Why do they feel the need to force interracial shit on kids? What is wrong with hollywood?

Why do they feel the need to force interracial shit on kids? What is wrong with hollywood?

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Why do you goys get so offended by this? I mean its 2017, grow up.

Lil' nigga needs to get his dick wet and he lives in a white town. What the fuck you gonna do.
It also didn't feel forced, if you had a choice between the niglet and Dustin, you'd go for the niglet as well.


dustin is known to be the most hung kid in hawkins

It was a meh arc of two meh characters. The worst thing is that I feel that they have tied themselves into next season for Lucas and Maxine to remain together, which I feel woill be on the way of the characters being interesting.

YFW Only three letters in the highscore table of digdug, fucking dropped

Who cares I bet she isn't even 100% Bavarian phenotype. Let the little niglet have that potatonigger goblin.

whites are a minority, wommin luv shitskins ,

Because people have interracial romance in the real world. Do you live in a fantasy?

This is hearsay and you probably don't even have penis inspection day pics for comparison.

jews want whites to die off

I typically wouldn't mind but there was zero justification for it. They shared a couple of dumb scenes but overall Lucas didn't do anything out of ordinary to impress her above others. They should've given Lucas a heroic scene or some shit, anything to explain why a girl far outside his league might get wet enough to initiate a kiss

What is race? No such thing.

WTF I love stormfront nao

>THIS particular type of white person is the best!
>The type I am!
Race purists are the biggest fucking retards in both these threads and the physical world.

t. amerimongrel mutt

better still a heroic death.

Remember when we could look at an interracial couple and not think it was some Jewish ploy to wipe out white people?
Fucking Jews. They ruined our innocence.

>It also didn't feel forced
the entire character felt forced you stupid faggot. There was no need to introduce a new female into the group

Iron Sky literally ruined me. The entire ending is just "Look at this black man BTFOing nazis while fucking a blonde, blue-eyed nazi bitch". after that i couldnt see any interracial couples in media as nothing more than propaganda.

the story isn't over maybe they have something cool in store for Maxine.

kids of all people wouldnt give a flying fuck about race. its the world corrupting us that gives us prejudices.

Why do black get mad then when I state I prefer white people
Black people are just creepy, unpleasant and ugly to me

>fat fuck with no accomplishments beyond those historically attributed to his race
Stop embarrassing us. It's okay to be white but people are beginning to think otherwise because of faggoty insecurities like yours.

do what i do and show little kids rekt threads on Sup Forums

Why do whites get mad when a black person is accomplishing more than them? There are retards of all races.

Kids cruelly bully other kids for the pettiest reasons, like wearing different clothes, or having pimples. In 80s schools with very few niglets you sure as hell can expect them to be heavily ostracized.

They should have cast attractive halfbreeds , rather than someone straight out of the ghetto

>Why do whites get mad when a black person is accomplishing more than them?

Because they usually aren't, it's just sjws pumping shit up because a nigger did it and not FUCKING WHITEY EWW

This user is correct. Kids will find any reason to discriminate and bully.

>Why do black get mad then when I state I prefer white people
Nobody gets mad at anything you say. You obviously don't interact with people at all, anyway.

Name 3 things blacks accomplished in all of human history.
No, I dont give a shit about jazz.

Name 3 things you accomplished in your 14 years of history.

Rock n Roll
Early 2000's RnB

My general physician is black. What do you do?

I'm talking about individuals, learn to read. Obviously environmental circumstances over long periods of time influence a group's ability to contribute scientifically.


>environmental circumstances
Nice try Jamal

>doesnt believe in science
night school is always a possibility, cletus

back to oven with you

>There was no need to introduce a new female into the group
Eleven was away from the group through the entire season, so yes, there very much was a need to introduce one.

wrong board, kid


you're so dumb its embarassing, you cannot make a 90 iq person a competent engineer you faggot and you cannot make a 90 iq person a writer or economist. a whole continent filled with 90 iq people is completely useless dumb faggot retard anti-science cunt stick

>Nobody gets mad at anything you say


Hahahaha, you have absolutely no idea how IQ works. You also have no means of guaging the general IQ of African individuals within the continent so you're just pulling an opinion out your ass. Debate isn't for you, bitch.

Why don't people say nigger in these >set in le 80s shows? I'm glad faggot is coming back though.

>anti-science cunt stick
he mad, usually mad people get mad in a conversation because they realize they're wrong

>for Lucas and Maxine to remain together, which I feel woill be on the way of the characters being interesting.
I think the writers are a bit better than that, but we'll see. If any of these relationships lasts more than a season they'll go right into pandering territory, but they seem to have a thing for subverting expectations.

>Rock n Roll
The music that was made great by white people?

He says while posting a pic of Twisted fucking Sister.

question. Do you think a 3/10 or above white woman would prefer a nigger or you fine redpilled gentlemen?

>twisted sister

dee (((snider)))

'bout 56%, I reckon

It's a different time

>relationships lasts more than a season
They will receive criticism if they kill "a beautiful interracial romance". At least one buzzfeed blogger has already written the article in advance.

Their music is better than your niggers'.

It felt "forced" cause the screenwriters just gave them one scene to stablish their relationship, that one on the top of the bus, that was really not a big deal. While Dustin was also into her and never said to her how he feels.

>They will receive criticism if they kill "a beautiful interracial romance".
I don't think this criticism matters to anyone other than you and the other sotrmblrites. People will continue binge watching, hipster blogs will shit themselves over this and you people will get your fee-fees hurt no matter what.
What a time to be alive.

>the point of the show, is to show that unattractive losers , loner, incel ,nerds can land hot chicks

I don't own any niggers but their music isn't better than anything. Stop embarrassing yourself.

No, their music is still better than your niggers'.

Chad cucked by beta orbiter.
2nd Chad mentally pegged by his sister ( strong female character )
Who gets blacked.

That shit was like trying to brake a record in putting SJW shit in one production.

what a time to be alive indeed, that when you write a script you have to consider if you have met the diversity quota.

user its 2017

Hey man your Mario shirts getting dirty

Because it's sexy you faggot.

>compulsory underage interracial
we all know who is behind this post

more like prime age


Eleven wasn't around. It was either inject a new girl to be in the boy's club until she came back or endless butthurt from Twitter feminists. And then, of course, it's only natural they have her hook up with the one black boy of the group.

Get used to it, it's gonna be a long while before all this shit dies down enough for writers can go back to not having to shoehorn in characters to fill a quota in order to avoid getting lynched online.

It's less about fearing the online lynching and more about just being hacks that can't write a decent character to save their lives so they go for the next best option, pandering.

it was so bad that I'm inclined to think that the part was lessened to not outshine eleven

Are you guys seriously bothered by this? I mean, I hate the forced diversity stuff, too, but what, are they never allowed to portray an interracial relationship in any context? Not even with a black kid with all white friends who lives in a 99% white town?

Is this accurate?

People are just pissed off because they aren't fucking the girl themselves. THAT is what's bothering them

hammurabi wasnt jewish. Is Sup Forums just confused now


>It also didn't feel forced

Are you serious? Did we need a THIRD love triangle?

congrats, you just uncovered the root of 80% of the threads posted on Sup Forums

they could have just brought eleven back to the group at the start of the season

but then they would have had to actually thought of some plot progression oops

whole season was jewish sjw filler trash. Please die

Wrong website, faggot.

Sup Forums don't even know the difference between a persian and a turk. All that they know is that they speak arabic and live in pyramids.

It's a joke provided by the image, and the image alone, are you autistic?

no whats bothersome is that the glorification of interracial in media almost always involved black male/white female couples despite this being the least common interracial pairing in real life. if the media was actually trying to portray reality latinos would be getting these roles but no its always black guys because these portrayals arent about being accurate but are about social conditioning.

the talmud is just repackaged babylonian paganism so no

why does it say hammurabi? Why does it show a mesopotamian guy if it's meant to be a jew? why is there a star of david?

How do I know when I'm supposed to ignore stuff in the pic?

>in Sup Forums fantasy the white girl with the nigger is sad
>in reality she's happy

rly makes me think

He's doing the hand rubbing like the famous merchant image, that alone is enough to make a Jew joke of him.
Again, are you an autist?

[rhetorical questions intensify]

Hello kike using one of your demoralizing tactics i see?

>it's a joke even though it makes no sense


That's least of the sick shit they force on children.
See that recent Heather O'Rourke blind item?

Jews are monsters.

Only in your crippled mind it makes no sense, I can only imagine how difficult going through this life is for you.

>anyone "rubbing their hands" is a jew ignore everything else


in reality black male/white female marriages have the highest divorce rates of any interracial pairing so the fantasy is the media portrayals actually

really makes you think

>when you lose an argument so bad you call the winner a special word to somehow delegitimize it

lmao, butthurt

>you cannot make a 90 iq person a writer or economist.
You must have a 90 IQ to think that being a writer requires a high or even average IQ

neato. That doesnt excuse the fact that you neckbeards are pathetic virgins and less sexually desirable than niggers though

Hmm, a dude that looks middle Eastern, has a beard, and maniacally rubs his hands together couldn't possibly be the butt of simple visual joke about Jews!

Again, was it autism?

Don't bother with Sup Forumstards.