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Why is spacey in that image?
based Glamour what about all the POC that were not raped?
I read the article.
The gist of it is that it's not okay for privileged people to go public about sexual assault, because poor people or POC get ignored, so they should all stay silent and shut the fuck up. If I was just slightly more of a conspiracy theorist I'd suggest Glamour is shilling for Weinstein and co.
>no link
Fuck off
desu Weinstein did nothing wrong, only Sup Forums drumpfcucks give him shit
The ways the kikes will twist things to save on of their fellow kike is just disturbing. They even invented a word for it Chuzpah! And they never miss an opportunity to use minorities as a red herring.
>siding with the women
fuck off cuck #teamjooz forever
He chooses to live as a privileged woman now.
Don't you have a wedding to blow up, Muhammad?
Fuck off shlomo. You kikes are immoral trash.
Weinstein is honestly a legend, the woman who are coming forward have no moral high ground if they did those actions for profit and to make a brand name for their own inflated ego.
dumb phoneposter
Privileged women BTFO
shoo shoo Stacey
>I read the article.
Coming from a town with no yids in it makes ite very interesting to see Americans sperg out about Jews. I always just saw them as incomplete Christians or ye olde ancestral religion. But according to 4channers, as of the last two years they've become the devil incarnate.
Boy, are you in for a ride
You need to come up with better insults shlomo.
I just read the article and you're lying. The article continually praises the "priveleged" women while pointing out that "normal" an "underprivileged" women have the exact same shit happen to them all the time and we need to remember that despite the fact that the latter categories don't have platforms to tell their stories and make the facts known.
OP, you're a fucking retard for making this thread. Are you a shill trying to make Sup Forums look even worse than it is in the wake of the recent normie and media flood to Sup Forums?
>Coming from a town with no yids
Then what do you know, goy?
Since OP is a fag, here's the link he didn't include:
“The problem isn't Hollywood or D.C. or other meccas for power. It's men who think that women exist to serve their sexual fantasies. Men who think that women are props or accessories. Men who want to lord their power over women so desperately that they hold them captive in bathrooms, wildly masturbating in some sad bid at human connection. How many stories have you heard of a woman furiously masturbating in a public place just to get her jollies? You haven't? I didn't think so.
But these men aren't just hosting HBO comedy specials, they're giving physicals and stocking drugstore shelves, and building Powerpoint presentations on the latest sales figures. The momentum gained by more privileged women who have come forward needs to continue to be put to good use, exposing the repressive ways that women in all kinds of workplaces are made to suffer at the hands of men who can't keep their hands to themselves.”
I told you this shit wasn’t going to stop with Hollywood, the Twitter driven insanity is spreading throughout our society.
Because women have neither the intelligence nor emotional stability to make it on their own, thus need to tear down men and drag them down to a status on par with women.
Archive that shit homie
Dude, are you even listening to yourself? Are you seriously saying that women calling men out for raping them/beating off at them/catcalling them is equal to "women tearing down men"? You need to get off of Sup Forums and take a fcuking break my man. Shit.
a guy who is accused of drugging and raping women vs. a guy who masturbated in front of several women and stopped when they said no
gee wiz
Ignores the fact that a half-Filipino model made the recording that brought him down.
I’m saying 99.9% of these claims of sexual harassment never happened and are the result of emotionally driven women who spend their days on Facebook, looking for some kinda drama in their safe, sterile, Westernized lives.
The more woman that make these on-line claims backed up by zero evidence, the more women join them in making up their own spurious claims.
It’s the nature of women combined with Internet technology.
But Bill Cosby is a nigger.
also a prostitute that was at billionares parties and had a 60 year old sugar daddy
she's filth
took a pay out to keep quiet
Weinstein is a gatekeeper and a sexual predator, he lures his victims to his hotel with the pretext of showing them a script and then show up naked. Some of these women were straight up whores who had no problem sucking cocks for roles but there are also women who found themselves cornered by Stein.
i hope a lawsuit comes out of this and he reveals all the details of the whores he fucked
I think it's easy to spot the whores. They are the one who starred ed on many of his movies, got an Oscar and show up on many many pictures next to him. That's why I have a hard time taking Rose seriously. She posed on photos with him 10 years after her molestation.
>as of the last two years
I think you meant to say two thousand years
ive always hated louis ck and still like cosby though.
Cosby has actually contributed good things to the world
>but what about meeeeeeee
Roasties, not even once
Wow they do make hot filipino
>“The problem isn't Hollywood or D.C. or other meccas for power. It's men who think that women exist to serve their sexual fantasies. Men who think that women are props or accessories. Men who want to lord their power over women so desperately that they hold them captive in bathrooms, wildly masturbating in some sad bid at human connection. How many stories have you heard of a woman furiously masturbating in a public place just to get her jollies? You haven't? I didn't think so
So, when men find an alternative to women like sex dolls for busting off nuts in there wont be a problem right? OK. Cool.
> But these men aren't just hosting HBO comedy specials, they're giving physicals and stocking drugstore shelves, and building Powerpoint presentations on the latest sales figures. The momentum gained by more privileged women who have come forward needs to continue to be put to good use, exposing the repressive ways that women in all kinds of workplaces are made to suffer at the hands of men who can't keep their hands to themselves.”
So, when men find alternative outlets for their sexual energy and no longer are driven by busting nuts in women who bare no children which are equivalent to sex dolls then the problem should be resolved. At that point, women will have to prove themselves equal to men to gain employment, raises, etc and the old system of using sex and sexual appeal for advantage will die.
> Because women have neither the intelligence nor emotional stability to make it on their own, thus need to tear down men and drag them down to a status on par with women.
They're revealing their true selves for all men to see. Godspeed to this.
What comes after will be pure pottery
>But these men aren't just hosting HBO comedy specials, they're giving physicals and stocking drugstore shelves, and building Powerpoint presentations on the latest sales figures. The momentum gained by more privileged women who have come forward needs to continue to be put to good use, exposing the repressive ways that women in all kinds of workplaces are made to suffer at the hands of men who can't keep their hands to themselves
kek, good luck
This shit is only affecting hollywood and politics because that's what the media focuses on anyway
A roastie in your workplace tries to pull this shit thinking that she'll be listened to and believed she'll get sorely disappointed to find there aren't a gorillion twitter accounts and a CNN news crew there to back her up and she's just accused someone of a career-threatening charge and has opened herself up to workplace and civil repercussions if she has no evidence
>despite the fact that the latter categories don't have platforms to tell their stories and make the facts known.
>minorities can't post on twitter, medium, facebook, ect
WTF I hate the internet now!
why anyone at this point would defend the movie industry?
>become the devil
Its just a coincidence that a tribe of volcano demon worshipping Semites have been thrown out of every country they attempt to settle in, no problem there at all, everyone is just racist!
wtf I love third wave feminism and hate toxic masculinity now
>work hard
>become a master of your craft
>earn worldwide respect
>ur just privilejd
Marxist subhuman scum
strop pretending shlomo, you are not from here
fuck off ahmed
Yes the woman are immoral whores, and Weinstein is a slimey deviant. No one is innocent here, tinsel town needs burn.
I knew this would happen when Al franken got accused. The Dems can't afford to put any Senate seats at risk.
This is the best scandal ever.
jew and muslims are two sides of the same hook-nosed coin
all willing to lie and deceive to protect the faith
so just like whites then. look at all the places they've been expelled from
don't you have a pussy-grabber to be protesting, whiteknight?
What was this map originally of?
Oh boy here comes the whataboutism
>white expulsion is equal to indepency from spain and portugal
who the fuck came with this, like they are not even tryng
>poland isn't white
It was made by a retard
Russians aren't white and they expelled whites at various point in history (russian civil war, ww2, etc).
i'm with trump, and i'm a spic, hollywood needd to die and your bosses deserve to be in jail, you can't spin this but let us see you try
>Russians aren't white and they expelled whites
Ok so you are just retarded
>slavs are white
lmao, Hitler himself stated this wasn't the case
non-whites violent expelled whites back to Europe. What would you call it?
ew, a subhuman trying to talk to me. Mow my lawn faggot.
>history with liberals
>russians are whiiiiiiite!
lmao, no. I listen to Hitler on race who clearly called them untermensch.
nice try JIDF.
>expelled whites back to Europe.
Unironically blow your brains out, it'd make you smarter
Oh look its a shitty false flag
Explain croatia, or why Japan 1941 is on there
>as of the last two years
This has to end.
why do you do this to yourself?
If that's true that's completely the wrong argument for them to make. Their argument should be that they allowed this abuse to happen for decades DESPITE BEING PRIVILEGED RICH WHITE WOMYN WITH POWER.
Seth Mcfarlane, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart all worked with the rapists of Hollywood and literally did nothing to stop them. They allowed rapes to happen because it didn't affect their careers.
I didn't realize CK was supposed to be some kind of popular comic genius. When did that start?
Most Latin countries still have a majority white elite class, some even have jews in charge like Brazil. For expelling all whites they did a shitty job.
The first two seasons of his show is pretty good desu.
there was never an explusion based on race, only the spaniards goverment officers and soldiers, millions of europeans migrated to all southamerica during the 19th century, the lefty user posting that is more stupid than any /polack
Prisoners of cock?
it's crazy that people literally suck off a baby and it's cool
that's bullshit but i believe it.jpg
The goyim know
People of China
There are still whites in most of those places, specially Russia, Argentina, Uruguay and Eastern Europe
I geniunely think CK shouldn't be in the same group as the others
What harm did the man really do? Just grossed out some women
It's really on a whole 2 levels lower division than the pedophiles and rapists
>Jews control 60% of the wealth
>Whites control the other 39%
Remove both desu
One is the greatest rapist of all time, the other just shows his dick to girls
Who do we hate more?
I'd agree with you if he didn't spend the past 5 years pandering to feminist issues. The quality of his comedy really plummeted.
>If I was just slightly more of a conspiracy theorist I'd suggest Glamour is shilling for Weinstein and co.
That's exactly what's happening. The media is the media, and the media is trying to cover up/excuse its own shitty behavior. Especially when there's jews involved.
Louie is cuckino
vikander, kstew, jlaw, argento, mcgowan, judd, lively etc
n..no guys this is [badly ussed MGTOW lingo] we must stop women now!
Why would a white man want to live in any of those places lmao
Michael Bay and Adam Sandler next pls
you clearly only follow the vanilla mainstream appearances
he is pretty good in O&A