Can you imagine being sucked in to a tuba? And have it play a deep bass note, wouldn't that be fun haha. Like I'm just curious how it'd feel haha.
Can you imagine being sucked in to a tuba? And have it play a deep bass note, wouldn't that be fun haha...
Other urls found in this thread:
Tubavore discord:
Can you imagine being sacrificed to a gigantic tuba deity in order to gain its continued protection for your village and blessing of bountiful food production in the form of your body being processed into shit and crapped out onto a field?
Imagine a plump tuba gentleman waddling up to you making low groans starving. He begins to suck you into his large flared bell acting as a giant maw to stuff you inside of as you easily slide down into his wet brass innards.
Being sucked in deeper into darkness ending up as a big fat lump in his gut cramped far inside him. Satisfied with such a meal he begins to puff away an upbeat ditty with you tightly curled inside of his bloated brass belly as the incredibly low bass notes rumble around you vibrating you to the tune as his hot wet breath blows over you in a thick gust. An intense sensory trip makes you feel one with his music providing him with many low tuba belches of satisfaction.
Your clothes are blown clean off your body and lifted out the top of the stuffed tuba as he keeps puffing away with you inside of his belly. Those long low tones rumbling out of him in ecstasy taking great joy in you filling his gut and vibrating inside as he plays. You can feel those warm brass tubes coated in spit buzz with such an intensity around your nude body that the bass notes make you tremble with immense pleasure feeling the sound resonate through your body and stimulating you from all your senses being tickled and buzzed.
if only i could be honorably sacrificed to the tuba god
The only difference between Sup Forums and /trash/ is that /trash/ doesn't have the most retarded moderation ever.
You faggots need to get an obsession for asphyxiation and fucking choke yourselves.
sounds kinda sexy in a way
Where can I read more like this?
You fucking creep.
No tubas there
Make a thread and they will flock like mentally handicapped seagulls.
I want this to catch on as a serious fetish so I can laugh at you all.
this shits makin me giggle
As if Sup Forums needs to degrade even further, it's already littered with threads that should go on /aco/ or straight up fucking /trash/. Laziest fucking mods ever.
I've had my foot stuck in one when I was a tiny ass kid. One of the few memories I had because I was legit terrified I'd be stuck in it for the rest of my life.
It's not pleasant.