Sup Forums becomes cartoon

Post faces

Could I be a MC?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Could I be a MC?
Not with that moustache

I thought you were dead, man.

Ooga booga where the hot Sup Forumsmblrettes at?


isn't this the perfect look for a heroic leader?

You look dashing

>Could I be a MC?
Is it a show about child molesters?

Sup Forums confirmed the most attractive board


Are we just doing memes or what


Jon Tron?

am I MC tier or just side character?

rival or older sibling at best

Filthy Frank?

That is my face, too, Sup Forumsmbre.

Beard options weren't good enough

its a me







These are some pretty gay characters. This is where real men go to dress up



8 years on this board from high school, college and having a kid.....

the shit i have seen here....

Hi maggots


>doesn't have hair even similar to mine

Nothing ever does

At least you have hair. That little avatar game doesn't have "bad comb-over" as an option.

Too many queer-o-sexuals in this thread.
Been here exactly 8 years too, since 2009, time's a hell of a thing.

Just wax that shit off, man.




Seriously, no freckle option?

I realize I need a shave and a haircut

>8 years
dude try 12 years send help I need to escape this place


Close enough

its like looking through a mirror



>Can't select long hair for males.

To the trash with this!

get a haircut you fucking hippie

>Long haired males

Perhaps you should be in the trash, too.

Recent shave and a haircut makes me look like this. Last hair on the right was my hair on a daily basis. I'm the kind of MC like saitama: pretty cool I guess, but everyone else's life is so much more interesting that I'm overshadowed

My head's much bigger in real life, though.


Beard options a shit, and my hair is longer than this but it's close enough I guess

Am I kawaii, Sup Forums

Damn I am a faggot. Even look like one

Lighten up, friend.

but with curly hair
as close as ill get



zed pay the coke




Can't produce lemmychops, so nope.

>those eyes... that expression
>he looks angry. But not at you.
>it is an anger that covers up a profound sadness, welled up and ready to overflow
>if only he didn't have those enormous bushy brows

Hey Fry-man

yeah, something like that

close enough i guess
my hair's longer

Just imagine bags under the eyes and a cigarette.

I looked exactly like my brother till I added the hair.



Even captures my resting bitch face.


guess my character
this character creator thing is actually pretty bad

Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!


>MFW there are a lot of cute fuckbois on Sup Forums

I need to fucking shave

This meme makes Sup Forums look kind of cute...





I always see myself as the supporting character or an anti-hero that gets a spin off later

>inb4 are you james sunderland?

Hey me. How are you?

The coolest part is, we are all Spanish.




>tfw look like a background character

Well, gee. I sure do look Ka-why-ee.

Shut up you're a loser

Ladies and gentlemen, the most generic man in the world

It's really barebones. I definitely liked the French one better.
Still, it had something fairly accurate

Hello fellow background character. Would you like to go to the NPC shops with me later?

Waifu material.

None of the hair options were same as mine. This is the closest one, but without the curl. Well It's set down and not flowy at all.


What the fuck is his problem?

Looks like some guy who spends his time at corner of Gym.

Remove glasses and it's Ms.Marvel. Wait are you Ms.Marvel?

Looks like someone fun time.

AnimuAF senpai

Is that RDJ?

>uninspired Sup Forums steals from another board


looks like Khamala.