cul-de-sac Jack.

Because it's in. And frankly, the more you bitch about it, the more common it's going to become. So do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up already.

Here's an idea, make a thread about something you actually like instead of whining like and old geezer bitching about those damn kids?

Oh wait, this is Sup Forums. Liking things is against the rules.

Somebodies riding the menstruation train holy shit. Op was asking a question cuck, calm down.

Well you see OP, when things are popular, other people imitate them because that is easier to do than come up with something original

In the old days we called these things "trends" but around these parts you might know them better as "memes"

This actually. It is a hot "bad girl" look.

No, OP's having a fit because of a hairstyle like every other autist on Sup Forums

You sound triggered.

No! All women should look in a manner that only I find approving and not a single deviation from such.

It's been around for a few years now, shouldn't it be out of style already? Comics are usually behind on these things of course.

Yeah because Sup Forums shits up the board with fits about hairstyles

It's been around since the 70s. Shouldn't looking like a maiden be out of style yet either

Fashion is cyclical. The last time shaved sides were in style was the 90s. I don't remember seeing anyone with one in the 00s.

>OP literally just asked a question
>throwing a fit

It's just a Mohawk without the work of hair spray


It's the current fad hairstyle.
How is this so hard to get?

This is like complaining about mullets in the 90s.
Big hairspray hair in the 80s.
Afros in the 70s.
Cornrows or bleached blonde hair in the 00s.

Because believe it or not, that type of hairstyle is still in. And it suits characters who have some punk attitude to them.

Kagney Lynn karter. Comic artists get their inspiration from porn.

All I really wanna do is jizz on the shaved bit.

>really like these hairstyles
>they used to be associated with chill punk and goth girls
>now they're associated with SJWs and Miley Cyrus fans
I hate this timeline.

what fine tastes you have sir. Nothing like getting dirty with a nasty girl

I mean we did bitch about mullets and corn rows. A lot.

Cause you're faggots

>Killer Frost has a sidecut/mohawk?!
>Why does this keep happening?!
>This is a new develoment for CURRENT YEAR?!

So you're saying we were wrong about mullets being terrible?

>Had to qualify it with mohawk


Because it's a mildly popular hairstyle or not I don't much keep up with trends and nor do comic artists most the time even the most fashionable ones tend to be a bit behind the curve probably in no small part to the time it takes to make and release a comic that has connotations of alternative or edgy so they throw it on their villains or edgy girls and that's the thing.

That said I agree it's a pretty shit hair style and inferior to regular short hair, but I also agree with this bit.

>it's a male character has a mullet issue
it's just a fashion thing OP it'll pass eventually onto the next popular look

>associated with sjws
Maybe on the four corners of your screen and your limited internet browsing pallet

Most birds I talk to with this style are chill punk types. Try going outside and realizing that life is not your limited internet bubble, my dude.

Because when it's done right, it's hot.

There's degrees of side-shave, though. Too much and it's not sexy.

I don't know, but I like it.

What if that's the hell he actually lives in?

I wanna scratch the shaved bit while she rests her head on my lap

Side-shaved warrior women are my jam.

I know that. It's just whenever it's brought up on the internet no-one else thinks it's hot any more because of the association. Maybe that's fading though, this thread isn't all full of
>liking le sjw haircup
Like what usually happens.

Only on Orcs and that's only because Orcs always seem to have it for some reason.

well you better stop...or else

>why does this keep happening?
Because it gives me an erection.

I blame Demi Lovato.

>wearing heels
>not wearing converse sneakers




Because it's hot.

Why are female orcs so great?

user pls I just wanna feel that prickling sensation when the hair has just started to grow on my fingertips

>He thinks she started at the top

gotta werk your way up from the bottom user

>when the hair has just started to grow on my fingertips
Dude stop masturbating so much

Because when done right they're the best parts of Monster Girls and Warrior Women.

Hardly sounds like a fit to me

She has more of a mohawk.

Does Sup Forums prefer a shaved side or a cropped side?

it's cute, the end

comic and cartoon writers believe girl-mullet is empowering

Let me guess, you have a side shave

It is legitimately the only hairstyle I hate, it feels like someone had second thoughts while shaving their heads and decided to roll with it. I legit can't wait for it to be replaced with something else becasue it's hands down the ugliest fucking style I've seen in my life.

keep telling yourself that.

its the modern mullet meme hair style

remember how many 80s/90s comics men had that shit

>someone had second thoughts while shaving their heads

its a fucking Mohawk user.

>make Warsong Commander great again

Why does it look so much more ugly than a mohawk to me then? Is it the whole asymmetry of it? I don't even associate the hairstyle with tumblr or whatever and think the people that do are retarded but I still find it really ugly for some reason.

probably because the person doesnt have it shooting up

The extreme asymmetry of it, yeah. Asymmetric hair styles can be cute.

Sex hair wondy is best wondy.

Won't the side of her head get cold?

Because it's a popular modern hairstyle. Black Canary had feathered hair and Wondy had a perm in the 80's.

>b...but tumblr

Because you're a disgusting fucking weeb who needs to go back to his pedophilia containment board

>dat wondy hair
jesus christ

>Goth Killer Frost
>Punk Livewire

hmmmm yes. I approve.

>pedophilia containment board
That's a hell of an overreaction, user, are you okay? it's not healthy to get this angry over someone not liking your shit hairstyle.

>pedophilia containment board
Sorry to disappoint you but I survive exclusively on keiki.

So how are we feeling about killer frost and the atom hooking up in JLA?

Oh look, and now the weeabrony keeps spamming his off topic garbage.

I had no idea this was a thing but I kind of dig it. Killer frost needs love.

user, this whole thread is off-topic garbage. If you're gonna sperg out about it at least do it in a thread that's worth it because you getting so mad about this is really funny in this particular situation.

Atom is for Giganta.

Because they think it's edgy.

That will just make her cute!

B-b-but OP! How would I let my reader know that this character is a strong independent woman who need no man otherwise???

This. When its done well its done well.

Who wears it better?

It's amazingly consistent how often you see her wearing the sneakers in almost every porn picture of her.

Why are you so triggered by it?

>be a comic book artist
>have to draw a character with a side cut
>somebody got a tattoo of this character with a side cut

My misses has one.

Really shows off her skull shape.

>shows off her skull shape

I hope you don't say that out loud you fucking psycho.

its the Jeri Curl of its era

It's just a popular style right now.
Remember mullets?

its been popular for over 40 years for a niche group of punks

And rednecks never stopped wearing mullets.

Is this true? I only saw people have "ironic mullets."

I live down south and yes. There is still white trash that wears mullets