Me and my old room mate once came up with a one shot story of man thing where he's just a good ol boy living in the swamps, riding his fan boat, and he just happens to be a giant mouth-less swamp monster who guards the nexus of all realities. He was going to team up with gambit and fight off Argentinian Nazis.
Reinvent a character that would never get approved
Batman is a crazed lunatic who thinks he is a giant vampire bat, and seeking the blood of evildoers is what feeds him
I think i wanted to fit in Mudbug, but could find a good fit for a kid hero to join the fight. Why doesn't the south ever get any love?
why aren't there more x men stories about these freaks with powers. I won't more Chernobyl babies
>Batman is a crazed lunatic
Exactly what King is writing right fucking now.
Hoo boy.
Taskmaster, Chameleon, Mastermind and a Super-Adaptoid android are forced into by an insane Beyonder or some other other interdimensional entity obsessed with Earth's superbeings to kill off forgotten Marvel characters and phony legacy versions if the originals are still around. Yet with their combined powers they would be able to record the characteristics of the hero/villain one last time in case the entity would want to bring them back for some reason. They would be like assassins but with a twist of planning heists to basically make each of their fights with their targets as varied as possible, otherwise the entity may not be satisfied enough and delete them out of existence.
Daredevil makes a deal with Mephisto to gain his eyesight back
Spider-Man didn't get his powers from a radioactive spider-bite but, rather, from some sort of mystical spider force which used the spider as a vessel to transform him into a spider totem
99 percent of stories, since they would feature white male leads.
So this is a stealth Hail Hydra thread, right?
How about the Batman of Tomorrow is Tim Drake time travelled into the future, which is all grim and post-apocalyptic instead of slick and cyberpunk
>How come X-Men doesn't deal with...
Because X-Men isn't actually about anything other than "pretty people should fuck whoever they want".
So he's Nic Cage in Vampire's Kiss?
>unless you're Logan
Norrin Radd is a bodacious dude that liked to ride the heaviest waves of Zenn-La, until The Man (aka Galactus) forced him to get a silver paint job and work for him, unless he'd destroy his home planet. Bummer!
But now, thanks to some radical peeps known as the Fantastic Four, Norrin is free to ride the waves of space, from the center of the universe to the fringes of cosmicdom, as the Silver Surfer! Akaw!
Oh, also he looks kinda like pic related but all silver.
Red Skull just as he is. He's basically just "some Nazi". That makes him a moot point these days.
Anything Dust, really. Her powers are wrongbad stereotyping anyway. But make an actual hardcore Wahabi or Salafi deal and the not-muh will see you tarred and feathered.
>Norrin Radd is a bodacious dude
This is great
Ten volumes, inked and colored, my desk by noon tomorrow.
Superman, but it's still the fifties and he acts and dresses like a Greaser.
He said pretty. Logan is a turbo manlet furry weaboo.
I'd buy every issue, watch the show and buy the damn cereal.