Star vs Jarco

I wonder, what are Jackie and Marco going to do during their non thinking summer?

Marco is probably fucking the shit out of Jackie as we speak

>we just went home after the concert
>Meat guy shows up from out of nowhere and starts yelling about meat


Wouldnt you if you were him?

Why did Jackie suddenly become spazzy in starcrushed? and why was Marco such a dick to her? Left her hanging with the pizza nuggets.

Because Jackie is a dumb chick

When you get more comfortable around someone, you loosen up.

They gonna fuck.

Jackie will realize that he might lose Marco to Star, so she'll get teen pregnant to keep him with her. And due to a clerical error, the child will be named 'Star' on the birth certificate.

Hey user do you like jazz?

You again? Literally new Carlos


>feel uncomfortable about depictions of star/jackie and marco fucking romantically
>greatly enjoy pics of either of them getting destroyed by giant dicks

I'm not sure why that is
Like if its cute awkward teenager sex I feel like I shouldn't be watching this

No I like Death Grips

>Why did Jackie suddenly become spazzy in starcrushed?
She was just trying to get Marco to loosen up.

>why was Marco such a dick to her?
He witnessed pic related very recently

Chances of a character dying in this series?

>star guilt trips and cock locks marco to her because of her fee fees

Don't make me drop this shit nefcy

Make the bug suffer

big, but so are the chances of the character being revived back again, with all the magic stuff present.

A couple of background ones already did. Plus unconfirmed but very likely - the goat man

Star vs the Force of Evil is a proper battle shounen now, right?

I guess there's no stopping the Starco endgame is there.

Marco's going to become a shut in

No a Harem Anime

What if Jarco is based on pity for Marco after that truth game? May be the reason, why Jackie seems to be so caring and supportive

''We sure look like a couple''

Lmao at what time I have to see this

Lmao at what time I have to see this

Jackie hasn't had much character development so they probably added that moment to give her a bit more character. Jackie is a laid back character and she simply just wanted to help Marco relax. It's nice to see that her feelings aren't a meme and she seems to very much be into Marco and wants to do things with him despite him dropping spaghetti around her still. She knows when he's just having a "marco moment". I like this because it makes the relationship look a little real.

If you think Star is going to be rewarded simply because she confessed, you're a very funny man

Probably not, Jackie just felt moved by the words. It doesn't feel like pitty with those bedroom eyes in Bon Bon, or the bags under her eyes in the recent episode as star told her boyfriend she had a crush on him

Marco is a dork on the outside, but a cool bloke on the inside...

Jackie is a cool dame on the outside, but a dork on the inside...

Star is a dork on the outside and a dork on the inside, all wrapped up in a burrito of failure...

>all wrapped up in a burrito of failure

So you're saying I'm in love with a burrito of failure?

Is the burrito made of corn tortilla

Jackie desperately needs her own episode if they want me to take Jarco seriously and I honestly don't think that's going to happen

When Jackie sees Marco when he's dressed up for the dance, her eyes quite literally glow and they glow again after they have their first kiss. That's not pity, that's genuine attraction.

>Why did Jackie suddenly become spazzy in starcrushed?
When did she become spazzy?

>and why was Marco such a dick to her?
To indicate while Jackie may be the first thing in his heart, she's not the only one there and Star is always going to be on his mind first

>those bedroom eyes in Bon Bon
She pulled those like three different times on the same episode. There is no way that she doesn't like like him.

>Marco is a cool bloke on the inside

>all wrapped up in a burrito of failure

my sides

We yandere Jackie now
>She starts to sound like Azula

Wasn't Star encouraging Marco to tell Jackie how he really felt about her?

>If you think Star is going to be rewarded simply because she confessed, you're a very funny man
Not him but I think that's exactly what's going to happen. Narrative wise I mean

I've posted the "final confession" post a bunch of times already but basically, that last confession is going to cause Marco to think about her constantly and come to realize a world without her. I mean, we have all started speculating on when he's going to get her back. You think that comes from just preferring Starco?

>Jackie is a cool dame on the outside, but a dork on the inside...
She's really not though

Look where it got her

Wasn't a full crush/repressing feelings/wanted what's best for him ect.

Watch Marco in all of the moments when he's not nervous or dropping spaghetti. He makes jokes, is well spoken and generally imparts wisdom

>burrito of failure

Yeah, but that was before she fell for him

Marco obviously isn't going to Mewni by himself and Jackie has become a bit more than background character now like Janna

She "was". Until it actually happened

Only around people he's comfortable with

Jesus, Star looks like a weasel here.

Guys, check my list of 10 probabilities for S3:
>Mewni Bourgeoisie Revolution
>Open monster rebellion
>Young Magic High Comission creation
>Star'll have to magically fight w. Moon to get level-up/earn the crown/smth else
>River goes to Valhalla
>Blood Moon curse lifted
>Open queerbaiting
>Veiled discussion of lewd themes (AT-style)
>Cuckening is up to 11
>Literally every one ship is going down at the end

He owns his own scissors and a DRAGON MOTORCYCLE

>Marco obviously isn't going to Mewni by himself
Can you be sure of that though?

>More than Janna
How can you seriously believe that? I mean, yeah she's not a background character but she hasn't been for a while. Janna has gotten way more than her even if it's just circumstancial stuff like in Mathmagic

So....... yay or nay to going back to weekend threads after this week is over? Till the hiatus is over?

Oh, I wrote it wrong - I meant it STARTED that way, but then grew natural

>final confession post
Can you post it? I rarely watch TV but this show has me really engaged for some reason. It sounds like you know what you're talking about

She waited for him to ask her to see that movie. I don't know

Your opinion of people can change if you know how they feel.

What do you mean her own episode? An entire episode focused on her away from Star and/or Marco like Ludo, Buff Frog and Glossaryck got to have or just a significant portion of screentime like Sensei and Janna have had.

So i heard someone want´s to fuck a mermaid.

A dragon motorcycle that's been dead for thousands of years.

I'm going to repost what I said in another thread. For you see, Star has done the fabled "final confession", ie, the confession of love when the girl (it has to be a girl. If it's a dude, it's a manly goodbye so it could go either toward reciprocation or rejection) thinks they're going to be separated forever, be it because of natural separation or they think they're gonna die. It shows that their feelings were so strong, that even in such a desperate situation, they wanted to let the most important person to them know it. There are countless fiction stories that do this but I think the one most would know would be Hinata's "death" in Naruto

>If a girl has done the final confession and they live or reunite with their loved one again, it is essentially considered an asshole move for the creators to not let them have their ultimate happiness in the end. Plus, Star did that in front of EVERYONE. Now everybody's gonna be asking Marco about it. He's definitely going to get pressure from Star's BFF squad for sure

>Dragon motorcycle

On that note Why does Nachos make engine sounds when she's just a dragon with wheels? And doesn't Marco have motion sickness?

>It's magic I ain't got to explain shit

We need a star vs of this

>Can you be sure of that though?

Yeah, I can. I don't see Ponyhead or Janna not wanting to tag along and Jackie has already said she wants to spend the entire summer with Marco. Not to mention that since the setting is changing to Mewni, most of the Earth background characters won't be around so that leaves a bigger role for Janna and Jackie

Who will be part of The Fellowship of the cuck?

I just need an episode that lets us know Jackie as a person. Like in all of 2B, she was only really in two episodes and one background cameo. And I'm supposed to believe that that few showings is going to sustain the idea that this is going to be the main pairing at the end? Not to mention what's already been said about how Marco continually drifts back to thinking about or worrying about Star.

The closest I got to that was in Bon Bon when she starts talking about the stuff she likes and that's pretty much it. All Jackie's been is "that cool girl" and in a show where everybody in the cast is growing and developing, she really stands out as being really more of a plot device than anything

You make it sound like Star thought Marco never even had a chance with Jackie, or is that just me?

For sure: Janna, Jackie, Ponyhead, Kelly

My Ideal: Janna, Jackie, Starfan13, Tom, Ponyhead, Kelly, and Oscar

She definitely thought it could happen, she just didn't realize how she felt until it did.

That's not even remotely what I meant and I don't think that's what the show meant either

Fuck no

So Oskar dies, right?

16 years


She doesn't have to fight. Marco can literally spend 15 minutes a day with her in her dimension while still maintaining a relationship with Jackie. Only problem would be over population in her dimension with all of the kids they'll have

is this a jojo reference?

>I wonder, what are Jackie and Marco going to do during their non thinking summer?

That got cancelled when Star left. Now Marco's going to be thinking about Star 24/7.


/wsg/ has some nice webm from Star

>Starco was shipped before the show even began, that's really rather odd and convenient considering that we knew nothing about these characters yet

>Daron Nefcy's own words: "I think what audiences might find fun is that there is an arc that begins to develop in the first season, a story that will build to a big finale – there is a story that goes through the first season, that I hope people will see! It’s there!"

>Star and Marco showed no romantic interest in each other prior to the Blood Moon Ball, after that Starco shippers went in HARD

>Blood Moon Ball.... You know.... That ritual.... In hell....

>the SHIP Captain's voice, telling Marco about the Blood Moon literally came out of nowhere and hasn't been addressed since

>Marco said that he's felt funny ever since then, in the live chat

>Blood Moons are caused by an Eclipse. Think about that for a minute....

>the spotlight that shined on Star and Marco's love picture during Ruberiot's song was red and just came from the sky, you know, the same red light that the blood moon emits

>Adam seems to support Starco and Gian oddly seems to encourage Starco shippers

>Starfan13, the creator's mouthpiece, ships Starco

I wonder how many Starco fans have realized that the Blood Moon is evil and they're being played.

A rather mature approach.


Brave Star a best

>Starco was shipped before the show even began, that's really rather odd and convenient considering that we knew nothing about these characters yet
No that's not odd at all actually. People were shipping Korra with Tenzin before we even saw his character design

Fuck Jackie
Kill Janna
Cuck Star
Marry Starfan13

Cuck Janna
Fuck Starfan13
Marry Jackie
Kill Star

The problem with butterflies is that they think they're hot shit with their wings and looks, when in reality they're nothing but insects to be squashed.

Now sure, they look pretty enough flopping about in the air near your space. You wouldn't flatten one against your palm if it happened to briefly land near you or your boyfriend.

But if one got into your house? Flying around in your bedroom, laying its disgusting larvae inside of your pillows and stockings? No way. I'd smash it against the wall in an instant, like any bug intruding where it doesn't belong.

Oh but hey, Marco's waiting for me to get back to the party, see you later Star!

This is the best girl
prove me wrong

Nah, it's not that odd. The two just look cute together, and people can start shipping off of that alone.

Have you considered that maybe you're overthinking this?

Mrs Heinous is afraid of butterflies and is seemingly ashamed of her Butterfly ancestry

What does it mean?

Thank you user. That's a very encouraging read and puts my mind a bit in ease

Is this a new copypasta.

Also, pretty sure that Jackie saying this in the show would make her the bitchy girlfriend everyone thought she'd be. Did you really think this through?

Reminder that fish eat bugs

Marry Jackie
Fuck Star
Cuck Starfan13 via Fucking Star
Remove Gypsy

Or I just think Star and Marco are cute and want them to end up together because I like their chemistry and many others think the same way?

Fatties aren't attractive.

Fuck Starfan13
Marry Janna
Kill Jackie
Cuck Star

When are we gonna stop with the mermaid shit?

Fuck Star
Cuck Jackie
Marry Janna
Kill Starfan13

Fuck Jackie, Cuck Starfan, Marry Star, Kill Janna.

Marry Jackie
Fuck Starfan13
Cuck Star
Kill Janna

Never. Embrace the meme.

The only good response so far