>hottest Disney princess Jasmine
>gets completely overshadowed by a pale lanky redhead from the short before the movie
Why is this allowed?
>hottest Disney princess Jasmine
>gets completely overshadowed by a pale lanky redhead from the short before the movie
Why is this allowed?
excuse me?
It would have helped if something fetishy happened to her. Redhead had booty fetish to the nth degree.
Something fetishy didn't happen to every other Disney princess.
Haha, sorry but im a foot fag not an assman.
Ariel had her foot scene. Jasmine got her slave outfit. Aurora was hypnotized. Merida ripped her dress. Rapunzel had special attention paid to her bare feet. Tiana had TF.
Princesses are a pretty kinky bunch.
>Gets overshadowed by a spunky hardworking short stack
Well, Moana had water? I don't know any water related fetishes.
fuck off furry
Moana has vore, doesn't she? And stretching? Both from gay crab.
Wet look? Thats not that big though, relatively speaking. Those guys mostly aren't into cartoons. She almost got eaten a few times. If she had gone into somethings mouth, that might've done it.
I remember one guy thinking Maui hypnotized her, and there's some evidence for that, but it was too ambiguous to really catch on.
Whatever, I don't want fetish art anyway, I just want more porn of Moana.
Well there is a drowning fetish. Plus feet and brown skin
I'm just saying, nothing really sexy happened to Moana (she wasnt vulnerable or dominant enough for those fantasies) so not a lot of people saw her in a sexual light.
Is this a Judy thread?
She was pretty dominant.
And again, Maui did manipulate/hypnotize her.
Btw, is the 16yo that voiced Moana on suicide watch knowing she was part of one of Disney's most mediocre movie?
No, people love her and she's going to star in an upcoming NBC show.
It would've played better if it was clearer. I agree some form of manipulation was there, but it just wasn't enough to seal the deal.
Same with the vore stuff, really. If she had gotten into something's mouth the vore fans would've really taken notice.
Plus, she hit that sweet spot of popular enough to be in the Princess franchise, not popular enough to be a seperate franchise.
Shes gonna be voicing Moana in spin off material forever.
I don't think enough people saw the movie.
mediocre is a lot better than bad, and it's still better than forgotten
although we'll see in a year or two if it's forgotten
It won't be forgotten because of the music.
bh piu
Because she isn't white. Just like any other non-white Disney princess before her she was doomed from the start.
Sup Forumstards are really fucking detached from reality to claim browns and blacks aren't discriminated against.
The what!?
so only white people watch disney films?
True but most of that racism against non white disney princesses comes from outside of the US. Chinks hate blacks and browns.
Aladdin is one of Disney's most popular and beloved movies.
Specifically Chinese. Japan still loves black people in the folksy racist 1920s vaudeville way.
Short yes
Judy is not stacked, however.
That's because Jasmine was underaged.
of course we hate non black princess everyone in asia knows that if its starring a black actor and its not rush hour movie its shit
Wait I've been away from Sup Forums for a while why do you not like Moana?
Moana isn't a good movie or character.
But she's hot and more porn artists should be drawing her.
I'd hardly call someone with an ass like that lanky
She's lanky and ugly as fuck. Her having wide hips doesn't make the rest of her not lanky.
>doesn't mention furry
Is this why Sup Forums won't watch Elena of Avalor?
Elena is a non-canon baby show and Latino isn't a race.
>was in the amulet that summons Disney princesses
>had an official royal welcome at Disney
>merch selling like hot cakes
Also she's Avaloran.
Fuck off, Elsa is the hottest one since she got an very fuckable tits & ass
And she is white, it's Fucking Persia,Aladdin was a filthy Arab but she and her father where white, do you even history?
Why don't you check how non Arab royalty looks like in the middle east? Assad and her wife are whites for example. Back in the times of the movie Persia was fairer. Phenotype change with time, the Greeks were darker looking than most east Asian, groups for example but Had a higher rate of light hair. The idea middle eastern have to look like a brown Arab is racist Anglo shit, the same with germanic nordicism pretending the only reason there's white people there is that germanics used to rule everything, white is a phenotype and every group in the Caucasian race had some big variations over time. Hell even mongoloids used to have more genetic variations of their own, they used to be more reddish haired mongoloids in Mongolia and China and the Americas, but it was their own mutation not related to the Caucasian one.
She was the worst character in her own move.
She wasn't Persian she was Arabian. Wasted all that time on that paragraph and you premise is wrong.
>Sup Forumstards are really fucking detached from reality to claim browns and blacks aren't discriminated against.
>if you prefer white people you are racist
Then I guess I'm a proud racist homophobe transphobe, since I only like natural born girls and I do think white looks better.
>I don't know any water related fetishes.
Maui literally pissed on her here's your fetish
holy FUCK
more/sauce on editor?
leddit & probably using After Effects
>she is white
you're autistic.
This combination of words is perfect.
Middle Easterners are classified as Caucasian though, remind Sup Forums of this and say those proud nordics are the same as sand niggers and watch them lose their shit
>you will never discover Moana's island before she leaves and colonize her pussy
>you will never convince her to abandon her aspirations of sailing for delicious dicc
>ywn turn her into a plump kindly Polynesian MILF housewife
>you will never lean over during intercourse and whisper in her ear CONSIDER THE COCONUT
She works better as a bunny
So I guess this became a Judy Thread? But honestly if we talk about human non furry princesses I would prefer Rapunzel :P
Do you even know what short stack means?
Shortstack doesn't always imply huge boobs you dumdums.
Midna is the perfect example of shortstack, and she's all ass.
Dumb furfag
>Part of one of Disney's most mediocre movie
Is this some shitty Sup Forums meme or something? Even Sup Forums loves this film and they're basically Sup Forums
Jasmine is and will always be the Sexiest Disney Princess. She will always be the Sexiest because due to pressure from SJWs Disney can never make a Disney Princess that has as aesthetically pleasing a figure as Jasmine.
>Unrealistic Hourglass figure
Animation is supposed to be exaggerated, dope. That's why the eyes are so huge. Disney isn't allowed to exaggerate the curves on their princesses anymore, which is shit. Elsa has the exaggerated face/head but not the body. Therefore, as I said before, she doesn't have the same aesthetically pleasing appearance as Jasmine. She can never be as sexy as Jasmine. In real life it would be a toss up and more about your own attraction template, but in animation, Elsa is inferior.
That doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing to be honest
>Disney's most mediocre movie
Better than Tangled and Frozen
Moana was a good movie
>but in animation, Elsa is inferior
Kek, see Also, Elsa got the best realistic petite body (with the exception of the head size of course)
You do realize that is a shitty edit, right?
Even without edit, its still hot as fuck.
Still not as sexy as Jas. I know you want to defend your waifu and all, but she's not the sexiest. As long as she looks like a normal girl with a cartoon head she won't be.
Still not as sexy as Elsa. I know you want to defend your waifu and all, but she's not the sexiest. As long as she looks like a anorexic girl with a cartoon head she won't be.
Jas is not my waifu, she's not my fav Princess, but she IS the sexiest.
>Actually finding that generic cakeface attractive
Jasmine is goddamn meh. Even Belle is hotter & Sexier than Jasmine (Elsa is still #1 though)
I'd rather BE SHINY
Judy and Moana are the only two decent chick protags disney has put out in forever. And Moana is largely on that list because she is cute as FUCK.
>smart enough to trick jermaine.
Actually that could all apply to Judy too.
I think I have a type Sup Forums
Moana isn't even a princess- she's next in line to be chieftain of her tribe. She's not a member of royalty. She works and eats taro just like everyone else on her island.
I like Elena of Avalor more than Moana. Elena has a song every episode. Moana only sings one song in the entire movie. Elena is prettier, she's a good role model for Hispanic girls.
>muh babyfaced terrible role model
So I finally saw Moana today. I don't think I'll get How Far I'll Go out of my head for a while
You're Welcome was good, though I heard Lin wanted it to be the new Friend Like Me, and I don't think it quite made it
I didn't like Shiny
Also, why haven't I seen much porn of Moana? Usually just being on the site guarantees I'll see SOME, but I have yet to see much beyond a few drawthread requests
>Pocahontas isn't even a princess- she's next in line to be the chieftain of her tribe's wife. She's not a member of royalty. She works and eats corn just like everyone else in her country.
She's been engineered to perfection. Ariel was the prototype. Glen Keane can just freehand that shit, he's so good.
Other than being scenery porn testing grounds, (like "The Good Dinosaur") the chicken was the only redeeming part of this film.
Because you have to PAY for the good stuff.
Why are Disney brown girls the best?
>the chicken was the only redeeming part of this film.
what the fuck? how could you think this? and how is this thread still alive?
Because their drawn like white girls with tans.
>plump kindly Polynesian MILF housewife
I need a drawing of this.
This is disgusting.
>pig nose
How do you want them to be drawn? French Romani and Arabs have very similar features to white people and Moana actually looks how she's supposed to.
Every Disney woman who got an Disney artstyle got an pig nose.
>Be a hobo prince
>Wander to your neighbor kingdom
>See this milf in black dress with horns on her head
>"Hey you over there I need you to come with me."
>Thought that we should start slower but okay
>She drags me to see an autistic girl sleeping in bed
>"Now kiss the girl."
>wtf but I don't even know her
>Kiss her anyway
>Nothing happens
>Try to leave to search for the milf again, but plot demands me to disappear
>The next day
>Yes finally see her again, this time she grows big ass wings which are great for cuddle
>Autistic girl cockblock me while milf flies away
Nigga what?
Please, keep that horror far away from here.
Now you're getting it! Here's your (You), now run along home and show your Mommy & Daddy.