Jasper will marry Steven so that Milky Quartz will be a permafusion, the world needs her
Levi Nguyen
Give hottest gem pic pls
Michael Johnson
Almost 4am, time for sleep.
Jose Nelson
Andrew Phillips
Lapis I thought I told you to stay away from Steven. He is for Connie not for you.
John Murphy
Reminder that gem shards are not alive and if you think they are you do not understand how consciousness works.
Carson Nelson
Angel Hughes
Kevin Ross
Jasper spanking Sapphire when?
Lucas Miller
That is Ephebophilia.
Jayden Watson
Or gems work differently than normal
Owen Walker
Xavier Moore
>Room for Ruby >implying it'll be about CG Ruby
They wouldn't make it that easy, right?
Henry Fisher
Angel Powell
I want cum inside amethyst's meat folds!
Owen Ward
That Ruby looks so sad and innocent. How do we cheer her up, /sug/?
Xavier Martinez
Gems should think about what they've done
Camden Roberts
Adam Taylor
Jaxon Phillips
Let her drift in space
Chase Butler
lol retard
Mason Morgan
>ywn experience young love with steven and grow up together >bara steven will never get down on one knee and propose to you It hurts.
>connie skips out on hanging with steven for back to school shopping, but wouldn't it if there was a mission Horrible girlfriend in training. Not good.
Julian Morris
Christian Ortiz
best scene in the series so far
Eli Cox
It probably won't even be about any of the Rubies at all
Grayson Flores
Blake Parker
all gems will be redeemed through the power of gay songs and convenient plot devices and you should accept it
Oliver Brooks
Lion 4 Alternate Ending/Rose's Lion
>People think they're filler >All of the other Lion episodes are plot relevant > Rose's Lion is a reference to Steven's Lion >It could be a two parter
I get not getting your hopes up but still.....
Ryder Kelly
I wonder if Lapis will love Steven even more then she already does when Steven becomes bara Steven.
Cooper Williams
I feel like any romance between those two have just kinda stopped
Elijah Miller
such a good scene
Dominic Johnson
William Clark
Could be another muh fusion flashback from Garnet. Can't be as bad as other episodes we've had this season honestly
Aaron Jenkins
>faggots with a hateboner for SU were right please no
Mason Cruz
I second this motion
Aaron Roberts
Titles have never been so blatant, I wonder if there'll be a twist. Especially since I'm not sure if Lion 4 could easily follow a Ruby rescue episode.
Ryder Gutierrez
I finally caved in and watched rocknaldo, way to make me hate worst townie even more by turning him into a cringey, rude, fedoralord.
Joseph Fisher
I'm betting its Garnet unfuses and Ruby wants his own room at the temple.
Any guess on the Lion ep?
Grayson Perry
I really want White Diamond to not be capable of having feelings This way she will be the only gem steven is unable to reach
John Stewart
So like a psychopath?
Cooper Bell
Makes sense. Steven stopped loving Connie romantically as soon as Jasper head-butted her way into his heart.
Jonathan White
Nolan Price
>More to hold >Massive source of warmth >Picked up and held like shes weightless you bet
Andrew Torres
>inb4 Eyeball and Steven go on adventure >inb4 they both learn that both of what they know is actually wrong somehow >inb4 they find PD inside Lion or figure out Lion is PD
Cooper Edwards
Anyone want to draw a Pearl for her?
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Pearl says they retain a "partial consciousness".
Elijah Harris
Reminder your blue waifu did this
Ryan Anderson
This is the blue gem. What is her purpose, /sug/?
Connor Russell
sleep is for the weak and feeble
Kevin Powell
Ronaldo is still great, zukes writting doesn't count
Jason Young
There'll be so much more to love.
Aaron King
Cooper Hughes
This kid is a firecracker, their romance will be explosive to say the least
Austin Rodriguez
But it's okay because they killed her sister. I guess.
Robert Torres
Chase Cox
How does Steven sleep at all when he's constantly being watched.
Kevin Young
I think it shows how the crew knows what their main demographic is like.
I actually respect them for trying to make people better, but that episode could've been handled a little better
Asher Rogers
whale penis
Ryan Mitchell
Was this their plan? Make the rest of the season so bad that we'd welcome more "muh fusion"?
Jose Butler
>not Greg and Rose fusion dance Pleb detected.
Just kidding, that scene was pretty fucked up in a good way.
Another one of my favorite scenes was in Maximum Capacity with Greg getting mentally abused, I like how small he felt when he turned around, closed his eyes and covered his ears. It was heartbreaking.
Season 1 and season 2 were so god-tier with great episodes. I miss Steven Universe.
Isaac Garcia
Michael Watson
I guess so. Just completely lacking empathy
Jordan Wilson
shit i forgot about her well, all except WD, I also have that headcanon of her being unable to have emotions even if steven tries to 'help', and her gems to be the coldest and hardest to reason with so far i hope they don't pull something like steven healing her emotionless-ness but then again i could see it happening. the answer is love blah blah blah
Xavier Sullivan
>In Room for Ruby, we see what Sapphire's life would have been if she had never met Ruby at all.
James Barnes
>they find PD's shards bubbled in that chest damn maybe
Elijah Taylor
She lays eggs!
James Long
To be even saltier than Pearl.
Gabriel Baker
one gets used to it I think
Carson Howard
Carson Campbell
To eat
Cooper Fisher
Yeah, it's a shame the whole crew died in a plane crash right before the Cluster arc was to come to a close.
Sebastian Robinson
Makes me think, if Maximum Capacity aired around this season, would it get a lot of hate?
Luke Lee
I want Steven to use Peridot and Lapis as weights that he lifts with his massive arms but he has to lift like a million to even break a sweat because there so light,
Evan Lopez
Raping newborn quartzes into obedience
Caleb Johnson
Bentley Garcia
That's simply not possible.
Adam Russell
I don't think the Crew thinks we're a bunch of unfit neckbeards who are terribly vain-Oh wait.
Ian Gutierrez
Remember that panel Rebecca did where you could see her panties the entire time?
Ethan Garcia
Did somebody say
Landon Brown
To become a primary antagonist because that's the only way she can be written halfway into being a little compelling.
Alexander Rogers
Why do you think this
Parker Nguyen
Ian Allen
daily reminder that Rose is evil and Steven is a weapon
Joshua Ortiz
Gavin Hernandez
who else gets hard seeing this now?
Ian Martinez
>PD is inside the chest >it was all just a magic trick for the Rubies and they took it too seriously >Eyeball just sits in the corner with a smile on her face, silently contemplating life >she stays that way for the rest of the series
Grayson Price
Who will be the first townie Steven fuses with?
Lincoln Jenkins
Michael Wood
Well it wouldn't really work chronologically since gems respect Greg a lot more already than they used to. People would complain about that, and Amethyst would receive a lot more hate than she did when that episode aired.
Camden Thomas
Chase Rivera
When will they ever revisit that incident and why does it seem like it was just dropped?
Jaxson Ward
Levi Hall
I'm so fucking tired of shitty anons complaining about the same shit over and over again. Motherfuckers I know that it's you faggots over and over again. You talking shit repeatedly isn't going to make the show better or make you feel better about the show.
Kevin Price
Because, believe it or not, they write the show, not the writers. The writers have no control over what's canon, no matter how established something becomes.
That's why Lapiven is somehow more canon.
>That picture of Connie on the shelf
Jonathan Myers
Your mom never watched over you while you slept? She must not have loved you very much.