Fox's New X-MEN Drama Series Adds Amy Acker, Percy Hynes White And Emma Dumont As Polaris
Fuck. Now I have to watch this.
how are all those people going to play one character?
Only the last name listed is Polaris, the other two have joined the cast as new characters.
It's a poorly worded headline
The cast so far.
REED STEWART (Stephen Moyer).
>An ambitious attorney trying to balance the demands of his job at the DA’s office with his responsibilities to his family. After his children are revealed to be mutants, Reed is forced to abandon the life he worked hard to achieve to protect his children from the government.
>A strong-willed businesswoman struggling with her separation from her husband Reed and her increasingly challenging teenage children. When her family situation takes a dark turn, she finds that she’s stronger than she thinks.
Everytime I see Polaris, I can't help but think it's Emerald Empress at first.
Time to come
LAUREN STEWART (Natalie Alyn Lind).
>A smart, pretty, popular and organized teenage girl, who is already ahead on her college applications and is the model of a perfect kid, until her life is upended by the discovery of mutant abilites.
Wut? isnt Polaris too big of a deal, since she is the real REAL sister of magneto.
ANDY STEWART (Percy Hynes White).
>A sensitive kid and bit of a loner, who keeps to himself to avoid the turmoil he faces at school and at home, and unlike his sister and parents, is fascinated by his newfound abilities.
Who is this semen demon?
daughter of magneto, i mean.
Man, FOX is gonna use up all their X-Men stuff...
>A sarcastic and lively tomboy with the power of teleportation, Clarice’s naturally strong exuberance has taken a hit after a sudden and traumatic upheaval of her life. As she adjusts to the new people and places that are suddenly home, Clarice slowly becomes herself again.
Damn, I'm actually kinda hype for this now
Well, the movies are pretty much the Wolverine and Mystique show, so that makes sense to use different media to explore the rest of it.
>A strong-willed, brave and loyal member of the Resistance, who has the ability to manipulate magnetism.
>A natural rebel and lone wolf compelled by circumstances to cooperate with others. A passionate and strong-willed fighter who sometimes lets his emotions overrule reason, and possesses the ability to absorb and manipulate photons.
>The cast so far.
A family of characters not from the comics?
What is it with the shows and being so far from the source material? Haven't the movies shown that using the source material is a successful formula? Do they want the Mutant X audience?
SAM (Blair Redford).
>The strong-headed Native-American leader of the underground mutant network that Reed and his family seek for protection, Sam is initially mistrustful of the humans in their midst.
He sounds more like Sunspot than the movie Sunspot
You NOT MUH'd a bit too soon, huh, buddy?
>Amy Acker
I think of both Enchantresses, then Polaris, then Emerald Empress
It won't be as good as Legion but it has potential
Sounds pretty good.
>A sensitive kid and bit of a loner
They're doing the same fucking thing Marvel and DC are doing
They don't want a big name guy like Wolverine or Cyclops on a TV show because then if there's two versions of the same character there's apparently a huge fear that the audience would become so incredibly confused that the movie would then bomb at the box office
my new waifus: the show
>Who is this semen demon?
She's 16.
Calm down Casanova.
>Man, FOX is gonna use up all their X-Men stuff...
Still waiting for my Alpha Flight show so teenage girls can ruin Northstar by shipping him with everything that has a penis.
She's weird, has a big butt, but prefers to hide her with this sad thinness
she quit the team of losers
so, marvel and fox are now the best friends?
My dick
Polaris is a qt :3
This guy's basically Sunspot.
Warpath or Thunderbird. Calling it now.
Prequel to DOFP?
The thing is Sunspot is probably going to be in the New Mutants movie. So this is just going to be Sunspot in everything but name. No clue hat they're going to do with actual Sunspot. Maybe play up him being a rich playboy.
not!Sunspot not!Warpath
Also Circe.
What's with all the green sorceress types in comics
They need to make one of them ugly as fuck with makeup otherwise they've kinda missed the point of "mutants".
>They need to make one of them ugly as fuck with makeup otherwise they've kinda missed the point of "mutants".
Not really. Most named mutants are gorgeous super-model-tier. It's the inhumans that are all supposed to be ugly as fuck.
>marvel and fox are now the best friends?
Marvel Television and Fox are. Marvel Studios and Fox still hate each other.
Fox wants to make a movie out of it.
>Bryan Singer will direct the pilot episode of the still not officially titled X-Men family drama series
so this series is gonna get ruined by miscast twinks?
Fuck. I don't want Singer to put everyone in black leather.
Apart from that, Polaris seems like a good character to have on this show. Not in any movies but not a literally-who if you ever actually read an X-Men comic or two. She has quite some history and an established personality if they bother to use it.
I'm hoping they keep her occasional insanity/power tripping streaks in. And I sure as fuck hope they play their cards on the Magneto connection right.
Either way, this show has me intrigued a bit. An emerging Days of Future Past world with Blink and Polaris in it doesn't sound too bad of a premise. I hope the OC story and characters this revolves around isn't godaweful. And I do fear for the budget and direction in the long run.
Morrison, Ellis, Aaron. Kindly leave X-Men alone.
I think it's less a fear of that and more a fear that if they use those characters they would want the same actors from the movies but that might be too expensive
That was part of the justification by the people working on Legion flip flopping on how strong it's connection is so much. At one point someone connected to the show said it would be too expensive to pay Stewart or McAvoy as well regarded movie actors to reprise the role of Xavier. Of course this is total horseshit as Stewart still regularly does television.
>the cast is displayed in the thread
>none are twinks
>user calls them twinks anyway just to whine
Having the Native guy be Thuderbird and either the older brother of Warpath from DoFP would fit logically. It's only the Sunspot guy that's going to be a weird workaround.
They ain't Murlocks
So far we have…
>several OC mutant characters
>underground mutant resistance
I'm likely how this is shaping up. So long as the family drama stuff isn't awful or out of place I think it could be good.
A lot of girls these days actually dye their hair green and other crazy colors.
Meh. I'd still hit it.