Anyone else sad that these two are never going to work together again? Like shit, werent they getting hellbenders actually off the ground in the last year?
Anyone else sad that these two are never going to work together again? Like shit...
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did something happen between them or something?
They removed eachother from pretty much everything and chris made this twitter post a few days after.
Least Zach still has some intention to make cartoons.
i thought they were inseparable
they were practically in a civil union
im sure this is only temporary but what are their political ideologies?
I mean, at least Oney has a steady output of content, even if it's just silly let's plays. If Zach spent as much time working on any content whatsoever as he spends on Twitter talking politics, then he'd be on TV by now.
That, and if he didn't act like such an artist and gave some leniency with creative control. That's what boned over getting Hellbenders on Adult Swim to begin with.
>what are their political ideologies
Zach is an alt-right memelord, and a pretty bad one at that, not sure about Chris he's a lot more opaque.
I had a friend who would only ever spout DUDE NAZIS LMAO too, and it does wear thin after a while.
>That's what boned over getting Hellbenders on Adult Swim to begin with.
I'd be pretty fucking pissed at him too.
No, yeah, Chris has a complete right to be pissed. You look at the Sleepycabin line-up, Stamper, Chris, and Mick have always been the more down-to-earth (relatively speaking) out of the bunch.
Zach and Jeff are just "haha I'm so cynical and jaded and experienced in animation even though I'm still stuck on Newgrounds and don't know how to function in life or on the media scene". It was funny at first, but then it got obnoxious, and now it's just sad.
Cory is just a nut, like I can't even critique him. He's on a whole other plane of existence at this point.
I stopped watching listening to Sleepy Cabin after Stamper left
Stamper and Oney seemed to be the black sheep of the bunch (in terms of being too good for it)
Zach seemed level-headed in surface view but who knows what goes behind his mind considering he was always scared to reveal his face and what not
Spazkid will always be fucking awful
I remember Oney and Stamper talking about cringe videos and Stamper was willing to disagree with the bunch about them regardless of being ostracized
It seems like there was a lot of work behind the scenes of Hellbenders for years for only a pilot that probably got shelved by executives, not sure the whole deal so it'd be nice if someone laid out the time
these are just my thoughts
>Cory is just a nut, like I can't even critique him. He's on a whole other plane of existence at this point.
Cory is seriously the best one. I love him.
He just draws his porn, doesn't take anything except animated films seriously and steals from waterpeople.
I really hope everything works out for him.
>Spazkid will always be fucking awful
spazkid was the only one other than stamper who was actually talented at animation and funny
you two should date
I'm not of homo.
Let's plays are literally fucking nothing, especially when the largest amount of work on it was done by DingDong/whoever the fuck edits them now.
Zach is trying that podcast shit at least that's tangentially related to animation.
>Zach is an alt-right memelord
he was a bernie supporter.
Stamper will always be my favorite man ever in history.
Man i wondered why there was a fucking dip in the zach on sleepcabin. No fucking wonder there was a huge drought, cory and zach still hang and don't they all still live/work together like he's always hanging out with shadman.
>Let's plays are literally fucking nothing,
It pays the bills better than animation, though. You can thank Youtube for that.
>Zach is an alt-right memelord
1. He's not gay, has a gf. Didn't sound very enthused when Sleepycast were talking about shemales and trapdick.
2. He supports post-communist economies.
3. He "fucking loves science XD" but blocks people who send him photos on twitter showing skeletons, especially skulls, being vastly different among races. You gotta retweet those to be alt-right.
He basically a standard cookie-cut liberal but says things that would be considered "edgy" in those circles for laughs. Things like "I don't think men should get ass-wombs, I don't think science needs to go there."
Totally fucking right. Zack and JonTron will not fucking shut up about politics and they haven't done shit in years. They are so fucking cringy and block anyone who dares try to debate them, they are the fucking same as liberals at this point.
IF they actually focused on their work instead of trying to be some sort of twitter right wing warriors they would actually have a show.
>Zach is an alt-right memelord
i love the guy, but hes a forever cucked bernie supporter
admit that their political affiliation has been getting pretty annoying but jon still makes a good amount of content nowadays. At least compared to Zach, who hasn't done really much of anything in the past few years.
Jon's new stuff is shit.
>trying to be some sort of twitter right wing warriors
>the post-modern right wing is pro-gay, pro-atheism, pro-communism, pro-abortions, pro-transsexualism
What a time to be alive.
pls send meteors, Jesus, pls.
>right wing warriors
your own bias is very obvious user
youre only mad because they dont agree with your own politics
No, yeah, he's wonderful. It's just that his life is so far beyond the pale of weird that I don't know how to process it.
Like, it's less his life so much as his perspective on the world that stuns and amazes me. How he can grow up in such a backwards place and the line between a crazy childhood and pure autism.
He's crazy, he's barely human, and I love him for it.
No I voted Trump and I visit Sup Forums daily. Zach doesn't produce shit anymore and is clearly a spineless pussy who keeps acting tough on twitter like his opinion is special, meaning full, or that he is relevant anymore. If he spent the same out of time and effort as he did arguing with leftists on twitter maybe Sleepy Cabin would have actually turned a profit.
i can accept some weird details here and there about his life, but im pretty sure that like most internet people that a lot of his stories are greatly exaggerated
Jon needs to stop arguing with rando eggs on Twitter and start playing video games again. Either that, or grow a spine, cause I've never seen a Youtuber that can be so incredibly charismatic, yet so insecure at the same time.
Probably. Thing is, I don't know where the line is between him making shit up, and him misinterpreting things because of his autism.
Johnny Utah and Shadman had a little spat a couple months back, but everything seems to be fine now. I'm sure this will blow over.
>I visit Sup Forums everyday
Way to prove him right kid, you're just as bad and cancerous as SJWs.
No. I don't care. I'm hoping everyone dies. I'm so tired of all of this. Humans were a mistake.
What'd they have a spat on?
>Zach is an alt-right memelord
But you're wrong you stupid piece of shit.
It's the same shit with a lot of Youtubers/animators/e-celebs.
Fuck, look at Tomska. His entire social and professional circle seems to completely change every couple of years because he can't stop burning bridges and being a fat, pathetic cuntbag. Edd died almost five fucking years ago Tom. It's time to get over it and move on.
found the tumblr fag
Nope faggot, never been to tumblr and I abhore SJWs as much as Sup Forumstards.
Way to prove you and SJWs are exactly the same brand of cancer.
>You're not a SJW you're a nazi!
>You're not a Sup Forumstard you're a SJW!
There's people inbetween who don't give a fuck about either side, grow up kid.
Oney's been releasing a lot of great looking 3D animation stuff on twitter lately
I barely even consider Hellbenders and actual series, it's not even 10 minutes of content and the last episode was in 2012.
I really think that Zach has a shitty work ethic. On twitter, when he was trying to get Schmucks started, he was talking about "hiring a team" to help him. It's a podcast, it doesn't require a team. I really find it weird how little content Zach has actually released
Also he's the single best artist on the internet at drawing Rouge the Bat's donut hole
Lazzo hated their work so unbelievably much that he declared everything they make as complete shit. Apparently he shot them down to the point of just thinking they are failures.
>Zach is trying that podcast shit at least that's tangentially related to animation.
fucking BARELY. Last episode was a month ago. I know animation is really time consuming, and Zach is putting work into editing this with the art and the music (even though the Jontron episode has an awful echo for the entire thing) but Zach has enough friends in the art community that he can find atleast 1 person to sit down with every other week to record a podcast with. Fuck, do it over discord or google hangout if you have to, you don't need to be face to face
beep beep
Not that user, but if I remember correctly, Jeff wasn't comfortable with some of the more edgier porn that Shadman does of minors
What's funny is too, he spent ages "working" on the first episode and getting everything ready, and the audio was fucked up
And there's no news about a second episode and it's been about a month since the last was released
>cant provide a counterargument so resort to reaction images
Again, you're a fucking child. Grow up or just kill yourselves. The world would be in a seriously better place if all Sup Forumstards and SJW retards just offed themselves.
Ya like jazz and actually giving a shit about "animators" who cling on to the days of Newgrounds to seem relevant
I seriously hope this doesn't become permanent. Those two were a great team and practically inseparable. Surely they'll work things out right?
apparently its supposed to be uploaded tomorrow
yeah, both sides are a pair of retards wrestling around in the mud.
Chris has a better entourage now.
Oneyplays is actually really funny IMO, watching Oney and Egoraptor play Uncharted 4 was the funniest shit.
>no, yeah
Do people do this shit intentionally?
>Rugrats LP
>Oney reads the level too fast and thinks it says "Desert rape scene"
>"you walk in and its gonna be anakin's mom"
remember when sleepycabin was supposed to be a production house and people were actually gonna release cartoons?
someone point out what actually got released starting from the announcement video until now.
Eh, it's a bad habit.
>a handful of live joke videos
>animatics that Zach and Chris did
>some animations by Mick
That's it.
why did he go with trying to male a hellbenders cartoon instead of leo and satan?
that shit was actually funny.
You don't always get to choose which pitch execs are interested in.
brown brick
Oney's LPs really show what a massive faggot he is. Tries too hard to be a "smart" critic but doesn't have the knowledge to backup his "critics" or just goes "I don't like it" like with JSRF. The only good one is Julian because Ding-Dog is one of those assholes that thinks he's better than everyone, and funny enough he's a Smashfag.
They started the whole Sleepy cabin thing before YouTube changed the algorithm completely, that was a big nail in the coffin. They also explained other opportunities arose and they took them.
Zach wasnt on Sleepycabin as much because he lived in jew york for a little bit
how is Zach's podcast related to animation? He interviewed JonTron about internet shenanigans and politics
hell, that's about as far away from animation as you can get
All of this because Chris doesn't like Ethan from H3, as you can see here: He seems to be acting like a little bitch.
Ethan stirs up shit, hell it's what his business thrives on
he's just a more marketable Keemstar at this point
"How do you think Chaz Finster managed to cum in a girl"
I thought that was about Zach, then again I don't follow Ethan so I don't know how much he bitches about politics like Zach does
I want to hugg Julian and Ding Dong
>mfw Hypothetical Dictator
But Ding Dong IS better than everyone
Ding-dong comes off as informed and not full of himself. There are WAY more insufferable people than him out there. Meanwhile Ding-dong actually knows his games and shit.
you don't need to be a professional to tell someone else if a game is entertaining. have you recommended that "going home" bullshit to any of your friends? probably not.
just because oney isn't a "certified" critic doesn't mean he is an asshat. quit being a faggot.
>or just goes "I don't like it" like with JSRF.
Who knows if Oney is being serious? That's basically a bit to him now.
>"Let's turn it off. Let's go play something else."
He's probably just being silly in the absence of something to say about the game.
It's reasonable, H3 is a fag.
If you like Zack, Jon, H3H3, Filthy Frank, shoe0nhead or Idubbz go fuck your 17 year old self
>inb4 I can watch whatever I want gramps
You can also eat shit and be obnoxious about it but that doesn't make you any less annoying or retarded, you're still an idiot
Bradberry pls leave
Advanced comedy
Not much. It's cause Zach and Ethan got friends and then Zach moved to the same city to live with his gf. Chris made a few tweets poking indirectly at Ethan, he really dislikes him, but Zach likes him a lot.
>if it's popular you're a teen!
You're pathetic.
Why are you guys so full of shit?
>hating on jeff
Go fuck yourself. Only time he's cynical is when they bring up retarded hypotheticals and jimmy neutron.
>I'm an intellectual and only watch the highest-quality chess matches on dailymotion, yet I come to a comics and cartoons image board in my spare time
literally go fuck yourself
Only time Jeff is cynical is when he's pretending to be 20 years older when he really is, which is half the time.
He's fine on his good days, and an absolute buzzkill on his bad ones, and the bad ones only got more frequent as time went on. Heck, if he was in a podcast episode without Oney or Stamper, I'd skip it. He'd have no one to balance out his self-righteous, smug cynicism.
I disagree. I can't stand anyone but jeff, stamper and Mick so I feel like he balances out the more annoying members.
Pit People is a great game made fantastic by Stamper hitting it out of the park as the narrator.
Well, Ding Dong is a game dev.
...and? That doesn't mean everything he says is 100% right, he has said factually wrong shit in his streams and the fact he seriously thinks Smash is a fighting game is a testimony to his faggotry.
>Egoraptor's ugly wife is in Oney's corner
I'm going to have to assume that Zach was right on this one.
Seriously are Zach and Chris not talking to each other anymore? This isnt like another Jontron v Egoraptor rumour again is it?
Honestly he's the one artist who should be making a webcomic or animations about growing up in Missouri.
>autistic neurotic teenager who trolls kids online and only wants to draw porn
>weird bodybuilder dad who has no idea how to be a dad
>conspiracy theorist mom
>numerous kids died when he was in high school
>the fireworks story
>the sponge factory story
>water people
>that kid who was a super saiyan with a power level of 11
>soccer story
>piss barrel story
>so much more that's probably unsaid
>that kid whose dad drew dildos
He honest to god lived in an actual fucking cartoon world.
this is the #1 reason why I fucking turned off the podcast in the first 10 minutes. they were literally right off the bat making trump jokes and sjw jokes and i went "fucking god, why?" and just turned it off and worked to some jazz instead. im so fucking sick of hearing that shit.
I am so fucking sick of Trump jokes. Not because I'm butthurt that the dude I voted for is being teased, but because it's ALL the same shit.
>heheheh orange
>heheeh tiny hands
>heheh putin is his boss
Like holy fuck make some new material or fuck off
beep beep
Not speaking about the progressive left trying to remove science and critical thinking from the world is coward and downright wrong. Each one of us have the obligation to ridicule and expose their retardation, that's what Jon and Zach are doing.
Chris just wants to take the lazy way out to not think and pretend like it's just going to sort itself out (until he becomes the target for doing something completely harmless). He's being a dumb faggot.