A bunch of people are talking about America? Let's read about her.
Judge Dredd America Storytime
This was the first real Dredd story I've ever read, been a fan ever since. But this story is not about him.
I also think that a bunch of user's might like to read something good. I love the hate but right now I want something good.
Love the fucking art int this.
is anyone out reading?
I'm reading user
I'm loving it
I want this image on my wall.
The end hope you enjoyed Sup Forums
Murder judge best judge
Why do people like this series? It's so dismal.
This fucking page. Such a good fucking page.
Dredd takes on many tones, it's a fucking funny comic when it wants to be
Because every now and then there needs to be a story in Dredd that shows the judges as the unapologectic bastards that they are, because otherwise it risks taking their side too much. Without stories like these, the idea that the judges really are the best thing to ever happen to mankind would take root, and then one of the major underlying conflicts of the strip, which is survival vs a life worth living, would completely evaporate.
It's why pages like this: are absolutely essential. Because while the judges may (sometimes) protect the citizenry from threats that a due process would most likely not be able to handle, it's a major point of Dredd's universe that this flimsy sense of security comes at a tremendously high cost, robbing mankind of its soul for the price of keeping its body safe.
keep going
Because I like to remember how bad things could be. One of the reasons I like Judge Dredd is that it never strays from the hard questions of it's universe. While there are heroic moments it never forgets that it is a fascist state and while it could be justified, it show you how corrupt a place like that can be.
A much better version of America, probably the same person too since Judge Dredd is a alternate universe visited by the punisher.
A Dredd book must have an even ratio of baby punching and saving.
But it also leads to one of the few downsides of the strip: that the Judges never collectively face any major repercussion for their bullshit.
Even Necropolis had Dredd walk away of his own free will as opposed to having the super corrupt Chief Justice Silver (who was behind the sabotaging of the Democracy March) strip Dredd of his badge and run him out of town in disgrace, as far as Dredd being made the public scapegoat for that incident, once it was made public knowledge.
Sure they kill Judges off in spade, but 9 out of 10 times those were faceless expendables. And fuck, Silver NEVER faced any consequences for his corruption, nor did that fat bald bitch who was blackmailing people for the evilulz.
It would work if they constantly played up the notion that Judges were not the all knowing, all seeing dictatorship they were. That the Judges and their control over everything was super fragile, dependent ENTIRELY on the people and that at ANY moment they could kill the Judges off (literally and figuratively, in terms of abolishing their organization). It would make shit like the Titan prison for Judges more of a huge thing in terms of the Judges cracking down on bad guy Judges who bully the average person, so that the public don't turn against them. And it would make shit like Apocalypse War and other huge body count style storylines have more gravity if the Judges had to stop those crisises because if they can't, the public would get rid of them and replace them with someone who can.
Edgar did face consequences for her corruption, by getting exiled to the Cursed Earth in all but name and stripped of all power, but I definitely see your point. And honestly, John Wagner probably sees it too, since the entire Day of Chaos epic was based around a crisis that the judges completley failed to prevent and the general public losing all faith in them as a result.
The thing about the judges/citizens relation is that, as shown in Twilight's Last Gleaming and other stories, most citizens are (by 100% design of the judges) so stupid and indoctrinated that they literally cannot even imagine something other than the judges. Which is in itself an incredibly damning statement on politics in general: when hegemony and cultural domination grows so strong that most people can't think of things being different than "the way things have always been", then absolute power becomes much more attainable.
But as the judges' promise of eternal safety falls apart, and it has fallen apart really hard recently, so we see citizens growing disillusioned with them. The big failing of the strip, in my eyes, is that it hasn't produced yet any big figure or movement for those disenfranchised citizens to rally around. Back in the Democracy days we had that, but with that gone there's no longer a group of genuinely well-meaning, non-violent, ordinary smart people who present an alternative to the judges' rule. And so therefore, with no alternative, their power remains uncontested.
It's probably a small comfort, but I do enjoy the way Dredd himself has grown to see the system as terribly flawed thanks to the dying words of Fargo and such, and is trying in his own way to either improve things, or to groom people who will be able to improve things in places he couldn't (or wouldn't) reach.
Blame Garth Ennis for that.
Wagner walked away from the strip in 1992 and had Garth Ennis as his hand picked successor. Going so far as to giving Garth control over how the entire Democracy storyline ended.
Garth, being a bully boy fascist lover, opted to have the entire movement crushed and the Judges kept in power via a referendum vote that had a super low turnout and then had Judge Dredd mercilessly bullied the leadership of the Democracy movement into kissing his ass and declare that the Judges would rule forever and a day more due to the will of the people.
Wagner did his best to walk that shit back, best he could when he took back control over the strip. He had McGruder and one other judge go down in disgrace and did a stealth retcon where he suddenly had the return of a democratically elected mayor and Mega City One citizens suddenly having more freedom/rights over how the city was run.
Honestly, I think Ennis left himself a decent out with the turnout thing. It was made very explicit that the average citizen had no idea what he was voting for, and since that lack of education and interest can be traced directly to the judges' "bread and circus" politics, it's still not a clean win for them on the grounds of said cits having been kept too stupid to really make a proper decision. Having her surrender to Dredd definitely was a step too far though, and most likely just a desire to get this whole lingering plotline over with and go back to goofy shooty wacky adventures, which most certainly was a step back.
The more personal freedoms element was actually a small but key part of Chief Judge Volt's reign, which then carried over into Hershey's once she took over.
How's Mega City 2 compared to Mega City 1 anyway?
Up until IDW's Mega-City Two miniseries, they were shown to be pretty much the same, save the MC-2 judges spoke with a stereotypical beach bum accent.
IDW's MC-2 is a brightly-colored media-obssessed juggernaut of a town where everyone either watches TV or stars in it, judges included, and popularity is life.
>Wanting to hang up a dead judge
That's some time in the cubes.
>the public would get rid of them and replace them with someone who can.
Replace them with what, exactly?
Is Blondel Dupree still around?
As for major figures for the Anti-Judge/pro-Democracy folks to rally around, I always thought Hershey or Anderson would be perfect in that role.
Nope. The whole democracy movement morphed into Total War, and despite having a few decent members here and there, they're mostly just out and out terrorists.
And after the end of Total War and Mega-City Confidential, it's been made abundantly clear that for all her relative liberalism, Hershey has no love for democracy.
Also, fuck, I really want to stick around but I have a doc's appointment tonight... Thanks again to OP for the storytime!
I want Chief Judge Hershey to kick my ass
What happened in Total War and Mega City Confidential?
>a comic about a terrorist and a cuck who turns transexual
This is actually just as gay as the OTHER America comic. At least this is supposed to be a tragedy.
That America Chavez comic drew my creativity off.
It was so unfocused, with no structure. Just words and concepts the author had a strange hang up into. Nothing made sense if you weren't in their lingo, almost like a cult.
This comic restored my desire to consume media. To read comics. I thank you user, for making me believe again.
bump and fuck Ennis
This is my favorite page of all Judge Dredd
Can anyone give me a rundown on the Ennis stories? I'm curious because I'm not sure how long he was on the strip and I do want to know how bad he handled it.
Thanks OP. Been meaning to read this and it was beautiful.
Also weird coincidence America here and in Marvel kinda look the same.
Grud I love the view of the city in this page
It wasnt just ennis, a lot of the 90s Dredd writers destroywd it.
Ennis and morrison ran 2000ad into the ground, megazine was the only good thing happening in the 90s and that was thanks to stuff like psi anderson.
>Love the fucking art int this.
I think the fact that this was one of Colin's first paying jobs actually helps with the art. You can tell he is just so excited to be drawing Dredd. He's trying different techniques and just putting his heart and soul into it. A more experienced artist probably would have held back a bit more. Done the maths and concluded that the amount he was being paid couldn't justify the amount of time the went into these pages
>You're all heart.
Yep, that's Judge Dredd. Not throwing shumcks into cubes if he doesn't have to.
Is she going to off him? I could see that happening.
Ohhhhhhh fucking KEK!