Name some one with worse filmography.
Protip: you literally can't.
cara is the cutest girl in the world
Emma Roberts
Do you have a problem with eyebrows?
I would actually say she's qt but all the tattoos are fucking disgusting
Yeah OP, fear the brows.
I see what you did there
Your filmography is worse than hers. Also, you're an eyebrowlet.
>these fuccbois hating on Cara
I remember doing that when I was 7.
Paris Hilton
I literally can't
This is the greatest cultural contribution from the race we call niggers. Personally, it was worth it.
Ewe Boll
Natalie Portman post-Leon
To be fair, she is mainly a model, not an actress
She looks like a dude. Is that the "in" thing these days?
>sees picture of supermodel
>thinks of dudes
im pretty sure the only thing thats "in" right now is your boyfriends dick in your asshole
She looks like she'd be nice to bounce on my dick.
Yeah now that you mention it, I realize she looks exactly like my buddy good ol' Ben from the comic books store
she made a big mistake by waxing her arms
daily reminder that c*ra is a jewish lesbian who gets off on teasing the soyim
Dave Navarro?
those eyebrows dont agree with each other
Why haven't you fucked him yet?
this, next to taylor swift that is
top right looks like 80's David Van Day
This post is cringe.
>this filthy neckbeard samefag
In Tumblr you'll find all the Carafags you're looking for.
Literally screaming laughing
Fucking John Green man, lmao
androgyny has been a thing in fashion for a long time.
Why does Sup Forums call everyone a Jew?
She's a Brit.
> Through one of her maternal great-great-grandfathers, Sir Lionel Lawson Faudel-Phillips, 3rd Baronet, Delevingne descends from the Anglo-Jewish Faudel-Phillips baronets; two of her ancestors on that line served as Lord Mayor of London
they're 16 and they still think its funny because of the black hole memetic energy of the word Jew which incites volleys of half-bemused half-ironic stupidity and both sides know they're overreacting and baiting each other. Its probably the only word outside of rape that doesn't immediately create tension or dissent and cause people to either want to cringe or make jokes. The chosen race indeed
Shoot yourself, shitstain
>Name some one with worse filmography.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
>implying I could get a bf
>Later Delevingne demands: “When was the last time you peed yourself?” To which Robbie admits: “I’m embarrassed to say that I do have an answer to this. In the Philippines… We were on the back of a fly-fisher.” She fell off, got stuck under a mate’s legs and the friend started “peeing”. “We were all absolutely dying laughing,” Robbie continues. “My legs were under hers, so she was effectively peeing on my legs and I was laughing so hard at that that I started peeing on her. We were essentially peeing on each other.”
she has a piss fetish so she's my girl
>maternal great-great-grandfathers
Doesn't count, try again
Is that sanitary? Her butt is touching the bench.