we didn't have a proper one in a long time so i'm making one now following the new developments in Jusitce League and Superman rebirth. what did you think of the legion and prime time coming back ? who is oz ? is the dc universe coming alive after all to fuck morrison ?
Hypercrisis Thread
bumping with the map of the multiverse
remember the time batman was orion and his dad was darkseid
also the time when meme magic was at its strongest and batman and joker manifested irl
How Comedian's button crossed that multiversal barrier
> red on yellow button
because the source aka the writers wanted this. question is when shit from dc is going to cross into our universe
So that's the significance of Hurt looking like Thomas Wayne. That's cool.
I wonder if I could get some help with this, in that it's the first I've heard of QEWEQ and my searches aren't giving me a whole lot to go on. Could someone give me a rundown?
Redpill me on the concept of Hypercrisis.
As far as I know it's very specific coincidences between fiction and the real world.
m8 idk anything about this, just the phases of the dcu resembling that of a baby. apparently you have to read seven soldiers if you want to know more
Hypercrisis is the ultimate form of Death of the Author.
All forms of fiction, and even reality, are linked by narrative influence and memes (not the internet maymay kind).
Fans find these links and coincidences and a meta-narrative is formed. It's not about author intent, it's about the completely organic connections and theories the fans create and that are unintentionally mirrored in reality.
Morrison intentionally fills his works with literary allusion and symbolism, not as some 2DEEP4U shit, but to fuel the Hypercrisis. Fans make stories more meaningful than any author ever could on purpose, and that's his entire ideal.
you could google it but as far as i know it originated from a planned event by morrison that was cancelled. elements of it found their way in final crisis. esentially it's coincidences and references in comics that indicate that everything is connected and that nothing ever ends. the connection between fiction and reality was a secondary angle, morrison tried to enforce it by using sigil magic. puting real symbols in comics to match up with reality and make the dc alive and real.
so essentially it's very complex meme magic.
now since i believe in meme magic, timeline hopping and bending and shit like i can see what morrison was trying to do but idk how feasible it is in the long term
It's one of those ideas Morrison uses in several works.
Read this a few times until it sinks in.
You could try to actually explain it instead of romanticizing to the point where whatever you wanted to say gets completely lost.
Dumb phone poster. Buzzwords without substance mean nothing.
Thank you.
well ok but then is actually kinda right. that's essentially what it is. but who's to say it's not actually magic manifesting in reality. to you it may be a writing gimmick, to me it could be the dcu coming alive and to someone else it might mean nothing. the only thing that matters is how we perceive it since it's our own imagination that gives life to all forms of art.
>inb4 3deep5u
it's the objective way of looking at it, i personally just want multiversal adventures and for the real world to be more like the silver age and to start seeing the impossible becoming real ( think superpowers, inter-stellar travel being possible, various races of aliens visiting us ). it would be scary and shit but also exciting, and we would have our own heroes, upholders of good and the representation of virtue ( much like how superman is a paragon of heroism and hope, batman is justice etc. )
Sup Forums memed trump into the white house, we can meme superman into reality
Anyone trying to track the Hypercrisis needs to be keeping an eye on New Super-Man.
Shit's about to get meta as fuck.
With our luck we'll meme the Homelander or Plutonian into reality
Actually, now that I think about it, I think we have been warned about trying this sort of thing.
>Fans make stories more meaningful than any author ever could on purpose, and that's his entire ideal.
This. It doesn't just apply to comics too. Think of Lord of the Rings fandom at it's roots: hippies turning Lord of the Rings into a great piece of anti-war propaganda. Or going back further Alexander the Great conquering Asia because he wanted to be a new Achilles.
Also, it's cynicism which hurts fandom and cynicism is anti-life. Because cynicism tells one that ideas aren't important, when ideas are what make us human and give our life meaning. Remove ideas and you might as well submit your will to Darkseid.