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Why would you annex a country when its way easier to keep them as a vassal like America does with NATO.
Would all Congolese become Chinese citizens? Its retarded.
because Empire is more important.
You try making like if China is working in the same principle like America does.
When China wants. It annexing. That's simple.
>Would all Congolese become Chinese citizens?
The Uighur people have been ruled by the Chinese for a long time. They're still not considered citizens.
Don't get your hopes up for Africans.
to dump people they don't want into africa
He's a racist butcher who holocausted the whites in his country, destroyed his country's economy and caused starvation afterwards because white farmers can't farm when they're dead and getting blacks to do it.......yeah right. He's a typical African leader who lives wealthy while his people suffer poverty, and all he does is blame whites for it.
Hell has a special place for him.
Are you referring to those Muslims who seek to steal China's two westernmost provinces?
They're lucky to still be breathing for trying to steal Chinese land.
People have talked about China taking over Zimbabwe for a while now, but i don't think anyone thought it would be so soon
If they thought rule by Whitey was bad, wait until they see how heartless than Han Chinese are
Typical mr.roboto viewer. Completely oblivious to world events so he thinks his show "predicted" the natural progression of events happening for 20 years now.
will china turn africa from 3rd world country to a superpower?
people they dont want get shot and harvested for organs
When considering blacks are the most numerous people on the planet, you can literally wipe out 100 million of them and no one would even notice.
China's gonna fuck them, and they NEED it because it's the only thing that'll make them grow the hell up.
calm down rice boy
Did Britain turn India into a superpower?
Thanks to Obama's "Arab spring" Libya has found an age-old African solution
Tbhonesto China have gained alot of inluence since the 70's and not one time, since then, they promoted a war that is not near chinese territory.
Meanwhile USA fucked over a good portion of the Middle East.
Will the Chinese commit African genocide? Would be pretty awesome.
I don't think he's advocating the Chinese. Being subhumans, Chinese are completely ruthless and have no morals. I think that's what he meant.
And before mods come in and start banning people, can one kindly transfer this over to Sup Forums where it belongs so it can continue without bannings?
CNN told me China a good boy fuck off Putinbot.
>When considering blacks are the most numerous people on the planet
>Sup Forums intellectuals
If you believe the Indians, yes.
exacly this china much like britian just wants to suck the wealth out of it
by 2020 they will be
Problem: they dump bad Chinese people into Africa and Africa advances because they're non longer solely African.
kill the ama bhulu
>be superpower
>still believe in the toilet witch
>poo in street
They will start to use them, and when they reallize that they dont work, they dont prosper, and they are more of a bourden, they will start to it.
And then America will gaze in horror, and ww3 will start.
any minute now...
>they dump bad Chinese people into Africa and Africa advances because they're non longer solely African.
>zimbabwe superpower 2030!
this. not like europe will be able to get the "refugee crisis" under control. china ruling africa with an iron fist will take care of business. they are welcome to it.
They'll probably do it on the quiet by introducing infertility drugs into the water supply of destitute townships