Saving Marvel From Itself

Disney creators have handled its library of characters over many decades without destroying the essence of who those characters are. Marvel creators did the same through multiple generations of readers. Its called good stewardship.
I believe todays creators at marvel are incapable of good stewardship due to either directives from key management or their own narcissism and politics. In just a few short years the company has managed to alienate the majority of actual comic book customers in search of customers they would rather have. The situation is dire and needs to be addressed immediately.
I call for Disney to clean house at marvel, starting at the very top. There is a muslim SJW female, her name escapes me, that is in charge of the library of characters. She has to go. She may mean well but her vision for Marvel does not match the actual customer base. She has to go.
Alonso. Bendis. And any one else that is responsible for creative direction has to go. They are destroying decades of good stewardship and I promise you Disney would never allow this to happen to their in-house characters.
They all have to go. Now.

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>unga bunga sjw ruin me 80 year old funny books
Why can't you just talk about comics you actually enjoy instead of repeating the same shit over and over again?

Name a good marvel book right now. That isn't Nova.

Dont worry about what I do if you cant contribute ideas on how to save a floundering line of comic books. Go find a thread you can support.

>>unga bunga sjw ruin me 80 year old funny books


its almost like people expect marvel to spout conservative memes instead. its marvel, this is what they do. read some other comics if you dont enjoy it OR get a job at marvel


Moon Knight
Ghost Rider

Thats a good point. If I were in charge of Marvel and i saw every compnay in America competeing for the same half of the country I would market my books to the neglected half. Theres real money to be made selling books to non-sjws but companies seem to be under a mandate that only sjw's matter. Breitbart proves they are leaving money on the table.

Marvel's doing great

it's that pile of shit DC you have to worry about

>There is a muslim SJW female

how about you stop being a bigot. You dont bother to remember her name but what sticks with you is that she is a femal, muslim, and a sjw ( the trifecta of Sup Forumss rage)? Sounds like your priorities for recognizing things for what they are is fucked up from the get go.

lotta issue ones on there for you i see. Wonderful wonderful. Also Ghost Rider being good is fun to say when he's actually in the book and not the sideline character behind hulk and x23.
Gwenpool is garbage boi don't lie to me.

>ideas on how to save a floundering line of comics
I don't think Marvel is going to come to a Taiwanese laserdisc discussion image board anytime soon for financial advice.

Just go to one of the America Chavez threads if you want to bitch and moan endlessly about Marvel

Yes, exactly
Marvel is fine as it is, just let it keep course

Stop virtue signalling. We remember traits about people. Those are the traits SHE promoted about herself so therefore I remember. I do wonder though if its appropriate for someone whose politics and beliefs are dead set against what these characters have always stood for should be in charge of determining their futures. I dont mind that she said it meant a lot to her to see minority characters in comics when she was young but that doesnt mean the entire line has to become that. She is ruining the line. You let your politics blind you to that. Faggot.

>gwenpool is bad meme
Give a reason, besides "it's the Sup Forums hivemind opinion".

exactly! Their movies dont flop and the profits off that can carry the comics for years

The movies dont flop because they adapt classic storylines. The movies will flop hard the very day they start adapting current storylines. Marvel is cannibalizing itself. Its really that simple. They arent taking care of what they were trusted with.

She isnt even in charge of the direction of marvel you dicklicker .

How about we get rid of that white male conservative whos name eludes me, you know the fagget ruining comics? I totally dont sound like a liberal cuck when i say that

>hive mind opinion
Or you could just read it, it's cringy as fuck. Her dialogue is weak and the only thing saving that book is the artstyle. Cause every appearance she makes outside of her own book looks detestable and her personality is wafer thin.

You dont know what you are talking about. She is absolutely in charge of these characters. its her fucking job title moron.

You could have just said Marvel's top character librarian instead of adding "Muslim female sjw" which is pointless information

Here you stupid fucktard.