IMAGE just had a slate of new announcements at their ECCC panel, so here they are;
>Joe Casey announces THE NEW LIEUTENANTS OF METAL with Ulises Farinas. It takes inspiration from the early days of Image comics when the comics were “gloriously incomprehensible” in a good way and he hopes they can capture that spirit. Out later this year.
>Justin Jordan has THE DEATH OF LOVE. A 5 issue series with Donal DeLay, with colors by Felipe Sobreiro and letters by Rachel Deering. The main character can see Cupid’s arrow and declares war on love. The series will have Cupids and chainsaws. Out in the Fall.
Andrew Reed
>Morgan Beem is a new artist with Justin Jordan on THE FAMILY TRADE. The basic idea is cyberpunk/ ocean punk. It’s fun – as the youngest member of the clan gets in trouble. Hand-painted with watercolor, it’s about a patchwork city floating in the ocean.
Kevin Watson
Joseph Keatinge and Wool Jin Clark‘s new comic is called FLAVOR. In a world where culinary arts are the main industry. They started plotting the book at the last ECCC. Owen Gieni on colours, Ariana Maher on letters and Ali Bouzari as a culinary consultant and as also a “food scientist”. For the fall – or the harvest.
>"It's like Hunger Games w/o the 'hunger"
Jaxon Green
>SLEEPLESS is the new comic written by Sarah Vaughn with art from Leila Del Duca and edited and coloured by Alissa Sallah. With a princess, the daughter of the dead king protected by a knight that doesn’t need to sleep. A historical romance fantasy with a diverse cast, it’s set in a world inspired by 15th century Morocco where guards can never sleep because of the people they are sworn to protect.
All the descriptions are live notes from Bleeding Cool btw, not official solicits
Jose Williams
>Jordie Bellaire writing and colouring with Vanessa del Rey drawing and Fonografiks lettering, they have a new comic together called REDLANDS… about a town called Redlands and the corruption within – specifically corrupt police cops who are also witches. Redlands is a fictionalised version of a real place that contains everything Bellaire is most upset about, corruption, misogyny and the patriarchy… and a comic for those who “like sex, like weirdness, like horror, if you’re upset about the way the government and criminal justice system works…”
Dylan Walker
Are you a shill?
Kevin Morris
>Jody Leheup and Sebastian Girner, who have edited for Marvel, Valiant as well as Image comics, are now writing comics with SHIRTLESS BEAR FIGHTER, the greatest comic about punching bears in the face ever made. It’s a fight comic, obviously. It’s about a guy who’s very angry and needs to change if he’s going to save his loved ones. Art by Neil Vendrell, colours by Mike Spicer and letters by Dave Lanphear. They wanted the comic to look like a cartoon or comic that you might see in the background of an action film. The main character will be shirtless, as you may guess, and is the “angriest man in comics”. He only wears pants because they can’t have a “super naked wild dude on the cover”, even if he is all heart. It’s supposed to make you laugh, and it’s silly, with 22 pages of gritted teeth and flexing per issue, they laughed. When bears start attacking major cities, which they do, “Shirtless” will be needed.
Joshua Gonzalez
>Doug Wagner, Kevin Gardner and Nick Rummel have a new comic called THE HARD PLACE. With Aj, the main character, fresh out jail who gets caught up in a robbery. A 5-issue series, already fully inked.
Fuck off newfag
Jack Morales
>Ales Kot has a new series with Andre Lima Araujo, GENERATION GONE. About a couple in a toxic relationship who get superpowers after they decide to rob a bank… Unbreakable meets Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Coloured by Chris O’Halloran, with Clayton Cowles on letters and Tom Muller on design. Out in July.
Matthew Gonzalez
>And Kot has another book with Tradd Moore, THE NEW WORLD, set in a future California after a second Civil War. The wall still remains between Califonia and Mexico, and an earthquake destroyed Los Angeles, now rebuilt as New Los Angeles. A Mad Max and Romeo and Juliet to the tune of Teenage Kicks and, according to Kot, Moore’s finest work to date. Also coloured by Jordie Bellaire, lettered by Clayton Cowles, design by Tom Muller.
Benjamin Phillips
>Bleeding Cool has already reported Matt Wagner‘s third and final chapter MAGE - THE HERO DEFINGED – and it’s being coloured by his son. He will publish a bridge to new series, a #0 issue at San Diego Comic Con and then a new first issue in August, and a fifteen issue run to conclude the comic with a double sized issue.
Adrian Cook
>SAVAGE TOWN is a new comic by Declan Shalvey with Phillip Barrett. A crime story in Ireland. Rejected titles were Pretty Deadly Cass and Southern Irish Bastards. Told all in Irish slang, it may be unreadable. It will be a graphic novel starring Jimmy Savage, a small time criminal and Blackie, the only black man in town. Coming in the fall.
Alexander Robinson
>Bleeding Cool has reported elsewhere SACRED CREATURES, by Pablo Raimondi and Klaus Janson. 6 issue series, beginning with huge 1st issue, and 35 pages for each next one. With 3 covers for each issue, one from Pablo, one from Janson and one from Frank Miller. A thriller with supernatural creatures about to launch their ultimate plan. Pablo on present parts, Janson on the past. Coming in July.
Christopher Brooks
I take that as a yes.
Sebastian Gomez
>Grace Ellis and Shae Beagle have a new series MOONSTRUCK, which started as a five page school project. And now a five issue series starting in July, with contributions by Kate Leth. A fantastical world in which a main character becomes a werewolf when mad. With a best friend, a centaur named Chet. “This book is very gay” says Grace Ellis….
Gabriel Green
Fuck off Sup Forums. Go cry about your shill boogeyman in your own board.
Brandon James
>Jeff Lemire announces FAMILY TREE via video, "Mystery, action & Cronenbergian body horror"
You sound mad
Thomas Gomez
Grayson Stewart
Oh cool a bunch of books that'll get six issues over the next 5 years, if they get published at all
Bentley Lewis
That's all the announcements. Will post accompanying interviews, previews and shit now
FAMILY TREE >Bestselling, award-winning Jeff Lemire (ROYAL CITY, DESCENDER, Sweet Tooth) and Phil Hester (Shipwreck, Green Arrow) come together for FAMILY TREE.
>When an eight-year-old girl literally begins to transform into a tree, her single Mom, troubled brother and possibly insane Grandfather embark on a bizarre, and heart-wrenching odyssey across the back roads of America desperately searching for a way to cure to her horrifying transformation before it’s too late.
>But the further they get from home, and the closer the girl gets to completely losing her humanity, the more external forces threaten to tear the family apart as fanatical cults, mercenaries and and tabloid Paparazzi close in. determined to destroy the girl or use her for themselves.
>A new genre-defying ongoing series The Family Tree will combine mystery, action and Cronenbergian body horror into an epic story about the lengths a Mother will go to keep her children safe in the face of an increasingly unstable world and unspeakable horrors.
>FAMILY TREE will launch this Fall 2017 from Image Comics.
Adam Parker
Sooo... who's on art?
And this fuckers schedule is damned full. Writing/drawing one. Writing two more indies. And doesn't he have some Marvel and Valiant work?
Nathan Evans
I stopped getting hyped for image books because of the delays with the ones I'm already buying.
Chase Lewis
Three issues and eternal delays and then nothing ever again.
Fuck I miss Firebreather.
Adam Peterson
Here's an interview and preview of SAVAGE TOWN with Declan Shalvey;
Why would I be mad? I was just asking if you were a shill posting all this shit in a shill-like manner. The fact you're so overly aggressive honestly makes me think you're someone from image's marketing department sent here to shill news.
Henry Wood
I was already responding so I didn't see that. Whoops. Both are me anyway.
I don't know anything about Shipwrecked. I'm honestly just still annoyed that Firebreather disappeared when I was really enjoying that book. It was only a mini too.
Wyatt Brown
Thanks OP.
Jace Nelson
god forbid someone posts about new series that just got announced by a publisher
William Evans
Do you really think I would admit to being a shill, even if I were one? You clearly don't even understand how Image works, because the creators themselves are the ones in charge of most of the marketing
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Henry Barnes
REDLANDS interview/preview with Vanesa del Rey and Jordie Bellaire
Image is the worst company ever. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE sounds like the most hipster shit ever.
Dominic Thomas
Might be good if Casey isn't up his own ass like always
I like cyberpunk, but meh
I like comics that aren't about your usual fantasy/sci-fi/not-superheroes shit, so I may check it out
Sounds terrible
More quirky "ironic" shit. Fuck off
Actually sounds kind of cool, even if I have no idea who the creative team are
>Kot Eugh
Oh, great, Moore wasted once again...
Best announcement of the lot, easily
Sounds boring
Sounds fucking horrible
Kind of generic sounding, might be good though
All in all, pretty underwhelming stuff, I think they're saving their big guns for Image Expo or SDCC
Angel James
Fuck, I meant to finish that sentence with "except for Mage".
Dylan Bennett
No, that's Boom Kill yourself, senpai.
Jace Cooper
There was a time I was hyped for Image #1's
Noah Cook
Why are you acting like they went down the shitter like Marvel? I mean yeah, most of these do sound either boring or terrible, but that doesn't mean they're incapable of producing any more good comics. I swear Sup Forums has the most hyperbolic posters out there.
Jonathan Garcia
I want to see more of the art, but I'm down for a food based comic. Keatinge is mostly solid as a writer
Kayden Evans
This is he only one that sounds any good. rest are shit.
Carson Hernandez
>Image Expo Are they having one this year?
Brandon Morris
20 years later, wtf is this shit Matt? 20 years for real jeeeeez 20 fucking years
Lucas Wright
Not this year but 2018, was announced at the same panel
Joseph Howard
Fuck. I'm torn. I absolutely love Moore, but Kot can suck a dick. Especially with that premise.
Tyler Roberts
>Why are you acting like they went down the shitter like Marvel? >I swear Sup Forums has the most hyperbolic posters out there.
The irony
Michael Nguyen
You're not a fan of Matt Wagner, or you just don't know who he is?
Joseph Nelson
>Mage >shit Get a load of this casual.
Jackson Jackson
I'll believe it when I see it.
Jack Green
The Storytimes of pain will be glorious with this one
Anthony Campbell
Nice try
Samuel Long
Couldn't help reading this in the Mighty No. 9 trailer voice
William Peterson
Couldn't she have just stayed at Boom?
Jace Lee
They confirmed Korra and Asami will kiss twice in the comics. Incoming shitstorm.
Bentley Cruz
>Jordie Bellaire writing Oh dear
Jace Jenkins
None of these books sound all that interesting at first blush, but it's impossible to judge the quality of a book on its elevator pitch alone. As always, I'll keep my ear to the ground on new Image books as they hit shops.
On that note, definitely check out Extremity #1 if you haven't. It's fucking awesome.
Brayden Moore
Oh shit he's not dead?
Jacob Nguyen
So are we taking bets which one of these will actually come out?
Zachary Cox
Nowadays Lemire writes a bunch or all of a book at and then publishes it He doesn't just be one or issues ahead anymore Hell he said he finds it difficult to keep with monthlies and won't be doing them anymore
Aiden Butler
Haven't read the first two parts, but looks interesting. I'll have to pick up the trades they're putting out. Looks like it could be good. I like Shalvey's art. Probably pick up the trades. Could be cool. Wonder what the price will be.
Nothing else is worth acknowledging.
Julian Sullivan
Shipwrecked is ending at #6
James Martinez
Family tree is the only interesting thing to come out of this(excluding Mage off course)
I hate these x movie meets y movie solicits. Sounds unoriginal as Fuck and reason I don't ever pick up anything from Black Mask.
Nicholas Gomez
Holy shit, you're a fucking idiot.
Leo Collins
>Declan Shalvey
Man, I remember when he was white-hot coming off his Moon Knight run with Warren Ellis.
Did Injection ever find its legs? I remember reading the first issue or two and being supremely disappointed.
Caleb Scott
Comics are the most hipster shit ever. That bear punching comic does sound pretty awful though.
Dylan Reed
Holy shit I've been waiting gor so long
Jaxson Martin
it's been on hiatus.
Owen Powell
Here's another fuck you, for posterity.
Blake Gutierrez
Capeshit readers must be banned from this board.
Blake Smith
Image is capeshit tier.
Brandon Martin
Casey has more "upcoming" project than anyone lol
Aiden Cox
That sounds awful, but Moore's drawing it so I guess I'm reading it