>The Only Disney Movie to Lost an Oscar
Explain Why?
Can't Dean DeBlois win an oscar?
>The Only Disney Movie to Lost an Oscar
Explain Why?
Can't Dean DeBlois win an oscar?
Japanese black magic.
>The Only Disney Movie to Lost an Oscar
Moana technically lost too even though it was to another Disney movie.
let's not forget the year Wreck it Ralph and Paranorman lost to Brave.
Why does he draw people with such small shins?
Treasure Planet, Brother Bear, The Princess and the Frog and Bolt also were indicated and lost.
Thigh fetishism?
>2001: Monsters, Inc. lost to Shrek
>2002: Lilo & Stitch and Treasure Planet lost to Spirited Away
>2003: Brother Bear lost to Finding Nemo
>2006: Cars lost to Happy Feet
>2008: Bolt lost to Wall-E
>2009: The Princess and the Frog lost to Up
>2012: Wreck-It Ralph lost to Brave
>2016: Moana lost to Zootopia
Three years where they lost to a non-Disney/Pixar film. Did OP even look this up?
: Wreck-It Ralph lost to Brave
This was the worst one.
Because it was up against Spirited fucking Away
Lilo and Stich is great, but theres really no contest
Lots of people consider years where PIxar won to be years where Disney won.
>Implying quality has anything to do with straight voting
I didn't appreciate how thick Lilo's sister was when I saw this as a kid.
I would argue that the worst was Princess and the Frog losing to Up. Brave was just boring, not aggressively bad like Up. Also maybe if Negro and Frog won the Oscar, we would see some traditionally animated movies out of Disney once in a while.
: Wreck-It Ralph lost to Brave
Fucking how?
>Lilo & Stitch lost to Spirited Away
Man I am fucking conflicted.
It's a Disney movie losing to another Disney movie. I was just listing the movies that lost.
The Jews just give it automatically to Pixar nowadays unless it's Cars, Zootopia winning was an anomaly.
Disney losing to Pixar does not count
Car was shit
The Featured Animated Film Cateogoty was created to give Shrek the oscar
>Monster's Inc lost to Shrek
I can accept this
>Lilo and Stitch and Treasure Planet lost to Spirited Away
I love all three of these, so I'm conflicted. I guess i'm happy that a foreign animated movie won for once.
>Brother Bear lost to Finding Nemo
No contest there, Brother Bear was weak for Disney and Finding Nemo was great
>Cars lost to Happy Feet
Both were okay movies but Happy Feet was slightly better I guess
>Bolt lost to Wall-E
>Princess and the Frog lost to UP
This was a mistake. Up was dull and Princess and the Frog was criminally underrated
>Wreck-it-Ralph lost to Brace
This is a flat-out travesty
>Moana lost to Zootopia
Eh. Two good movies but both slightly weak for neo-Disney. Kubo should have won, if only so The Mouse doesn't get complacent
>both starring oceanians
>Up was dull
Maybe for you.
>Muh tragic back story
>Muh "daddy abandoned me" character
I don't have daddy issues, so maybe that's why I don't relate to it like you apparently do
Wow, way to sound like a whiny bitch.
>I'm going to dilute every bit of plot I see and reduce it to "muh X" to sound like I have even a remotely valid argument.
>Muh muhs
Fuck off.
think it was 2014 or 15 that anything but disney should have won easily
>Up was dull and Princess and the Frog was criminally underrated
Up is better than PatF, which is a glorified direct-to-video. They got it right.
Looks like I struck the right nerve.
Up was boring, get over it.
Says (you)
Up was trite and manipulative garbage. It had shitty characters and a completely ridiculous story that despite of that managed to be boring.
>my dad has to work instead of being with me all day
>the wife I happily spent 60+ years with died of natural causes
>lets fly to South-American jungle by balloon, rip-off Dexter's Lab and throw an old man from a blimp
This was literally worse written and less entertaining than Cars AND Cars 2.
Wait, this fucking happened? Brave won against Wreck It Ralph and Paranorman? Who the fuck is in charge of these things?
>Up was trite and manipulative garbage. It had shitty characters and a completely ridiculous story that despite of that managed to be boring.
Maybe for you.
>Man I am fucking conflicted.
About what? I like Lilo & Stich very much, but Spirited Away is just better, also Disney has enough Oscars as it is, and Ghibli has only two.
>only one
fix, dunno how that happened
Well it makes sense when you consider the people who vote don't even actually watch all the nominated movies for best animation.
that's make wonder why Spirited Away won
People may have heard "Miyazaki" and recognized him as the better filmmaker.
The Oscars are a fucking joke.
Awards in general are.
It just appalls me that they don't even attempt to take it seriously. Why the fuck is abstaining an option for them?
Well, wouldn't you prefer someone didn't vote if they hadn't seen the nominees?
nah by that time Miyazaki were a totally who, Miyazaki was well know in western after the Oscar
Plenty of people knew who he was by that point, given most of his movies had been dubbed by then, some getting redubbed around that time.
I'd prefer they either suck it up and watch all the nominees or get the fuck out. Trying to do this when you don't care benefits no one.
Still better to abstain than to cast a random, half-hearted vote.
The Oscar however contributed significantly to anime as a whole becoming accepted as NOT JUST FOR KIDS in the West. It jump-started proper dubs and distribution of Ghibli movies in my country, for instance, which were otherwise unheard of before that.
Anime was on the rise way before that with the arrival of Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, and Vampire Hunter D.
Different countries, I guess. The only mainstream series we had here up 'till the early 2000s was primarily Dragon Ball and the like, old timey SoL like Heidi and and a near-endless stream of Go Nagai series. Ninja Scroll, Ghost in the Shell and Vampire Hunter D were also known, but they were niche to the point you could only watch them if you stumbled across a VHS by accident.
Hell, the only TV station that ever aired a Gundam series in our language when I was growing up was Monaco's national TV channel. Imagine trying to get a hold of that.
Why are you surprised? If a movie has a Pro-Female bent to it (meaning it falls into the Liberal/Leftist category) it automatically wins. that's why Leftist Propaganda Topia won this time.
And just in case you're wondering Disney's Gigantic is going to win because it's another Pro-Female fueled movie. The more Leftist you make a film the more it will win the Oscar and with that victory comes free advertising. Did you really think Big Hero BORING 6 won because it was good? No. It was because the heroes were multicultural, and the token white one of the group was the stupid joke one while the villain is a white guy. Beautiful Disney, fuck your diversity and fuck that upcoming Mexican Coco movie.
For me and for everyone who isn't retarded.
No, it's just you with that shit opinion.
>Wreck it Ralph and Paranorman lost to Brave.
Brave was terrible.
Why was it praised so much?
It was just a worse version of Brother Bear.
>Why was it praised so much?
See . It's not even a joke. If you're film is Pro-Female it will always easily be worshiped and gain acclaim. Now I know you're going to be tempted to see "But Ghostbusters!" That was a bastardization of a beloved franchise which was nostalgic to many (and even then it made too much money for being a piece of shit). Brave was an original story. And original story that was entirely pro-female and Hollywood and their manginas and cucks love that shit.
So it didn't matter that Merida is THE most unlikable official Disney Princess because she was a spoiled entitled cunt who cursed her mother out of mere sense of entitlement, she is still recognized as being a GREAT role model for little twats. On that note, Elsa who shirks her responsibilities and sings about not caring about the suffering of her own people? She's also a great role model. Again you make pro-female anything and it gets worshiped.
This is why Gigantic is going to to win next year, it's the story of a Giantess tormenting and abusing a guy, she'll get the obligatory becoming nicer characterization and everything will consider it Shakespeare and completely NEVER been done revolutionary. God I hate people.
>aggressively bad like UP
Because the whole story is in the first 10 minutes. Everything else is padding.
Both movies feature the voice of Daveigh Chase and David Ogden Steirs also.
The "padding" is the journey.
Because it's not a meme when people say the Oscars are nothing but celebs jerking each other off to feel more progressive
>If you're film is Pro-Female it will always easily be worshiped and gain acclaim.
This is strange because honestly this wasn't such a big thing many years ago. Like, movies where the main advertising focus was "girl power", weren't suddenly off limits for criticism and thought of as role model material despite the plot showing otherwise.
What I really don't understand is how Merida joined the Disney Princess line/franchise. The only reason she was on it was because she could fight and was "rebellious" (and don't need no man), but there is no other reason for her to be on there. Her character isn't supposed to be dressed pretty either, which makes it stupid for her to be on the line up because one of the biggest selling points about the Disney Princess franchise is looking pretty/beautiful and Princess-like! Meanwhile Merida rejects being a princess.
>Merida rejects being a princess
Not only that and everything you said. But canonically Merida, of the official princesses, is the ugliest one (not even her redesign fixes this). The cunt is just ugly. Little girls may be envious of prettier women, but they do not want to buy ugly dolls.
She looks much better in 2D, but yes she is not good looking in the movie.
A lot of ethnic women tend to have shorter legs.