Meet your karnak
Meet your karnak
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>Karnak knows "kung fu"
>they pick and asian
Are they going to air the first two episodes on TV?
Its going to be weird watching a TV show on Imax
First two episodes and Imax and then a tv version of them.
Sure, why not.
It's not like anyone cares about Karnak enough to object to this.
yeah but will they air the first two episodes again on TV?
I imagine it would be weird for people to start watching it on TV from the 3rd episode
Jim Lee?
I was wondering whether they'd make him Asian.
>I wonder if that was inspired by Buck's previous project....
You know I assumed the guy knew kung fu.
Nothing on his resume says he does. I mean he played henchmen in Rush Hour
Fucking hell Marvel, cast some people who can stuntfight for martial artistis already.
yeah they will show it again iirc it will have extra bits.
Yes, they will also have different content than the IMAX showing. Show it's probably to watch both.
lol bargain basement Wolverine
I hope it isn't suppose to be ultimate Karnak.
That's what stunt doubles are for.
To be fair they are likely going to use asian stuntmen for that role anyway, so casting an asian actor makes sense
Hopefully we get green hoodie Karnak instead of Megamind head Karnak.
>That's what stunt doubles are for.
Yet Hollywood fight scenes mostly look like shit if the actor doesn't do his own stunts/choregraphy (Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen, ...)
But I imagine this guy is cheaper than Donnie Yen so there you go.
Fucking hell, it's Leon Tao.
Oh boy! I love Johnny Carson!
"Literally who", people asking "Why not just do the X-Men?", and "Is this going to be tied to Agents of SHIT?"
Inhumans The Series.
>still no Chew adaptation starring this guy
I hope the Asian iron fist people are happy about this
Karnak has always looked Asian. Just give that dude a moustache and a mask and he's good to go.
I heard Steven Yeun was gonna voice an animated version?
This makes him the second cast member from LOST after Waspfu to get them MCU bucks. I want them all.
Wasn't he Porcupine in X3
but this is MCU TV not MCI movies
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a singular universe you fucking retard. Stop spreading your disease.
>implying AOS & netflix shows are canon
>implying the actors make anywherenear the money the movie guys make
They are canon.
>implying chris evans makes anywhere near as much as iron man
>implying Daredevil makes anywhere near as much as Chris Evans
It's not likely to ever happen by this point.
>They are canon.
Nice meme!
it's like it can't get any worse, and then it does
Guy couldn't even beat Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker in Rush Hour.
>animated version
>people will stop bitching about not racebending characters to be Asian in the MCU
Great, and Karnak actually makes sense for that. More sense than Iron Fist.
almost as bad as casting a cum stain for Iron fist
I zee a fraw hier
>9/11 was an inside job
>we never went to the moon
>aos isn't canon
>chemtrails are real
Even if any of these were secretly true, you'd still look like an idiot.
Cry more, little man.
What the fuck happened to Leon?
I think he died after his last appearance.
I'm not upset. I'm simply explaining to you that taking a stance against something factual by saying it's not true is useless. It's fictional media and the creators of said media have clarified outright that it is indeed canon. I'm honestly trying to help you.
Nice passive aggressiveness.
>Karnak is Blackbolt's cousin
I'm honestly not being passive aggressive. I feel it's hard for me to accurately express my sincerity to you through text. And I definitely don't want to sound like I'm talking down to you so I'll just say this: Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows are considered canon by Marvel. To say otherwise would be to say chapter 2 of some novel didn't happen. So without condescension, I humbly suggest you look at the facts.
And now you're just too hard to pretend "e-everything is fine. I-I'm not upset".
You'll keep pumping your idiotic paragraphs until you run out of ideas and resort to shitty one liners or greentexting just for the sake of arguing, though that won't make Agents of Shit canon.
I'm not the one who decides it's canon. I'm sorry I've offended you.
But if it makes you feel better, you honestly made me laugh just now by covering one-liners and paragraphs both so either way I'd look like a dummy.
Not canon, my friend.
I will now explain to why dinosaurs aren't real.
They're not real.
No amount of sacrastic replies will make your show canon, sorry.
You're absolutely right. But it doesn't matter what result my posts have on the canonization of something when said thing is already factually canon.
>not dead
I'm baffled by how out of canon Autists of Shield is.
If you had watched the show, you'd know why Coulson is alive.
Still not canon, dude.
Why do you have that misconception?
Oh my god, Sam Jackson literally showed up in SHIELD. It's fucking canon even if the crossovers are a one-way street.
Not canon in the MCU aka the place that actually matters.
As long he gets a cool green Jack Kirby-esque outfit it should be fi- It's not going to happen is it.
Whedone said it ins't canon and Whedon is the person in charge of the MCU. Face it, agents of Non-canon is literally agents of NOT CANON.
He's getting the redesign or just normal clothes with some green sprinkled in.
Could explain it away with his parents having had gone through terrigensis, which gave one of them an asian looks, and it was passed down to Karnak, even though he never went through Terrigensis.
Or fuck it, I don't know.
So are we talking about canon or your personal interests? Because Fury, Carter, Hill, Sif, and others have shown up on the show and then continued to be in the films.
>Whedon is the person in charge of the MCU
I'm sorry, I believe your opinion can officially be discarded now. Your info is about 4 years old.
Completely non-existant in the MCU.
>inb4 Whedon is out of the MCU
The Russos didn't even know that AoS existed until the fish oil autists complained he completely disregarded an "important" plot point in the MCU despite their show not being part of it.
>inb4 the russos aren't in charge of the mcu!!!!
Feige hates Perlmutter with a passion. He's not letting anything shithumans in as long as he's in charge. Based Igor kicking Perlmutter and his shit fanfiction out of the actual draws.
Actually AoS has been on for 4 years now and literally THE most existent thing in the MCU.
I just said its a one-way street. There's still a shared canon.
Not affecting the MCU in the slightest due to its non-canon status.
Nigger, one way street means AoS draws canon from the MCU to its own, but not the way around, in the main MCU Coulson is dead and the Inhumans don't exist yet.
Feige is smart enough to know that retroactively calling the TV side noncanon would lost a viewership and do major damage to Marvel Entertainment. So until someone in charge comes out and says it isn't canon, it's canon.
Coulson's dead. Inhumans don't exist. The movie was scrapped and so the TV crossover.
Not canon.
Actually Coulson is alive and that's the reason he's still on the show. Inhumans exist as well, that's why they're on the show. The Inhumans TV series will also start as a movie in imax theaters.
Even the expanded Star Wars universe is more canon than AoS.
You're simply saying that because the people in charge of Star Wars outright said that shit isn't canon. You're purposefully stating things that are false.
At this point the X-Men movies have more chances to retroactively be canon than AoS does.
Had Logan been shit and had AoS not already been canon, you'd probably be right.
Even X-Men origins.
is ellis karnak any good ? i'm thinking of picking up the trade
That's true in your hypothetical situation where AoS wasn't canon and Logan didn't do well.
Origins: Wolverine is absolutely canon to the X-Men movie universe.
AoS won't even qualify as an elseworlds stories.
Dude it's simple
Blackagar Boltagon's uncle/aunt had a Asian spouse
Karnak isn't his brother or something
>tfw to intelligent for inhuman
Well no it couldn't because it's canon to the MCU. Elseworlds are specifically for stories that aren't canon.
Yeah, it's pretty good although his "Karnak is some asshole super-nihilist that gets off on convincing people to lose faith in humanity" characterization can be a bit grating.
Its biggest problem was just the fact that it took a year and a half to release 6 issues, but it's solid when read all at once.
Even the Raimi movies could be integrated into canon with Spider-Verse and AoS will stay non-canon.
It keeps on going in and out of 'development hell'. Last I heard Steven was gonna voice, Felicia Day the female lead, and also David Tennant as the bearded guy. Forgot name.
Not sure.
Technically, you're right about the Spider-Verse if they ever go that route but you are actually mistaken about AoS being not canon in that scenario.
But it's ok, bud. AoS might cross with Inhumans which is also not canon btw.
It probably won't. But both are and will be canon.
Though it won't make any of the two canon.
The Incredible Hulk isn't canon.
Still more canon than AoS tho.
Dude, they're half-alien humans. Does it really matter?
William Hurt
Sam Jackson
I'm not even going to bother naming them all. Who cares. I'm busy now.
All of that non-canon. Non-existent. Never happened. And it won't change.
>Who cares. I'm busy now.
You clearly aren't.
It was a wild ride with some surprises. I can recommend it.
IIRC, Karnak, Trigon, and Gorgon were the only ones with an "open" ethnicity casting.
>inb4 black gorgon
I think Beth from TWD could make a suitable Crystal.