Is anyone going to carry on reading OML after the creative team changes?
Is anyone going to carry on reading OML after the creative team changes?
Yes. Looks fun. Deodato is shit though
How can Old Man Logan last more than 5 minutes against The Maestro?
I was about to ask the same question. Isn't Maestro Hulk's most powerful incarnation? The only way they managed to beat him was by tricking him.
Also, does anyone know why they chose a Spanish name for him? It's kinda weird.
I figure that since it means "Master" isn spanish it was just David's way of calling him something ominous while not sounding too obvious about it.
I know. But the weird thing is that the word "master" in Spanish translates to "amo". "Maestro" literally translates to "teacher".
It's probably more related to the assosciation of the word Maestro with orchestral conductors, implying he's in control.
Maestro could be interpreted as director or conductor too.
Maestro de ceremonia for example.
What the hell happened to Deodato? Didn't he used to have actually decent art instead of 100% poser models?
Yep, same as Land. But they moved from DC to Marvel, where they don't give a fuck about quality.
Brissons OK, but
HAHA, fuck no.
Well, I ain't reading it now either but Deodato? Talk about killing a comic.
Nah, he was always lame, he just got worse. Marvel boys like him, and they also like Liefeld.
Stop memeing retard
Alonso pls
Memester pls
>facts are memes! MEMES!
It could be worse.
It could be Bendis again.
anyone give me the low down on deodato?
It depends.
His art in the current Thanos book is ok, and i'm actually enjoying.
In come other books he is terrible, though
why all the shitting on deodato?
the art looks decent at least
Not to break your gig, but Maestro is Italian for "Teacher", or simply someone that is state of the art in a discipline
that? I bet he did it on purpose as a joke tbqh
lego is always doing stuff for star wars
Well, his art is a joke.
in the bendis iron man he traced a picture of 9/11 rubble
the cover doesn't look that bad
Used to be a decent to good artist, realied heavily on 3d posing, but for the rest, his art was pleasant and moody (his Thunderbolts with Warren Ellis are amazing).
He gradually started to stagnate, rely more and more heavily on blatant tracing, plagirizing, photoshop filters and other sneaky tricks like that. Today, all his books look like they've been put together in five minutes by a robot.
just found the #12 invincible IM issue the user was talking about
yeah the exagerated use of dot filters aren't that good on some pages
but I think the 9/11 reference was done also on purpose, CWII was the down of IM
not perfect but pretty decent art, compared to some artists marvel got
>but pretty decent art, compared to some artists marvel got
which ones?
that hellcat artist, waid (his champions book is terrible, specially his gwenpool)
waid is a writer
Waid's art is really shitty, yeah. At least I guess it is. Never really seen him draw.
As for the Hellcat artist, at least she actually draws stuff, as opposed to making collages of poser models.