Also am I the only one who thinks Idris Elba looks completely clownish decked out in all Nordic regalia? Apparently having any sort of aesthetic which involves a uniform looking people is okay for Blacks but not for Europeans. It's not like Marvel doesn't have countless cosmopolitan locations to shoehorn Blacks in. The amount of kangs in Asgard is jarringly stupid looking. the fact the audience doesn't realize how ridiculous it is only proves how tasteless and tactless the average consumer has become.
You have the wonder why Asgard has so many Blacks but Wakanda has zero Whites
Aliens don't have to follow a racial precedent
because white-free = perfect diversity achieved.
That's why no black or Mexican neighborhood was "culturally-enriched" with African and Islamic rapefugees.
Whites are the only ones expected to try multiculturalism.
But having an all black cast still means there's zero diversity. Or does that term only apply to white actors?
What did he mean by this?
Shut the fuck up racefag, you get two movies with an all white avengers team, 3 captain America movies, 3 iron man movies, 3 thor movies, a Dr Strange movie, an Ant Man movie, two GOTG movies, a spider-man movie, and a hulk movie, all starring whiteys with the black guy being the sidekick or not in it at all. And now that there's a black panther movie with only 2 white people, everyone on this site is wetting themselves in fear. Fucking why?
Yes, diverse is synonymous with non white.
Well, no.
Asgard is a multi-racial society made up in part by peoples from the 9 Realms.
Wakanda is culturally xenophobic and has literally kept non-blacks out of their society by force for generations.
he was fine without the cringy bumclot hair
shit is fucking gross
What is wakamda? The city in black panther?
The source material it draws upon , both comics and mythology does. It'd look better to have Whites in Wakanda than Blacks in Asgard.
No it wouldn't, by the source material there are literally no non-african people in Wakanda for centuries.
They only start letting them in after Black Panther is an Avenger, and even then it's almost harder to visit than North Korea.
Only whites need "diversity."
It's that simple.
>the fact the audience doesn't realize how ridiculous it is only proves how tasteless and tactless the average consumer has become.
I think it shows more how profoundly insecure you are to fixate on this
primaries pls go, take yr logic with you.
but they sure do have a diversity quota
>No it wouldn't, by the source material there are literally no non-african people in Wakanda for centuries.
And same for Asgard. Asgard is literally a race of alien Nordics in the comics. In mythology it's Nordic looking Gods.
>Fucking why?
because we don't owe you a slot among the Alien God Race inspired by Norse mythology yet somehow you still got one, and you expect to be able to have an explicitly black space while disallowing whites the same privilege.
No one owes you center stage, you're not even the biggest minority group in this country, yet somehow everyone else has to bend over backwards to give you your own exclusive IP.
Fuck Norse mythology, Fuck Christianity, Fuck Drumpf and Fuck White People!
Now hurry up and pre-book your Avengers 3 seats for $20 each
>Asgard is a multiculteral people of varying faiths, gender identities, and ethnic origins, not a place
It's almost like these people don't want "diversity" and actually want "white genocide".
Really redpills your noggin.
Actually Marvel's comics Asgard (which had no blacks in it) was invented by Jews (Stan Lee and Jack Leiber).
Black Asgardians were established in the first Thor film, which was directed by Kenneth Branagh who is an Irish Protestant
It's almost ironic how that had a very "volkish" vibe but than again Asgard has the racial demographics of NYC.
Yes and No.
Movie Asgard has *too many* non-white people in comparison to how comic Asgard has been shown for decades.
However, non-white people have been part of Asgardian society since the invention of Hogun, the chink one of the Warriors Three.
Hogun is not born Asgardian, but is considered oe by dint of service. He basically gets citizenship, as do his family. He is just the most high-profile of many people from other realms who live in Asgard and count as Asgardians.
The actual Gods of Asgard are indeed all white.
Wakanda has always been an exclusionary, militantly xenophobic society that did not allow non-Africans into the country, much less live there, for hundreds of years.
Black Panther changes this, but immigration is rigidly controlled.
It is *much* more likely to see non-whites in Asgard than non-blacks in Wakanda.
If you need something to grab onto for your prejudices, I have basically explained to you that Wakanda is essentially racist, while Asgard is not.
Take that moral high ground if you like.
Either samefag or a group of fags indoctrinated into such a similar mindset that their thoughts are indistinguishable.
Wakanda is fiction
Africa is fucking shit
Black ppl can't do anything right
Nice Zimbabwe faggets
It's a lot whiter than NYC tbf.
>"The sky is blue"
>lol indoctrinated!
>However, non-white people have been part of Asgardian society since the invention of Hogun, the chink one of the Warriors Three.
>Hogun is not born Asgardian, but is considered oe by dint of service. He basically gets citizenship, as do his family. He is just the most high-profile of many people from other realms who live in Asgard and count as Asgardians.
>The actual Gods of Asgard are indeed all white.
Anyone would be 100% ok with one Japanese guy. Marvel would have made better casting choices by having Erik Selvig Black if they needed to fulfill a diversity quota. Look at the Sovereign. It's not like marvel can't make an alien race possess a uniform aesthetic if it's appropriate for the lore. In Asgard case it'd be very appropriate.
>5 people share the same common sense opinion? IT MUST BE GROUPTHINK
>Asgard is a multi-racial society made up in part by peoples from the 9 Realms.
Not in the comics nor mythology. They made up for the movie. "multi-racial asgard" is bad writing.
so they'll take in some of the other African nations but not help out Africa as a whole?
Casting the dogma of your cult as “common sense” in different fashions is another method of opinion manipulation. The liberals are doing it with “common sense gun control” and internet cults tend to lay it on so thick that the mainstream would laugh at them outside of their extremely specific hunting grounds.
But it's completely true, and you can't refute it, which is why you're engaging in your elftist social lynching
It's funny how you people keep calling anyone not on your side fascist when every last thing you're doing is a page from the nazis.
i.e. white genocide per the jewish globalist agenda
>You have the wonder why Asgard has so many Blacks but Wakanda has zero Whites
You have to Wonder why United States has so many blacks, but Somalia has zero whites
I can't disagree. It's very obvious they cast a black guy as Heimdall just to make a point, similarly not bothering with Balder at all, who is more Aryan superman than Thor.
To reiterate, if one is going to use the original sources in a diversity argument, Asgard is slightly too non-white, but it's not really a big deal unless you were a big fan of Heimdall. Which would make you a very small market.
Wakanda on the other hand, it's critical to the whole Black Panther mythos that they exclude non-Africans. If I were a person concerned with diversity politics, I would argue that they are racist, and therefore 'worse' than Asgardians, who allow literal aliens to become citizens, ie Beta Ray Bill.
In the comics they have citizens from the other realms, from early on in the stories. The Asgardian gods drawn from mythology are all white, however. The films are inaccurate in this. Heimdall is not black. There are probably too many non-white people in crowd shots.
They are 'Wakandan First', but are more lenient to other Africans. Non-Africans, especially whites, are not welcome for almost their entire history as a country.
While not touching anything that's not their culture because THAT BE RACIST APPROPRIATION YO
So we're told we need multiculturalism while simultaneously being told we have to stick to our own shit only.
It's such a clusterfuck mess that I can't bring myself to buy a Finn or Black Panther action figure because I don't want to be accused of owning a black man.
Report Sup Forums posts. Hide Sup Forums posts.
Wakanda is racist as fuck.
>a page from the nazis
>there are actual Redditors who still deny the '''diversity'' meme or white genocide.
>he argues about black characters in comic book movies instead of going out and getting a girlfriend
Maybe this is why the "white race" is declining.
>Can never refute and logically counter-point Sup Forums posts
That's the part you hate the most.
ok, but why is Africa as a whole in such bad state if the Wakandans care about them? Like shouldn't they stop that whole genocide stuff and murdering? or the starving?
it's called social conditioning, there can be no such thing as a white only utopia
>There are too many non-white people in crowd shots.
This. So much.
imo this is just stupid looking. Like having a White guy in a feather dress. Now if it was plot significant that a Black guy happens to be dressed like Robin hood, fine. Just like if a White guy is in a feather dress while it's plot appropriate. But in this case it just exist to exist. I don't get how people don't see how off it is.
Asgard isn't the United States in the comics. You are thinking of Xandar, or even Skarr. Asgard is hyper technologically advanced fantasy Scandinavia in the comics.
It's off topic.
Whites existed in Somalia once. The Blacks drove them all out.
Talking about casting decisions in a movie isn't off topic. Not everyone is a little bitch when it comes to talking about race.
Implying anyone will ever reproduce with me to even have grandkids in the first place
Wow, that’s really enlightening...almost like what you’re doing right now? Astroturfing on a board for television and film?
Nah. You would never do that. You only have the best intent. And you certainly aren’t a Nazi, with those hot quotes and racial provication.
>Only whites need "diversity."
>It's that simple.
>Reed makes a hyper-advanced (literally the most advanced) race of humans
>They start off with a few Asians and Brown dudes
>They eventually all just turn white through the power of CRISPR
Really makes you think.
>talking about race
That's what Sup Forums is for. Here we talk about the relative artistic merits of various films and television shows.
>Wakanda on the other hand, it's critical to the whole Black Panther mythos that they exclude non-Africans.
How so?
You can have a secret African Shangri-La land and still have it contain people of other races. There's literally no reason why it needs to be a monoracial place.
>but the source lore...
When has source-lore ever stood in the way of Hollywood telling the story it wants to tell?
pol is for politics. Races in movies isn't politics. It's art + casting.
>Not everyone is a little bitch when it comes to talking about race.
leftist shills trying to "change" 4chin after their 2016 disaster are though
>Races in movies isn't politics
It is. There's also nothing you can do about it.
>Literally kept non-blacks out of their society by force for generations
They even keep other black people out. Wakanda is maximum isolationist, and they allow others to starve outside of their walls. Hell, they refuse to release the cure for cancer to the outside world, because they're afraid it will be weaponized.
Something interesting you might want to know about Wakanda. Wakanda and it's inhabitants are essentially the comic book version of the Five Percent Nation. The Black Panther ties only strengthen this point. Five-percenters think 95% of all people are retarded, including blacks. This synergizes well with the notion that Wakanda does not want other Africans in their micro nation.
You fucking know why
but there's no artisitic or casting reasons for it.
>It is
I don't remember the appointing of Hollywood executives and producers ever coming up for a vote...
Forgot pic
Wakandans believe in cultural isolation. It is intrinsic to their society that hardly anyone ever leaves, and hardly anyone from outside is allowed to enter, much less stay.
They believe that if they go out and help the other African nations, they will make themselves weak, on both cultural terms and in opening up their economy.
Basically, Wakanda is the black fantasy land where black people did not allow colonial powers into their society at all. No economic dealings, no trade, no sharing of information, no immigration, nothing.
Without outside non-Wakandan factors, they became a high-tech fantasy land that's a great place to live if you are Wakandan.
(the hilarious thing about this myth, co-opted by black racists liek the nation of islam, is that it was a white western myth made up by people who thought Timbuctoo was made of literal gold, for xample. The advanced black civilisation in the heart of Africa is a white construct made of ignorance, that black people have basically...stolen. It's funny).
The flip side of this, that the comic explores, is that it makes the Wakandans an essentially racist culture who are not afraid to go to military action to stop other people polluting their society.
it's also a source of tension that they are basically socialists ruled by an absolute monarchy.
That monarchial family also has super-powers passed down through their line, literally making it that who you are born as determines how important and powerful you are in every way.
Black Panther the character embodies all these tensions and contradictions and is an interesting character as a result.
He's a black ruler who is aware that his rule and power comes from factors that modern global civilisation thinks are morally wrong, but that if he bends to far to SJWs he will possibly destroy his people.
I mean the clue is in his name.
so in other words... it is indeed 100% true? great job JIDF. also, glad you had that lying around for just such an occasion :)
It comes up for a vote all the time.
Right-wing movies are shit and everyone laughs at them.
you want to be the only white in niggertown? you want to live in detroit too?
Holy shit so the Hibernian Conspiracy was true all along!
I get that.
My point is comics re-write their lore constantly and there's no reason why the Black Panther/Wakanda lore couldn't be rebooted in 2017. If the Mandarin can go from Fu-Manchu rip-off with power rings to Ben Kingsley playing a red-herring, Wakanda can go from NOI land to multicultural African flavored Shangri-La.
But getting a gf won't do anything if women (and soyboy men) don't want to have children, or if they do then they don't want more than one or two
Actually sounds like great fodder for a film or tv series if it werent being bastardized and soyed to shit. Oh well, time to prepare for another round of riots/political dick swinging...
>he argues about black characters in comic book movies instead of going out and getting a girlfriend
>implying we have a choice
>It comes up for a vote all the time.
Stop being silly user, no one goes out and votes for Harvey Weinstein on election day.
>Right-wing movies are shit
The entire library of classic 80s action movies called and said you're a faggot.
>Wakanda has always been an exclusionary, militantly xenophobic society that did not allow non-Africans into the country, much less live there, for hundreds of years.
So I guess they will be portrayed this way, correct?
>let us use your art and entertainment to propagandize to and brainwash your people
>b-b-but don't call it out or discuss it!
>a-a-also don't mention JIDF etc.
>being this butthurt about casting black people in a kiddie comic book movie
Wakanda will have whites begging on the streets
They aren't going to. And they are just going to blame whitey.
This is true. However that would be a bigger deviation from source material that black Heimdall.
I say bigger because one of the Asgardians being black just messes with world-building. It doesn't change the story of Thor and Loki. I appreciate to some people the idea of an Asgardian god being black is a problem, I'm not going to downplay it if that's your thing.
But I think showing white people in Wakanda (in the first film at least) would be a bigger problem, as Black Panther being required to defend his country from white colonials while realising not all white people are assholes is basically his original (and in many ways, permanent) character arc.
Ulysesse Klaw (Andy Serkis) is a main BP villain, whose motivation is stealing Wakandan resources. He is a blatant play on the white colonial exploiter. Panther is drawn into global society by pursuing him and learns that white people are not all dickheads and that Wakanda would benefit from (controlled) integration.
>You're silly for caring.
>I'm not silly for caring that you care.
not him but you do realise that politics is downstream from culture and that shit you are laughing about already has deep impacts on our lives?
>Heimdal, the Whitest of the Aesir
>It's black
This was so done on purpose
It's a social issues. It's not politics. Politicizing everything and anything to do with race is part of the problem with our country.
>free Roy Moore
>classic 80s action movies
You mean the ones mostly popular in third-world shitholes and critically mocked in America?
Yeah, be proud of that.
I camt wait for Cuck Panther to come out and flop on its face. No one wants to see a bunch of racist niggers
Clearly a few shitskin refugees like Idris have moved to Asgard to leech off the Nordic natives, while no sane white person would ever want to live in a majority black nation. It's called realism
>Clearly a few
At least 1/3 of every person in a crowd was Black.
Now this is a nigger that is a step above in the evolution chain, unlike those other niggers, Idris is firmly above apes.
that's globalism/cultural marxism 101, that's exactly how it works. they're getting bolder and bolder putting these themes in "entertainment".
Smelly dumb, kike pedo scum.
Just like any modern Western metropolis