Who's the villain?

Who's the villain?

>Finally. I've finally found you Quill.

nobody knows~~~~

those gold people with that burn face guy

Kismet points the team towards Ego but when they find him they realize he's ok and Kismet is the real villain who was manipulating them to find Ego.

Also apparently Taserface takes control of the Ravagers and is set up as the villain in the first few acts but is revealed to be a comedic incompetent dope. Kind of the opposite of Yandu in the first film.

All of this is wrong.

It's not though.

Church of universal truth.

Ego, the living planet for 10 minutes of the movie. The rest will be Ego, the living human

Those weird-face people flying through the air in slow-mo as they fly at the camera?

But it is. The reason why gold woman wants to kill the GOTG is cause Rocket steals their batteries.

Baby Groot.

Silver Surfer

It looked like shuma gorath was in the trailer.

>A being that literally is the size of a universe
>A being that even a small sliver of could decimate Asgardian-level fighters
>A being who would spell death for all of the MCU if it ever got even the smallest of footholds inside
>GotG crack jokes and take it on casually

some underwhelming unthreatening character that gets beaten in the last 5 minutes of the movie.

like almost every MCU Villain

its a marvel movie, it doesn't matter.


Haven't been watching many MCU movies lately have you.


This will lead to Adam Warlock, just like in muh comics.


The only thing I want from this movie is to see Ego in his true form a planet with a goatee

None of the MCU movies have indicated towards anything to do with Shuma-Gorath

yeah because that wouldn't look totally ridiculous or anything.

If shuma was gonna appear even a tiny bit even just a hint, it would have been in Dr.Strange

that tentacle alien thing is just some throwaway threat

Ridiculous like a talking raccoon or ridiculous like a man who uploaded his brain into a bunch of computers from the 40s?

I'm assuming theyre not just making a sentient planet character kurt russel for the whole movie, at some point we'll probably get the bearded planet... same thing with people thinking groot is gonna be all tiny the whole movie, he's gonna have a growth spurt at some point in the movie.

I dunno, I feel like a planet with a goatee tops both of those in terms of goofyness. that's just my 2 cents though.

You literally just make mountains that look like a goatee. It's that simple. You don't even have to make the planet's mouth move, just make topography that's face-shaped and have him communicate psychically

give him 'man in the moon' craters or an ocean, its really not hard to do, especially given that the last GOTG had a spaceport inside the severed head of a cosmic being