ITT: Boring Superhero Jokes
>Wolverine parody
>accidentally cutting himself with his claws
>Aquaman parody
>only useful on land
ITT: Boring Superhero Jokes
>Wolverine parody
>accidentally cutting himself with his claws
>Aquaman parody
>only useful on land
>Peeps on people with x-ray vision.
>>Aquaman parody
>>only useful on land
Don't you mean "only useful on water"?
Also, not useful at all
>Deadpool parody
>cringy shoe horned 4th wall break
Fuck me. That typo is going to bane of this thread
>Wonder Woman
>Either spinning transformation parody
>Or even lazier, jokes about guys oggling her
>Bane parody
>Excuse for VO's to do the Dark Knight Rises voice
>Batman V Superman parody
>just makes fun of the "Martha" scene
Well deserved by there is way more to make fun of
>Spiderman parody
>Web is analogy for cum lol
>Superman would kill Lois with his cum
>Pretty much any superhero parody, but especially Superman
>Haha Underwear goes inside XDD
Cocksuckers ruined a classic design
Jon's existence proves that trope is shit.
>how do people not realize Clark Kent is Superman???
Not that it isn't true, but it's tired as fuck.
Jon is best boy, he even likes the classic costume.
>Batman parody
>based entirely on the 60's Batman show
It was always bullshit because otherwise Superman would be blowing cities down when he sneezes.
That's not what that word means, that was more of a lapse, htis is a typo or thks
>Hulk parody
>Pants rip off so they're naked.
I don't need an excuse
>Batman 66 parody.
>Batman and Robin are gay and get their asses kicked by gritty realistic villains.
>lassos you
>"The truth is that I wanna motorboat dem titties goddayum"
>Dark Knight parody
>user on Sup Forums shitposts and just quotes the CIA scenes
>Hank Pym parody
>beats his wife
>Justice League parody
>writers have only seen Superfriends and base it entirely off of that
>Transformers parody
>Autobots and Decepticons stop fighting and team up to destroy the human race.
>Batman & Robin are gay
Every. Fucking. Time.
Fuck this joke so hard.
Charlie Chaplin lost in a "Best Charlie Chaplin Look-a-Like" contest. There's a guy at the airport who looks like Snape and became viral because of it. There's an old photo of a woman that looks like Michael Cera that floated around for awhile. That type of shit happens all the time and is poked fun at. There's probably hundreds of thousands of people on the Earth who look like Superman, that doesn't mean they're all being accused of being him, because as far as the public knows, Superman doesn't have a secret identity. He's Superman 24/7.
This. This. A million times this.
Superfriends is basically how Aquaman became a joke to the public eye
>Captain America parody
>In real life captain america is probs pretty racist and sexist lol
Norimes are the worst.
everybody gets one Peter
>The Flash
>fast during sex
>Fire powered character
>"it burns when I pee!"
>Mario collects a mushroom
>Flash parody
>Premature ejaculation jokes
>actual spiders shoot their web not from their limbs
You can tell all these jokes are shit because they've all been Family Guy cutaways
Brown Widow is great though
yeah, I guess, but this is the first one coming to mind, despite being lampooned numerous times before. which make sense - boring jokes are forgettable.
>GI Joe Parody
>Self aware warning shots
>He-Man parody
>Lots and lots of gay jokes.
>Barbie parody
>Ken is bisexual but leaning towards men more than Barbie
Oh wait actually I've only seen this joke once but I can't remember where
>Godzilla and Power Rangers parodies
>Jokes about their budgets.
So basically, it's just laziness we're bitching about. Okay.
>Scooby-Doo parody
I thought Ken joke in media is that he's just another of Barbie's accesories?
>Batman parody
>Put Bat in front of something ordinary like "Bat-Wallet
>superman is a invincible morally superior asshole who insults everyone
>Actual Spiderman comic where his radioactive cum kills Mary Jane
Adam West Batman is responsible for that.
>Don't you mean "only useful on water"?
Don't you mean "only useful in water"?
>Spider-Man parody
>web comes from his butt because "it's anatomically correct"
>Batman parody
>talk in a gruff voice and constantly repeat "Im Batman"
>Prof. X
>Make fun of disability or baldness
>Deadpool parody
>some waypool shit about le tacos and chimichangas xDDDD
To be fair. Clark was depowered when Jon was conceived
But that's something DC also does.
That fucking pose.
>Batman pardoy
>Gay pedophile
This is why I'm glad Damian exists because he shows how straight Bruce actually is. People just can't wrap their heads around why a rich orphan would feel empathy towards other orphans of crime and train them.
How the fuck did that even happen?
That's not how you spell Batman.
>Captain America
>'murrican and nothing else
>Aquaman parody
>lol Aquaman sux
When did this even become such a prominent thing?
>TDKR parody
>it's just the entire plane scene unaltered
Someone post that one-panel comic with batman in it
You know the one
Super Friends, which was the only exposure normies had to the JLA for literal decades.
>Batman and Robin are gay lovers
>Aquaman can't do anything unless there is water nearby so he can summon lobsters and fish
>Wonder Woman flies around in a jet that's invisible except for herself
And so on.
>Deadpool parody
>look at me i'm addressing the audience and reminding you that i'm breaking the 4th wall lol
>i'm also throwing in a cringy pop culture reference because that's my thing
>only trivia-obsessed nerds read comic books
>isn't that right, cool modern kids? we made these progressive characters just for you!
>can translate other languages mentally
>all other languages sound like they're being spoken by Christopher Waken or William Shatner
>Wonder Woman's invisible jet is dumb
>Archery-based hero is useless
>Captain America is a jingoistic racist grandpa
>The Flash cums really fast in bed
I've hardly even seen much of this but I love it
These are the worst
You know a joke is good when Family Guy do three variations on it.
only that they do it with Batman, rather than Superman
you mean this one?
When was there ever a Deadpool parody?
>Crusades parody
>Dudeus trebuchets vulmao
Egoraptor once made fun of Danny for making a Mario on drugs joke and seconds later remembered he made an entire cartoon about it, it was great.
That was a great issue.
Semi-related to the thread, but every time Bane shows up in anything all he talks about is breaking Batman's back and he's contractually obligated to do a backbreaker like he's Roderick Strong or something.
>you people
Batman you racist prick
This one?
That one always amuses me
>Deadpool "parody"
>it's just a shitty imitation waypool that's not parodizing anything
>Wonder Woman joke
>some bullshit about her invisible plane
Wasn't that Toy Story 3?
Not to nitpick, but the contest was to look like The Tramp, his iconic character, which he was not dressed for at all.
>Pokémon parody
>Normal or status moves can be super effective
>Comic is "What if Superman was fascist??"
>Batman parody
>Jokes about his parents
>Spider-Man parody
>Jokes about Gwen
>Hulk parody
>Lol Hulk is braindead lmao
This, more than the whole "Poke on is animal abuse" or them parodying the anime, bothers the SHIT out of me, because this happens in every. Fucking. Parody
Yes, thanks
Seanbaby was very influential in his prime.
tbf Clark did actually use to uncontrollably shoot heat vision when he got sexually excited.
Wasnt that just in Smallville?
Was it shown in other versions as well?
No the ken joke is he doesnt have a dcik
In secret Origin as well
>Flash parody
>Who made the joke thinks that DC Flash and Flash Gordon are the same character
>Batman parody
>It's just the Adam West version
>Mr. Fantastic/Plastic Man parody
>He can't stretch his penis
IIRC he sneezed an entire planetary system out of whack.