If I liked Fraction's Hawkeye and King's Vision, what other recent Marvel would I enjoy?
If I liked Fraction's Hawkeye and King's Vision, what other recent Marvel would I enjoy?
Lemire's Moon Knight.
Loveness' Nova. It has about the same life-expectancy as Vision, too.
Ellis' Moon Knight
OP, assuming what you liked was the unconventional art and story structure I'd rec Ellis' Moon Knight over either of those recs, desu.
>I liked Fraction's Hawkeye
I think r/comicbooks is more up your speed, champ.
Superior Foes.
>pretending fraction hawkeye is trash
it's normie as fuck but it's not bad
The only thing wrong with Fraction's Hawkeye was its release schedule.
Did they ever reprint the original series?
It's also way to repetitive in trade form, at least the first trade was
I got sick of " Okay this looks bad" cue flashback and " Bro Bro Bro"
Superior Foes of Spider-Man, probably
I was interested in that one too but I don't really know the characters or much about Spider-Man really, will I enjoy it anyway?
I don't like Spider-Man for the most part, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.
It's honestly just as much of a Thunderbolts book.
>Shocker, Boomerang and Speed Demon are all former Thunderbolts
>Mach-VIII playing a prominent role
Yeah, there's a bit of Thunderbolts in there.
>reading marvel
Gwenpoole's the only Marvel that I've been consistently reading, Its really fun and I believe everyone without a fedora can enjoy it.
And a number of guest-stars like Zemo and Fixer who bring back more T-Bolts lore in small but important ways.
It's only three issues in but I strongly recommend the new Hulk run starring She-Hulk; it feels a LOT like King' "Vision" series in tone and approach. A nice slow burn with a focus on human drama. Like, there was almost zero super heroing in Vision, but you never forgot that these are superheroic characters; the human drama didn't demean or diminish that, and the new Hulk run feels the same way. I'm extremely impressed by it so far.
This is just straight action with very little plot. Nothing extraordinary.
If you like reddit humor, sure.
>Choosing by company and not by writer/artists
I understand the compulsive need to shit post, but lets not be silly.
If you don't, then what are you doing here?
Spurrier's X-Men Legacy and Del Mundo's Weirdworld were both p. good
I'll second this (see image related)
>Lemire's Moon Knight
This is also quite good; although it entirely depends on your tollerance for the Cuckoo's Nest trope (ie are you *really* in the funny farm or are you so cray-cray you're just hallucinating that you're in the funny farm) because the whole thing is a trippy-as-fuck twilight zone tour of Marc's psychosis/split-personality and relationship with Konshu.
>Ellis' Moon Knight
This basically did for Moon Knight what Fraction's Hawkguy did for Clint (and did it in less than half as many issues).
>Superior Foes of Spider-Man
I'd check this out FIRST; and if it's your bag then check out the recent runs on Ant-Man by the same author which is more of the same style of humor.
Sup Forumscksuckers who don't actually read comics (ie MOST of them) will shit on this rec as "hurr durr lolquirky" as if she were Marvel's Harley Quinn; but the entire premise is that she's a fangirl from OUR earth who ended up in 616 (so she's aware of being in a comicbook and contrives to build up a persona because she knows that Name Characters tend to have Plot Armor). That said: it might be a bit twee or 2Meta4U.
>new Hulk run starring She-Hulk
This user gets it! If you liked the creepy horror vibe of Vision this should be right up your ally.
>Spurrier's X-Men Legacy and Del Mundo's Weirdworld
I'd add to this that Del Mundo is the ARTIST (currently working on Avengers) and there are only two volumes: the first was a War World during the Secret Wars Event last year by Aaron (it's quite good); the second is by far the best thing that Dogfucker did at Marvel before fucking off to DC to do Green Lanterns. While it's also quite good it sold for shit and got canned after 6 issues or so (a single trade) and while it was a great read it's really annoying that it just sorta stops with everything still unresolved.
Not Marvel, but you'd enjoy Prez, Flintstones, Shade the Changing Girl and Doom Patrol as well.
I've enjoyed Milligan's Shade and Morrison's Doom Patrol (and the Prez appearance in Sandman), but I assume you mean new titles by Young Animal?
Remender's Venom
>The only thing wrong with Fraction's Hawkeye was its release schedule.
And basically all of the Kate's solo issues.
Specially because of the delayed releases, so instead of waiting 5 months to see what happens after a Clint issue, we had to wait 10 months
If you liked Hawkguy, you can also search for Immortal Iron Fist by the same team of Fraction and Aja, plus Brubaker
This one. I miss the times when Sup Forums wasn't shitting on Gillen.