Since Obama was shown as the president in the Marvel universe...

Since Obama was shown as the president in the Marvel universe, does that mean Trump is now canonically the president in the a marvel universe too? Have they shown him yet?

Comics are written months in advance.

An incursion from the universe where Hillary won, only to realize she's a puppet of the *other* universe where Berney Sanders won, who himself serves Martian Space Emperor Obama.

>have they shown him yet

Yes, pic related

They'll pull a Dell Rusk with him, I'm sure.

Captain Marvel answered a phone call from 'POTUS', I think that's it so far.

That was in June, idiot.

I saw a pic of Kamila crying when he won. Looked canon.

Bullshit, really?

deviant art

I wish...Then he would build the BEST avengers, right here in America and the aliens would have to pay for it.

Ronnie Reagan was transformed into a snek man and Captain America had to fight him.

Wasn't Colbert president too?

It's just comics OP, no one is changing the tires.

Isn't the marvel cannon meant to be a multiverse

But this is official.


They will add him in during the whole captain america hydra thing

I guess we enter a grimpderp era of Marvel propaganda.
Everyone and everything will be oppressed, chased, killed etc. because MUH CURRENT EVIL REGIME ARE WE GOOD BOYS YET MR SOROS?
Just you brace yourself.

putting stuff in the water that's turning the frickin skrulls gay

I feel you man, remember when they showed Captain American punching that German dictator in the face clearly shows Marvel's political leanings. Come on Marvel, he may not even be such a bad guy.


i'm actually impressed they didn't make pick a side the plot in the election issue and made it more of a PSA for getting out and voting

>that scene in Ultimates 2 when he watches Barbara get sucked out of Airforce 1

>mr soros

>comic book shits on Republicans, fellates Democrats; news at eleven

You types always get triggered when your big boss is mentioned.

Back to prebdit, retard.

Doubt it. Marvels CEO works for Trump.

He was a candidate in June you buffon

I'm surprised Kamala's writer hasn't quit the company in protest. Then again, she may be terrified of what they'd do to Kamala with her gone.

>Marvels CEO works for Trump.

>22 pages of Kamala winning a sausage eating contest at Oktoberfest

Ike Perlmutter is a legitimate silver age supervillain, and also a good friend of Trumps.

I'm more impressed they released a "vote" issue that came out after the election was over.

Admittedly, in The Authority Millar wanted to put Clinton behind the attempted assassination of the Authority but it got vetoed because they killed him at the end of the arc.

Obama is a likeable intelligent guy, and that played into the role he had in the comic. Obama is also not the kind of guy to sue if they portrayed him 'Aku's fairy tales' caricature style.

When people say Trump has zero redeeming exterior qualities, they mean he has zero redeeming exterior qualities. It's not like if Carson got in, where you could make up for his erratic behaviour with his impressive surgical skills. There's fuck all you can do with Trump, except make him a Nero style character.

>Poor athleticism
>Poor knowledge of world politics
>Poor day to day business man
>Gaudy as fuck taste in decorations, not everything has to be gold dammit
>Extreme narcissist
>Gives zero fucks about environment
>Gives zero fucks about gun control
>High possibility to be mentally subnormal, while being a charismatic savant.

Dislike of Trump aside, what would you actually do with him that a) produces a good story b) doesn't make it seem parodical in order to stop Trump suing you and c) doesn't make Trump look like an idiot.

You could probably get away with joshing Bush around, but Trump? Insult him and suddenly waves of Sup Forumstards and their ilk are at your door, demanding censorship and libel damages.

It's like how the Daily Mail, the most right leaning newspaper in the UK, got sued for pointing out Melania used to be an escort, which is true as it was 'defamatory'.

>Gives zero fucks about gun control

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Oh that's fine, I'm just saying don't let mentally ill people buy them if they're about to blow their own/someone else' brain out. Or at least give free mental health care before doing so.

But seriously, what can you do with Trump? All I can imagine is some marketing scheme, and he wouldn't like that.

Problem is, most gun crimes in the US are committed by nonwhite people and you can't take away their guns because das wacist.

>Gives zero fucks about environment
Now, there's a legitimate conservation movement and then there's the enviroleninist movement which is a front for Marxist class warfare.

Remember Van Jones, Obama's "green czar", who said that they intentionally dumped toxic waste in black neighborhoods? Yeah...

Marvel were always hippie libtards since the 1960s desu.

>Cultists posting religious propaganda in Sup Forums
Guys could you stop?

Nobody ever said mentally ill people should own guns.

>Madonna bitches about how we need gun control
>yfw her bodyguards shot some stalker that tried to get into her house

Candidate =/= President

>Obama is a likeable intelligent guy

Let's take their jobs and family structure and send them in organized militias to fight cops instead

>Obama is a likable intelligent guy
Said the stupid