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Hopeful. Though, I'm surprised the colors are so muted.
we butchered the show cause its for numales woo hoo
now reddit will make memes and be our market woo hoo
Not a fan of the art style.
Holy shit the voices of the boys are awful.
looks cool
They're really channeling Gravity Falls for this, aren't they?
That's really the only thing I didn't like.
No idea why they're giving me quack pack flashbacks.
Chances of Goldie showing up?
The good
-Donald really is part of the fun (I think? It seemed kind of unclear)
-Scrooge's new voice is acceptable
-"Which one is the evil triplet?" "Louie"
-I didn't see any classic baddies. Though I think the magic lady duck was confirmed
-Oh man, the voice acting on the triplets is going to be hard. They don't sound bad but after years of them having their usual voices, having grown voice actors is going to take some getting used to. Ironically, I think Webby's was the least jarring
The "oh boy"
-I'm not feeling that theme song. I'll have to hear it in full
-Holy fuck, I swear to god they better not make Webby the post 2010 girl character annoying as opposed to being 90s girl character annoying
Now what I'm really curious about most of all is that is this going to follow the current cartoon trend and have DEEPEST LORE?
Ugh no.
This looks like it's made by the people who did the Mickey shorts.
Character designers needs to kys themselves
Okay, I'm on board with this.
Tennant's Scrooge is surprisingly good.
I like the new triplets.
"so you're finally selling us"
Kek, I was thinking this except it's still Disney
Don't you do it.
>This looks like it's made by the people who did the Mickey shorts.
Animation's a lot more fluid than on the Mickey shorts.
And it may not be as lavishly animated as classic Ducktales, but stylistically it definitely fits the tone.
the backgrounds give that feel yeah
>-Donald really is part of the fun (I think? It seemed kind of unclear)
It's taking a lot more cues from the old comics than Ducktales, right? Hence Scrooge's red coat and Donald's black shirt. So I'm sure he will be a major character.
>oh no the ground!
>Barks paintings in the background
Nice touch.
>-I didn't see any classic baddies. Though I think the magic lady duck was confirmed
I think all of clips from the trailer were taken from the first episode or two. They probably spend the first few episodes setting up the main characters before introducing any villains.
Not bad so far. David Tennant's voice is pretty good too.
I kinda like the new voices for the boys, the old ones kinda got grating over the years. Good to see Donald's is the same though. Also, FINALLY Donald is a main character.
The animation looks a bit stiff. Definitely works better as stills
Also who is the Duck Jizz Fuck Wiz?
>Donald Duck
>one of the greatest adventurers of all time
This hyped me more than anything else. Also when Donald did his Irish fighting dance.
Tennant's Scrooge was pretty good. Too bad Alan Young didn't live long enough to make a cameo.
Webby was annoying as fuck. Hopefully she dies in the first episode.
>Scrooge is a legendary former adventurer who comes out of seclusion
>Donald is a legendary former adventurer too
Well okay, in his navy days?
>Donald Duck is one of the greatest adventurers of all time
>Webby was annoying as fuck.
Let's be honest, Webby was ALWAYS annoying.
>Donald Duck i son of the most daring adventurers of all time
Good too see Donald getting the respect he deserves
Yeah, before she was both annoying and bland. Hopefully now she'll be annoying with some good bits.
well the art director was a background designer for GF
Well, not consensually.
surprised at how much i dont hate scrooges voice
surprised at how much i hate the kids voices
it wont top the original or get anywhere as good as the straight to tv movie but hey it might be good
Friendly reminder that the original DuckTales is 30 years old this year.
Donald's been through a lot of shit. Singed feathers, lost waifus, and broken pride. Mostly because of the company he keeps.
But will it have deepest lore?
That new theme song is cancer. They honestly should have done something original.
And I know they would never do it because branding is more important than quality, but the show should really just be called "Uncle Scrooge". But then nostalgic hipsters wouldn't watch it.
I never watched any of the original. This looks pretty good.
"Tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties" is something Scrooge has said in something before right?
surprisingly (outside of the art director being a bg designer for the mickey mouse shorts, but not even the most prominent one) that's not actually the case: head writer worked on Wander over Yonder, director was a boarder on gravity falls, and the aforementioned art director was more prominent as a bg artist for GF.
they're gonna shill that new scrooge love interest
the one that isn't canon and has no chemistry whatsoever
You're damn right he is
>complaining about branding in a revival of a cartoon thats now 30 years old
>but the show should really just be called "Uncle Scrooge"
Wouldn't that only make sense of he was the sole main character?
I will definitely complain when it means the theme song is shit.
the animation looks like it was done in a korean studio like Rough Draft Korea/digital eMation/Yearmin/Sugarcube (like Gravity Falls and season 2 of star) rather than a flash-style tweening place like Mercury Filmworks or Boulder Media
It's his catchphrase in the comics. Don Rosa wrote some jokes about him saying it so often Donald is sick of hearing it.
>"I've made a terrible mistake"
>Mostly because of the company he keeps.
That's just it, the show has him do that stuff in the past, without Scrooge and the kids. Wasn't he was just hot-tempered comic relief to Mickey before Barks had him do that?
So as far as the show goes, what was he up to?
>Ben Schwartz
>"You're finally going to sell us"
>Donald doesn't want to go, but they keep pulling him back in; he'll probably have to
why don't you kys yourself you fucking retard
>-I'm not feeling that theme song. I'll have to hear it in full
There is a full version out already. It's fine.
Trying to make it big by doing as little as possible only to exert maximum effort out of necessity and getting nothing for it.
You know. Donald Duck stuff.
No different than the Mickey shorts
Probably another one of Donald's psycho exes. He has a lot of those. Like there's something about his hapless screeching hiney that attracts all the crazy.
Where's the love?
not that guy, and I like the art style myself, but it's a little different from the mickey shorts
Anyone else remember the good old Launchpad and Einstein times?
Prisoners don't look like that anymore, but then neither do sailors.
>Complete reboot inspired by the comics
>Donald has street cred
>Everyone is in the band
>Webby is going to be Star 2.0 (I wanna be optimistic)
>Old fashioned adventurering
>Gyro Gearloose, Duckworth, Flintheart Glomgold, Magica DeSpell & Poe, and Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys
That's better.
The animation reminds me of Star vs The Force of Evil so much. But looks cool.
Also Webby sounds way too much like Mabel, even though it's not Kristen Schaal doing the voice.
>it's a bluff Donald into a nigh-suicidal heroic frenzy by implying that they'll just ask Gladstone to do whatever dangerous task they need doing episode
Can't wait.
>yfw they start having shipping subplots with 2 of the boys and Webby
I'm calling it now, it's going to happen
They better get another Doctor like Capaldi to play Glomgold.
When did "renew for S2 before the show starts" become a thing?
>Gyro Gearloose, Duckworth, Flintheart Glomgold, Magica DeSpell & Poe, and Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys (Burger Beagle, Bouncer Beagle).
YEAH BOI, wait, I thought there were 3 Beagle Boys?
Holy shit did anyone notice in the background when Webby was interviewing the nephews that there was arrowed Daisy plush.
Does Webby have a crush on Donald and is jealous of Daisy?
Love me some Bobby
I like the art and Scrooge's voice is fine, but the boys' voices are rubbing me the wrong way. I don't know about this one.
Hello darkness, my friend
Looks great.
Thought it might've been a crack at the old Webby design, which was essentially just one of the nephews in drag.
needs to be either Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, or Peter Capaldi
>Not 1 of the boys and Donald
I think it's this . It looked more like Webby to me
A good day to wear my Ducktales shirt today.
I do like how the triplets now have distinct personalities instead of being completely identical.
Looking pretty great actually.
The jokes hit pretty hard and the voice actors are growing on me. My only beef is that Katie Micuci is kinda trying too hard to sound/act like Mabel.
Looks good so far.
She seems to have Dipper's intelligence and sense of adventure while having Mabel's chipper and upbeat personality.
I'm pretty fucking hyped
>Donald Duck is one of the greatest adventurers of all time
Damn straight.
You mean the one from the Italian comics?
youtube. It's the easiest search ever
>Not an actual Afrikaner
Fuck off.
>Never pick goofy
>The game actually has to make me think they killed him to remind me he exists
>now reddit will make memes and be our market woo hoo
Why are redditors such faggots, the few times I've ever gone there the top comments on posts were always references from futurama or rick and morty, even if it didn't make sense in context
What, you mean the one that's literally just a reupload of the original theme?
The one funny thing doug has ever done and even then I joked about that before
That's not going to be it? I just assumed. Why change it? And I thought it sounded slightly different.
Give up, Glomgold is not gonna be an Afrikaner, he's gonna be a Scot that lives in Duckburg just like in the old Duck Tales. I personally would prefer if they just used Rockerduck really, but I grew up reading the European comics so I'm biased.
Well, it's definitely different to the version in the trailer, which I can only assume is the one they're actually going with.