Other urls found in this thread:
Why does her mask blush?
How does she constantly blush through her mask?
>make Gwen Stacy into Spider-man.
>people like it.
>make Gwen Stacy into Deadpool.
>worst marvel comic
Is in the cancellation zone!
She drowned in a Poole
Gwen is going to be ghost cucked by a girl who talks to rocks.
Because Gwen is cute! CUTE!
>3 different characters
>same face
... is the lesser miniseries written by Hastings.
Not even close to worst. I mean it's not good but that doesn't even make you top 5 worse at Marvel these days.
And nobody cares about Spider-Gwen either.
Because memeing waifus into existence hits a point of diminishing returns eventually.
Even if you don't like Gwenpool, did you not fucking read America yesterday?
Did Gwen have a comic out yesterday?
I need more cuteness
At least the book is doing shit like having her punch Hittler, while in Gwenpool nothing worth talking about ever happens.
I mean, which is the most creative and crazy issue of Gwenpool?
That and at least America has some ASS on her, not those flat pancakes that Gwenpool has
There faces look nothing alike.
What's she been up to? Last I checked she was talking to some guy who wound up being a Doombot?
yes they do look the same, remove the make-up from emo girl and they are triplets
>Gwen Stacy
the only thing they have in common is blonde hair, a skin tone, and a first name.
If that makes her Gwen Stacy I guess that makes me the director of 300.
>which is the most creative and crazy issue of Gwenpool?
...the one where a rogue Doombot teams up with squid aliens to fight a band of mercenaries who had recently defeated MODOK?
you idiot, that is literally her origin, she's a gwen stacy variant spoof of DP. That is why she fucking exists because execs found out people liked the variant and they're like get on that shit.
what went wrong?
>that is literally her origin
No, it isn't. Her origin is that she was a girl from "our" world that got stuck in the Marvel Universe and decided to become a superhero/mercenary to avoid getting killed off as a random background character. You should give the book a read, it's pretty good.
Cancellation Zone is below 20k. This is still selling above 20k.
next issue when
>...the one where a rogue Doombot teams up with squid aliens to fight a band of mercenaries who had recently defeated MODOK?
What is creative about that? ''le epic squid aliens''?
No dumbass, stop your autismo for a second and re-read what I said. Her on-going came out because of a variant. Clinging to the word origin isn't cute.
It might be good, but he's right. The reason why the character of Gwen Poole exists is that the Deadpool Gwen Stacy variant was succesful.
>Cancellation Zone is below 20k.
Marvel has cancelled books with 22k monthly sales.
It doesn't help that the Holiday Special issue sold like crap and the first trade was outsold by the freaking Hip Hop covers!
Everyone who said the story and character were boring and people only liked her for her costume were right.
waste of a good costume
It's not even that good. The color scheme is cool but the hoodie is just retarded.
the character and or the fanbase are such cancer that I can't even enjoy the costume, it looks annoying, as annoying as a pink deadpool would be
yeah, the artist has a case of the ''sameface''
it'll be ok
let's just enjoy the sunset
>that is literally her origin
Holy fucking shit thats some headcanon you got there. care to post some actual proof?
>>that is literally her origin
then what's her origin???
''Well, she was Marvel fangirl that-'' we mean the origin of why the character was created, retard.
Everybody knows that the comic only exist because of a popular cover
You know, considering she's an inherently meta character it would makes sense that this would be acknowledged to be her canon origin.
>Being retarded on purpose
The holiday special where Red Skull is visited by the ghost of Hitler.
> seeing things that arent there
You ok user?
> My proof is MORE headcanon
are you just pretending to be retarded?
Yes, but that's not her origin. Words have meanings.
>outsold by the freaking Hip Hop covers!
I don't see how that's a knock against it. The Hip-Hop Cover HC sold extremely well.
I hate this character and all Gwen spin-off characters in general.
Lesbians really are more marketable than gay men, huh
You should work on your reading comprehension.
Indeed, which is why nobody said 'in story origin' we said the reason why she exists. as in why marvel decided to make her comic, which is what it was all about and some idiot conflated that with her in story origin as if anyone gives a shit about a soon to be cancelled character's in story origin.
why cant you just take my words at face value so that I can be right?
>that is literally her origin
you still lack any evidence whatsoever
What is creative about punching Hitler?
The first two anons were talking about in-story origins. The third then comes in and says that that is her literal origin.
When talking about comics, "origin" is referring to the characters' origin story, not why they existed. If you asked what Superman's origin was, you'd say:
>child from an alien planet gets sent to earth as his planet is exploding, raised by a kindly kansas couple, gains superpowers, and then decides to use those powers to protect his adopted home in the name of Truth, Justice and the American Way
You wouldn't say
>a couple of jews needed to pay rent
Where on the variant cover does it say she's Gwen Stacey?
The literal first post is talking about the Gwen stacy variant.
How does it feel to be so stupid that you can't read.
Gwen stacy+dp = variant cover. The very first fucking post you dunce fuck.
Nowhere in the original post is the variant mentioned. You should work on your reading comprehension because it seems like you have a bad case of seeing things that aren't there.
Are you niggers being intentionally dense or do you really not know?
Are you guys having an autism competition or something?
Cut it out.
Now fuck off and die niggers.
You're getting awfully angry over this, user. Chill out. It's OK to be wrong sometimes.
If the Stepford Cuckoos ever were to have their own run, let this artist handle it then.
> Plus he'll be available soon (when this is cancelled).
>Despite the name "Gwenpool", the character in fact has no relation to either Deadpool or Gwen Stacy
Ah, thanks for clarifying that. Guess we can put this matter to rest then.
>extremely well.
it sold ok
thank god. feels good to know
Huh, y'know, I actually did think Gurihiru had a problem with sameface, but by giving them all the same clothes, hair and skin-tone, it actually makes it extremely clear that they have different faces. Guess I didn't give them enough credit.
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Poole is a fictional character who appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, originating as an amalgam of Gwen Stacy and Deadpool from a variant cover of Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2,[1] one of twenty variant covers published due to the popularity of Spider-Gwen from June 2015.[2]
Not the guy you're trying to trigger, but back in my day we were a bit more clever about pretending to be retarded.
I'm sure it's a meme you Gwenpool fans have so carry on, but just go on knowing it's just not that funny.
Compared to how Marvel trades usually sell (poorly), it was a huge seller.
what a shitty thread
have a cute gwen
>Gwendolyn "Gwen" Poole
So she's not Gwen Stacy? OK. Don't know why you felt the need to reinforce the point. We get it.
>. You should work on your reading comprehension because it seems like you have a bad case of seeing things that aren't there.
This is how Gwenpool fags read to any sort of criticism towards Gwenpool, they play retard as hard as they can
>what a shitty thread
It's a containment thread for Mexican Barneyfag. Being shitty is the whole point.
same face comfirmed
What criticism?
selling less than 6k is not good for a Marvel book
deniying that Gwenpool exist because of a Gwen Stacy cover for example
What did she mean by this?
Bruh, it outsold Darth fucking Vader that month. It sold pretty well.
Is there a more generic piece of criticism from people who know nothing about art than "sameface"?
>Bruh, it outsold Darth fucking Vader that month. It sold pretty well.
Darth Vader volume 3 or some shit, not the first one.
Yes Marvel its so shit that not even Vader is selling but that doesn't mean that Gwenpool is a success
same face like pic related?
>inbefore ''the face are not a 100% the same like a copy paste of the same face, so not same face!!!''
>every character needs to have one cartoonishly exaggerated feature to distinguish itself from the others
Hey John K. How are ya doing? Whatever happened to your kickstarter?
I want to learn the dark arts so I can find a way to bully Cecil with my dick.
>>I was proved that the art in Gwenpool is same face bullshit, quick, let's strawman the hell out of his opinion by adding things that he never said! Because calling out a same face problem for some reason equals wanting Rem and Stimpy like characters instead!
you guys are beta as they get
I enjoy Gwenpool but I wouldn't read it if Gurihiru wasn't the artist.
Ah, yep. They've both got eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
Nice Hitler > getting punched Hitler
>yfw you try really hard
If Sup Forums could ACTUALLY meme waifus into existence we'd get a Galacta mini
>give us a fan favorite from an alternate universe in an unexpected role
>beat her corpse like a dead horse by trying to make Gwen everything a reality.
If you liked Spider-Gwen, then you'll love punk rock Spider-Gwen! And also Woverine-Gwen, Groot-Gwen, Dr. Strange-Gwen! People thought Gwenpool was funny as a cover, you better believe Marvel is gonna run that shit to the bank and bounce some checks with it.