When will we finally get a gem whose gem weapon is practically a gun
Its all I want
Aaron Ross
If she doesn't have the classic rectangle beryl cut, I'll be surprised
Justin Green
Jose Anderson
Brayden Morales
It's been fifteen episodes since we last saw Lion.
Mason Cooper
Seeing lion on screen hypes me up!
Jaxon Peterson
garnet fusion?
Ian Cooper
Juan Wood
Lion >Lion
Ryder Ward
>"Pulls out water pistol" >Hand over the Stevens and nobody gets hurt.
Adam Wood
yfw Lion 4 is about Steven Lion dying
Jordan Stewart
Who the fuck is Schtueball? Greg mentions him every other episode, did I miss something?
Justin Wood
>Where does The treasure map lead to Lapis? >Its leads right below my dress Steven, why don't you go plundering below the deck
Jaxon Richardson
Jasper is best best gem
Adrian Harris
Lion episodes are usually great but that "alternate ending" part of the title does make it sound like its sorta going to end up being filler-ish
Caleb Foster
Gems should watch the sun come up
Michael Collins
is that jesus
Easton Cox
Jasper is seriously warped. The other Quartzes at the Zoo act like normal soldiers. Jasper is a basket case waiting to happen.
If Jasper and the other Earth Quartzes were in a movie, Jasper would get a blanket party.
Camden Smith
For the longest time I thought he was saying snuball
Christian Moore
Black lagoon is one of the best Chinese cartoons I ever seen, and is not only because I have bad taste
Ayden Roberts
Julian Adams
Lapivens are cancer.
Cameron White
Isn't this general just the same as the /trash/ thread.
Ayden Jenkins
Could be Ross Scott.
Angel Cook
please god no. let it be remotely plot relevant
Alexander Parker
You will need.. >9999 Donuts For this transaction.
Samuel Evans
she is just mad because she's single
Parker Long
tfw no pearl episode or mg in sight /spoiler]
Daniel Thompson
Pretty sure post Philanthropist episodes will be filler free, as they're closing up the season.
Josiah Campbell
Your reaction if there's an actual gem in the future named Bloodstone who wields a katana?
Leo Carter
t. Lapidotfag
Caleb Russell
rocknaldo would retroactively turn from utter shit to gold
Blake Hall
I want it to be an AU episode
Adam White
>no pearl episode in sight
Asher Kelly
Lapis Fatis
Landon Morgan
Rupphires should all fucking hang.
Sebastian Collins
She will be Ronaldos new gf
John Foster
Lapidotfags being cancer doesn't stop lapivens from bring cancer.
Adam Young
>Bloodstone finds out about humans and wants to be one >her humansona is Fryrocko, a french fry vendor/blogger from a coastal tourist town >Fryrocko's weapon is a potato
Adrian Brown
Thats probably what it will end up being, something that Steven's narrating like Garnets Universe
Ryan Reed
Steven would never approve of Lapis eating herself to death he should get her a gym mebership!
Mason Martin
Austin Barnes
No, it's Gemsus, sent to expiate Gemkind of it's sins.
Dylan Morgan
no, it needs more breasmilk
Angel Powell
Don't worry user, she'll get like a whole arc dedicated to her soon probably, shes the crewniverse's favorite anyway
Dominic Myers
How dare you lower the resolution of perfection
Austin Jenkins
inb4 it's not a katana but a similar kind of sword
Parker Ortiz
Anthony Moore
We posting fat gems now?
Angel Lopez
Titty hands. . . WHY
Eli Taylor
Joseph Williams
Asher Taylor
To milk herself since her clobbering hands are too meaty to it gingerly enough
Caleb Sanchez
Lincoln Ross
She is the only one who interacts with non earth gems while the rest of her kind is kept in a retard enclosure.
Jaxson Clark
Just chubby
William Moore
Lapis has no tits and ass.
Jose Wright
I can't wait for Centi to be healed!
Lincoln Rogers
they are used for cradling those they wish to breastfeed
Andrew Morris
I'M dissapointed that he diddNn't make that sword himself out of the spaceship chink he looted. That would been cool.
Jordan Gonzalez
Aaron Sanchez
Reddit leave
Jaxon Rodriguez
Jayden Young
Owen Bennett
nice thread
Ryan Martin
Hate to build hype, especially given the recent track record of let-downs, but what if the "ending" it's talking about refers to the end of the rebellion and PD's shattering, with Rose's "alternate" side of the story.
I keep getting burned by the crew, but I can't stop getting excited for upcoming episodes. Is this what an abusive relationship feels like...?
Aiden Lee
Caleb Watson
To cool for this show
Tyler Lopez
John Carter
I also think that the other Earth Quartzes resent her just as much as she doesn't want to be associated with them.
Jasper's always been alone.
Andrew Clark
>That is the face Lapis will make after she stabs Steven to death and has the hardest orgasm she had ever had.
Zachary Gomez
Well alone at sea taught you how to deal with this, revel in your rape and get socked in the face and fucking deal with it
Oliver Sanders
God, why does Amethyst look her best with big fat balls and big fat cocks in her mouth?
Anthony Myers
What's wrong, user? Don't you want to be able to hug the bug once again?
Jordan Garcia
Someone walk me through Sugar's reasoning for giving Greg an obscene amount of money. It's such an exceptional thing to happen and nothing seems to justify it.
Gabriel Nelson
>Is this what an abusive relationship feels like...?
But I like your idea of what it could be, I just can't help but feel doubtful about it
Hudson Watson
GTFO Reddit
Luke Flores
Why are you like this?
Tyler Robinson
I want to fug the bug, not another recolored human.
Adrian King
Their power is milk bending and shooting strong concentrated blasts of milk out of their large canon-like milk ducts. Their milk also has the power to bring the dead back to life, since Steven's spit has healing qualities and Jasper's milk is already so magical and nutritious that it has the power to allow Steven to grow into a man and cure the injuries and illnesses of anyone who drinks it. Steven and Jasper will fuse into Milky Quarts and squirt their breastmilk onto Pink Diamond's shards. This will be how Pink Diamond is revived and how peace will be obtained between the CGs and the other Diamonds.
Noah Torres
Charles Watson
Brayden Flores
No, it's de Mayo.
Elijah Martin
They can milkbend? Now my otp Milkypis is basically obsolete
Carter Wright
why no ep tonight
Brayden Miller
Reasoning doesn't matter Anything the writers want to happen can just happen in the show now
Michael Lee
*cm >implying pearl would use the meme measurement system
Anthony Price
This is the epitome of insanity.
Josiah Evans
>tfw no... mg in sight Good
Isaac Williams
You do know it's mainly just going to be Steven going solo a majority of the time, right? Now that he's stronger.
Gavin Mitchell
Where can I commission more Milky Quartz art lads?
Caleb James
i remember these guys
Jonathan Gonzalez
Dinklebop2 is up for commissions.
Leo Martin
The fuck kinda response even is that? got a problem with the Puma?