Name one character more dependent in their current art team currently than this.
I regretfully must state you are not able to.
Name one character more dependent in their current art team currently than this.
I regretfully must state you are not able to.
Every character at Marvel that manages to wrangle a half decent artist, which isn't most of them. Ms. Marvel for a little while.
Anything Bendis, really.
>cue angry gwenpool fanboys telling you how the writing is actually brilliant and dark as hell but cute
I'm pretty sure people here openly admit they read it for Gurihiru.
Nah, it's all on Gurihiru.
not really, they fellate the writing too much and the non existent comedy too
We aren't looking at the same threads then. I mostly see Gurihiru praise and people saying that the writing is decent for what it is/compared to the rest of Marvel currently which Sup Forums seems to universally think is a shit show.
It's all Gurihiru, my man.
>We aren't looking at the same threads then.
I have been during Gwenpool storytimes and its embarrasing seeing how much they suck the writters cock about any small random reference or stupid animu face like OP
>compared to the rest of Marvel currently which Sup Forums seems to universally think is a shit show.
That's because it is a shit show.
Why does she look like a cunt when not being drawn by gurihiru?
Moon Knight, Old Man Logan and Avengers. Those three are artist showcases while Gwenpool, although certainly better when Gurihiru are doing the art, is still good even when they have fill-ins.
I dunno, man. Sounds like you just have autism.
>is still good
How? post a ''good'' page
not more than the Gwenpool ''reading this comic is as close as I can get to an actual girl CUTE SHE IS CUTE!'' fags
That isn't autism. That's just being overtly pathetic.
Shade the Changing Girl, Doom Patrol and Mother Panic. All three are great books, but a large LARGE part of that is the writers working with talented creative artists for a unified tone and themes. Imagine Shade with Ivan Reis.
An out of context page or panel isn't really indicative of overall writing quality. You'd be better off reading a full issue. They should be all up on viewcomic if you wanted to give it a read.
So how do the sales stats compare between these two?
>An out of context page or panel isn't really indicative of overall writing quality
Yes buy you can get an idea of the quality of the writing, comedy, artwork and action by choosing the right page.
A single page can tell a entire story if you know how to write well and you care about the story that you are telling.
But then again, this is the book in which the main character doesn't have an origin story because they were that lazy when they created the book
Squirrel Girl is getting a live action series or some shit while Gwenpool all it got was like a CGI video for a Marvel cell phone game or some shit, didn't even hit 500k views
Gwenpool sells about twice as high in floppies.
I genuinely dont read gwenpool but look at the pictures and imagine a better story
Oh Squirrelfag, why you gotta work yourself into such a needless rage again? Eat a burrito, pull your sombrero over your eyes and chill.
It's always been wankershimm
>the writing is actually brilliant
Nah, but it is fun
>dark as hell
Nah. That's overselling it. The tone is very lighthearted but it doesn't shy away from violence or death. That doesn't make it dark as hell, just darker than you'd expect from the art style. That's a big part of what makes it fun so I sort of agree with OP there. But I do think the sub artists do a passable job. And the writing is at least entertaining.
t. Gwenpool fanboy
>Squirrel Girl is getting a live action series
That's not what I asked.
Good, thank you.
I will say though that the people that hate the fuck out of Gwenpool and resent its existence really enjoy making up stories about frothing fanboys that have an autistic fit whenever Gwenpool is criticized. Every time I've ever seen a Gwenpool thread on Sup Forums, people get really mad about how much they hate Gwenpool then complain about rabid angry fanboys that never seem to materialize.
Someone corrects someone else about Gwenpool not being Gwen Stacy: Rabid insane fanboy
Someone says Gwenpool is not a copy of Deadpool with animu faces and tits: Crazed defensive autist
I've mostly given up on talking about the series here because people are so ready to fight about it. The fun is in watching this character screw up and get in over her head despite her "super power" just being genre awareness. It's not amazing, but it isn't worth the venom it gets.
And I'm glad it's not getting canceled yet.
This desu.
You forgot your pic, friend-o!
But the only thing Spiderman fucked was her face, with his fist.
It's mostly just one barneyfag-tier shitposter.
A couple of years overdue, but relevant.
As soon as Smith eft, interest sharply dropped.
I think you mean Moore, user.
Can't wait for ANGR 2.0. He's just not diverse enough
>I've mostly given up on talking about the series here because people are so ready to fight about it.
Generally the storytime threads remain viable for discussion for at least the first couple hundred posts.
Anyway, I'm hopeful for some interesting subject matter over the next few issues.
You mean Moore. Smith wrote. Moore did art.
Maybe not a fair comparison, but I still think it's true.
Jesus, SG is pitiful.
i keep reading wen moore left and it was still realy good but yea the art realy left a hole in the book
Who did this? I wouldn't mind if they replace Gurihiru with this artist, to be honest.
She lives in LA, it would make too much sense for Marvel to hire her.
Maybe for a cover though.
That would be great. I like Gurihiru though.
Indeed. I would prefer to stick with the OG.
Not 'the Unreadable' for nothing
I think this depends more on the release dates of certain games.
I don't get this complaint.
Gwenpool is climbing as one of my favourite series due to design, gags, concept and fun of it all. She is a character that can hit the right notes at the right times under a good writer.
It's entertaining. I'm not sure what more people want out of a book with the premise "I have entered a comic book world and will now attempt to manipulate plot armor to favor me".
Like it's not great or saying anything truly new, but I'd still read with worse artists.
But then again I don't buy comic books anyway, so eh.
Can we count stuff that isn't currently running?
I feel it's the other way for Gwenpool. Even on the non-Gurihiru issues, you still have that lighthearted and fun tone that makes it entertaining enough to ignore the dopey concept.
But I fear as soon as they dump Hastings and grab a writer who doesn't get what makes Gwenpool good, we'll get more shit like the Champions 'crossover'. The annoying "Deadpool+Harley Quinn=Random FTW" shtick that everyone was expecting and dreading from the start.
I really like Hastings writing though.
Even before Gwenpoole.
He has this knack for combining ridiculous and mundane situations that's very enjoyable.
I also like the supporting cast he built around Gwen. I'd probably read stories about them if they didn't even involve her.
Cecil is cute and suffers beautifully.
Terrible Eye is waifu material.
Megatony finally gives us a support class villain
Ronnie is the best.
And I wish Batroc was my dad.
Gwen likes it rough.
Honestly, the closest thing she has to a love interest is probably Cecil. And unless they find a way to make his wiener tangible, she's not getting any.
Plus, Sarah might snatch him away from her.
Jfc that nek
Perfect size for wrapping your hands around when she says "choke me, daddy"
Someone put a lot of love in drawing the shape of that ass, damn
>She is a character that can hit the right notes at the right times under a good writer
Why do people say shit like this as if it means anything at all? This is true of literally every character.
Let's be honest, her books were always carried solely by artists.
Not necessarily. Some people won't like the basic concept of a character even when done 'right'. If you read that statement in the context of being that user's personal taste as opposed to turning it into a general statement that must apply to everyone, it assumes a lot less.
And I agree with him. Under another writer this particular concept could easily turn into something I wouldn't be as happy with. For the time being she's hitting the right notes for me, too.
Well said. I really think the pastel colors and cartoonish add a lot to the atmosphere though, and Gurihiru does that really well. But going full lolquirkyrandumb would ruin even that.
>writing Ghost Rider
>half the comic is about X-23, Chulk and now Silk
>4 issues of this already
>Not necessarily. Some people won't like the basic concept of a character even when done 'right'.
The same can be said about any charcter, again.
>. I really think the pastel colors and cartoonish add a lot to the atmosphere though
What atmosphere? What anything? This book is just terrible, there is no direction to the plot, the dialogue, the colors, the artwork in general.
It feels as if the whole team never met each other or told each other about how to write, draw, paint, etc the whole thing!
That almost actually happened in the end of ANGR.
And it was fucking awesome.
It's ending after that crossover, too. There have been no solicits for May, so it's been canceled already.
>The same can be said about any charcter, again.
Yes, because it is a matter of personal taste. It can be said about any character and that changes depending on who's saying it. The problem is you're trying to paint the initial statement with too broad a brush rather than treating it as one person's opinion about this specific character.
But you seem to be under the impression that yours is the one and only opinion, so I can see why you'd be confused when someone says something you don't agree with.
I really enjoy reading Gwenpoole, for several reasons. The concept, the writing and the art come together in a good way for me. It's a shame we can't say the same for you, but there's plenty of other shit out there to like.
I like the writing too, but yeah, Gwenpool's book depends ENTIRELY on the creative team, since she was fucking unbearable in her two cameos.
>The problem is you're trying to paint the initial statement with too broad a brush
How so? You haven't actually disagreed with what was said.
The other guy said this character under a good writer does wonders for him. He said that would apply for any character. That isn't true for everyone, as the base concept comes into play. No amount of good writing will make up for a concept you completely despise. Same with good art.
But I don't think the first guy () was saying perfect writing makes Gwenpool perfect in the broad sense the other user seemed to read into it. Merely that he sees her as a fun concept at its core. That is all.
Dependent on her current art team to do terrible sales, I guess.
I think that the problem with Gwenpool fags is the cute girl syndrome.
Like when you met a cute girl IRL and she tells you that she is good at video games and the actually sucks balls at them, but she is cute and inside your head you come up with an excuse as to why is ok for her to be bad at video games despite braging about being good.
Then there's Gwenpool, a really flawed book with bland comedy, action scenes, not a clear goal to move fordward, barely any backstory to the character, horrible artists every other issue and just not really creative for a book that is praised as ''fun, over the top quirky book!''. . .
But then they find the artwork/main girl cute, so its ok, the book actually doesn't have flaws, is the world and people around the book!
Like this poster going throught all kind of mental gymnastics just to ''People not liking the book is because a lot of other reasons beyond the book not being good, its not he book's fault!''
I only said good is subjective, and you don't get to decide what it is for everyone. And then I said it's too bad you couldn't enjoy it like I do. You're the one that thinks you can decide what everybody else is allowed to like. It's fine if you don't like anything about it, but why preach to those that do? I don't even know why this bothers you so much. This can't be the first thing you've disliked that other people liked.
This artist is great. They should tag her for some cover art.
b-but... the art isn't even that good, user
an user just said why he thoght the comic was crap and you were all ''that's wrong because not every person out there is going to think that!'' despite the first user never saying that.
Is that thing of going out of your way to make lame excuses as to why the book is bad what bothers me about you waifu fags.
>I only said good is subjective, and you don't get to decide what it is for everyone.
See, again with the '' let's strawman this complain'' cuck defense>It's fine if you don't like anything about it, but why preach to those that do?
Because I want Marvel to stop being shit and that starts with purging the terrible titles and waifu fags
That's not what I said at all.
I think I'm done with you. You're just pissed off and looking for a fight. Like whatever you want, other people will continue to do the same. And nobody ever said this book was perfect.
Yeah, you're just an ornery, combative shitposter.
>Literally quote your post
>That's not what I said at all, now I'm taking my ball and going home to avoid being called out on my bullshit but making it seem as if it was the other person!''
>And nobody ever said this book was perfect.
1-Its shit.
2-you waifu fags do it all the time
this is a thread about how comic books like Gwenpool suck and that the only saving grace is the artwork, in this case you are the shitposter for defending that crap
No, shitposting is a matter of a mental need to dump all your angst on the internet because you can't handle your real-life shit. That's all you're doing.
Whatever you say
There's one faggot shitposter here who hates her and seems to be a Deadpool fag
Normie Osborn, pls
Not even worth it, user. I say we just let him be annoyed that some people like what he doesn't like.
Yeah I'm guessing this is the guy. I mean it's fine, he's right, the thread was made for talking shit, so it's whatever.
Was this supposed to show how good this comic is?
Yeah don't worry m8, I'm on the way out the door anyway. See you around.
Catch you on the flipside, fellow Gwenpoolfan!
HAHAHAHAHA! Gwenpool writing that on her cellphone, so modern and yet so quirky! And that's all the humor in the book! Just like this!
>No, shitposting is a matter of a mental need to dump all your angst on the internet because you can't handle your real-life shit.
I'm sorry that I don't think that Gwenpool is a good book on the ''Gwenpool is shit'' thread
No. It was a reference to how seriously I take the conversation at this point.
If you want to check out the comic book, here's where I read it:
Check it out, decide for yourself if it's the worst thing ever. And if you think it is, you get to come back and get angry at anyone that says they enjoyed it. Lots of fun either way.
Gwenpool has some bottom of the barrel writing, Jesus Christ.
the worst part is that humor is just that, her saying something ''quirky'' or trendy and that's it.
Nothing clever involving the Marvel Universe, super hero tropes, etc
Everything is standard and bland, for example they just did a Dungeons and Dragons parody and nothing really intersting happened, no clever action scenes, avoiding strange traps, nothing. All we got was some action scenes while the characters wore different clothes. And the action wasn't even decent
>No amount of good writing will make up for a concept you completely despise.
I've tried to explain this to people before, particularly the "no such thing as a bad character, just bad writers" types, but it doesn't seem to stick despite being completely true.
Let me give you an example: This is a story about a character you hate doing something you hate even more. All the prose in the world isn't going to make you like this character or this situation, because it is the polar opposite of your taste. Does that mean the character is bad? No. The story? Of course not.
But you show me a story that will be universally liked by 100% of people and I'll give you a mirror and show you someone delusional.
>Bad creative teams make characters unbearable, more at 11.