One of the best shows when I was younger.
One of the best shows when I was younger
Other urls found in this thread:
You must not have grown up with many good shows then.
How old are you?
Okay now wait just a fucking second. This show came out in 2010.
Better shows from around the same time:
>Adventure Time
>Regular Show
>horse show
>Sym Bionic Titan
>That Thundercats Reboot
I don't remember this ever being on TV, was this a canadian show or something?
OP is underage ban.
Wait holy fuck I just realized, back when this came out there were endless threads mocking it. Now there are unironic nostalgia threads for it. Jesus Christ.
you'll thank me later
I'll thank you right now you beautiful so and so
Birch a lewd
I like that tittymonster more though.
>5gb 7z on mega
That's impossible to download.
Can someone upload it by separate files?
11 year olds were seven years ago, user.
Thoughts like that make me want to kill myself.
Nigga, you lie! This never aired on TV for longer than 2 months.
I guess we're having a my life me thread? What was with this show and kitsunes?
5 is the limit, and if you go over that it freezes and resumes after five hours if you have a steady connection.
That's not what I meant, Mega decrypts everything into RAM, and then the browser copies that to hard drive, so for a 4.7gh file you need ~10gb+ memory to download it, and a stable 64bit browser.
Oh fuck you're right
What is this?
dvd rips for every episode of the show.
mango cliche
>Birch would be 20 this year
What is Birch like when she's no longer a bratty middle-schooler?
shameless slut
She's now a timid college dropout.
Shy qt aspiring animator.
What do I do with this?
Ok, fags, I'm still not done trawling through this shitty show but when I am I'll have way too many screncaps to reasonably post. I guess I'll have to put them on imgr or something, I don't know.
For this thread, more fucking webms.
(Birch may or may not be cute)
Does anyone that one thread long ago where an animator from the show came on here, did an AMA, and drew porn requests using actual assets and vectors from the show?
Remember when the creator called Sup Forums a sea of tiny boners?
>close up on hip swaying
>close up on ass
>close up on lips
>close up on breasts
>straight hair in the first shot
>sex hair in the last
What did they mean by this
I'm pretty sure OP is being ironic.
dibs on the fatty
birchieful was one of us
A lot of the incidental characters are fucking huge for some reason.
>Liam shamelessly admits his incestuous desire for his cousin in public
I thought half of this show was considered lost media?
It got found. Maybe because of these recent threads.
Sup Forums disses Canadian cartoons all the time yet has no problems with this shit?
The series was apparently released on DVD in some English-speaking Asian countries, and someone simply ripped those discs. Nothing to see here, move along everyone.
Well, except the show itself, that is.
Half of this is ironic and half is because Birch is cute.
Is that a fucking snowman?
>finding a highschool weeb girl cute
literally the only thing wrong is that the show wasn't about Sandra
Gainax should turn this into a real anime
>ever doing anything anymore
This show even has a waifu who only appears for a few seconds, just like all the cool shows!
I knew plenty in high school and I laughed in their faces.
Ironically, I work in animation now and am surrounded by them.
And you're as old as their dads
I remember joining YouChew because I heard the meme lasted longer there than it did on Sup Forums, and I found out that they'd stopped caring about it. Only Enterbots still give a shit.
>working in animation
>not doing an AmA here
I've been here for 6.5 years. We're due an AmA.
>Only Enterbots still give a shit.
Only natural that fans of Mysterious Mr. Enter would be just as autistic as him
>Now there are unironic nostalgia threads for it
>convert to Islam
>kidnap Birch as child-bride
>Canada won't stop you because muh diversity
>alahu akbar
>someone saved these
I'm so flattered user, thanks for brightening my day
As much of a meme this show is I keep coming back to it, not because I like it but because a girl I had a crush on last year was almost a perfect copy of Birch.
Short brown hair
Liked drawing
Wanted to transfer to a school for animators
Its not fair
Draw some thick-thighs Sandra, or big titty Birch.
Sandra and Birch as Morrigan and Lilith from Darkstalkers would be funny.
Post more stupid sexy Birch.
Is an anime style show in the west a dead concept Sup Forums? Was MLM a martyr as well as a pioneer?
This show was made to cash in on the mid-2000s weeaboo boom but was more than a few years too late to the scene in the end. Shit was dumb.
Here's the door to Birch's room. Look at all that dumb shit.
>9/11 2011
I've been here way too long. I hate it. It feels like yesterday
birch a cute
>last year
The girl I had a crush on Fall 2010-Spring 2011 was an almost perfect copy of Birch.
God, I'm old.
Fuck you. I just realized I have wasted 7 years of my life on this site.
This feeling never goes away, does it? I'm never going to find a cute college age Birch again am I? ;_:
>he didnt take her right then and there
Time for smears.
Wait is this like 4-D baiting? Pretending to fall for a sarcastic post?
Everyone knows the show is shit.
But nothing is going to stop Sup Forums from waifuing a cute character.
She looks like she came from a Chris Hart book.
I don't get that reference.
>It's free real estate
go to Barnes & Noble, they have all his references
This is cute, strangely enough.
Post more sexy Birch