here's the """teaser"""

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It's going to suck isn't it

You're thinking of JUSTice League. This will be kino.

>trailer for a trailer

>white family
>super heroes
This does adhere to current year diversity quotas. #BanThisFilth #WhitePatriarchy #KillAllWhites

run to the store goy


>Violet enters a rebellious phase
>Adopts the name Indigo and joins a group of villains after a heated argument with her mother
>Entire movie is about her being figuratively bashed over the head with different conflicting views on heroism and being a super from her family, police, villains, and anti-heros
>It's not directly tied to any political stance, similar to zootopia you can see it but you don't know if it's left or right
>no forced interracial relationships
>no liberal rants about shit nobody but liberals care about
>shit ton of action scenes
>lots of teen girl suffering and poor decision making by Indigo because that's what teenagers do
>At the end Indigo chooses of her own accord to be a heroine like her mother
It could be kino.

Will this fill the Fantastic Four shaped hole in my heart?


>no forced interracial relationships
I read this as incestual relationships

>large portion of the teaser dedicated to interviewing fashion industry workers about Edna Mode of all fucking things

cringed hard

It's Disney so expect 98% on rotten tomatoes. Either like 5 specifically chosen negative reviews that are still like 99% positive.

>no forced interracial relationships
What about a completely natural interracial relationship with an attractive smart superhero who's voiced by Idris Elba?

>Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible) is left to care for Jack-Jack while Helen (Elastigirl) is out saving the world.

I could see Dash falling for an anti-hero. Some girl who moves as fast as he does on skates or something that just robs places and lets cops trail her for the thrill of it. But no. No incest.

He's ruined enough movies for now.

>for a trailer

is this how far we've gone? What's next, a teaser for the announcement of a teaser trailer's tease?

Violet for sure blacked

2004 was the last good year imo, i still remember drawing pictures of violet and shit back then even, i was like 4th grade or something iirc

Everything after 2007 just feels like a fucking blur

>for a trailer

No shit. That's how it works.

Jesus Christ, over 10 years later?

You mean Frozoned

Finding Nemo also got a sequel 13 years after the first movie came out.



Always thought Mirage was best girl


>at least 1 LGBTQ character
>Male privilege jokes
>Feminist empowerment scenes
>Violet will be unsure of her gender
>Dash will be a nu-male comic book lover
>Mr Incredible will represent the day of the white male coming to an end
>Mrs Incredible will be stronk independent woman who don't need help from no man

Like no tomorrow

he was married though maybe Froz Jr even though we didn't see a kid

b l a c k b o y f r i e n d

>Punisher debuts the same weekend as JL and is possibly the best Marvel tv show yet
>Ragnarok had Marvel's two biggest strongest current heroes team up right before JL
>The Incredibles 2 trailer comes out on the same weekend as JL
>The Incredibles 2 will probably come out during the theatrical window of some future DC movie to take away from families that might otherwise see the DC movie

I can't wait until Disney owns Fox. Just imagine how well they'll be able to push around and mess with the plans of other studios and the revenue shares of theaters and streaming services after they buy them if they're doing this now especially with the Avatar sequels if they seem like they will do well.

They'll even have the X-Men and Deadpool to use to detract from DC's theatrical earnings by having movies come out in the same theatrical windows while also being darker than MCU movies like DC movies usually have been.

I can't wait for New Warriors to blow the Arrowverse out of the water. This show is going to make the it look like the DCEU and make Squirrel Girl the new Harley Quinn. This might do so well most of the heroes are given a separate tv show spinoff on the Marvel streaming service in the future.

>“tested through the roof and caught the attention of high-level Disney executives.”
>New Warriors, sources say, could be Marvel TV 2.0, with the ability to feature multiple spinoffs similar to the company's Netflix arrangement.

>mrs incredible anal vores violet

Captain America has pretty much already greatly harmed the possiblity of future Superman fans. They just need Black Panther and probably Moon Knight, Daredevil, Nighthawk, Darkhawk or someone else similar to go after the Batman fanbase and then Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch to kill off the Wonder Woman fanbase. Black Panther is already a variant of Batman now. Batman will have close to zero black fans in the future. The Batman fanbase would probably be the hardest to kill off and they might not be able to completely kill it. They might just be able to greatly weaken it and get another similar hero to be about as popular however.

In addition to the Trinity, Marvel has and continues to go for even the less popular heroes. Nova Corps and Captain Marvel to take out the future Green Lantern fans. Iron Man of course already prevents any future Cyborg fans. Vision has pretty much taken up any future Manhunter fans and Adam Warlock will probably continue stoping any future Manhunter fans. Warlock may with Doctor Strange additionally stop any future fans of John Constantine and Doctor Fate. Scarlet Witch in additition to Wonder Woman helps prevent any future Zatanna fans. Of course they have Namor for Aquaman.

Captain Marvel is probably going to make a 'surprise' entry into Avengers 3 just like Superman into Justice League. Everyone will laud it and talk about how much better done it was than Superman in JL. It will be just like when Marvel puts the Thunderbolts in the MCU as former prisoners who at least seemingly act like superheroes like the Suicide Squad. Critis will again point out how Marvel will do a better job at this. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if we see articles in the future talking about Black Panther or Moon Knight being a more well done version of Batman than his recent appearances in movies. Marvel Studios are really that good. Disney buying them was a great decision probably better than purchasing Pixar.

>similar to zootopia you can see it but you don't know if it's left or right

Zootopia was pretty obviously left leaning, user.

>The Incredibles 2 will probably come out during the theatrical window of some future DC movie to take away from families that might otherwise see the DC movie
this isn't true. It comes out next June and it's stepping on the toes of Solo: A Star Wars Story

we are 10 years from blade runner timeline. disney and the other corps are too big. soon the monopolies will rule everything that they dont already. they used to trust bust back in the day, now its all over. good guys lost, kikes won

nu-pixar is feminist liberal trash

you people are in a for rude awakening when you watch this movie. these aren't the same people that made Incredibles 1. This is an entire new bread of nu-male feminists.

it was a prequel and it was awful


is this movie taking place right after the first one or will it time skip?

it will most likely skip time.

entire movie is about the underminer

a teaser is normally for a movie, not for a movie trailer. Teasing a trailer which is teasing a movie is just retarded

No it wasn't. The plot was quite literally the weak trying to usurp the strong in a media manipulation power play. See any similarities to the current political environment? Our protagonist Judy is a cop. Liberals hate cops, they shoot niggers with scary guns. The prey are liberals. They're afraid of everything and want more government control. The predators are whites, being scapegoated as villains and doing horrible things like working and being civil servants.
Zootopia is open to interpretation. It's either kinda left or really hard right. I prefer to think the latter.

you realize "liberals persecuting whites" isn't a rightwing thing it's an online neo-nazi forum thing right?

What are some ways they could absolutely ruin it?

No, it's not. We are all here talking about a trailer coming tomorrow now, and we will be at attention to see it tomorrow, so it's not just a random drop.
Now there are news articles about the trailer before it even comes out so people will watch it as soon as it drops in excitement and garner views and news money for Disney.

Fucking retard.

I thought this already came out #mandelaeffect

Disney keep gays out of their movies for da Chinaman

was it good?

JUSTice league flops and the Mouse steps in for the killing blow

It didn't make me mad so I don't think it was left.
Maybe it was centrist or has an underlying theme that is relevant to both political sides.

I'm glad you're not in charge of writing it


This really activated my almonds

Alright alright, any insiders seen the trailer?

Does it actually have overt political propaganda? The movie also focuses on Mrs Incredible apparently.

>have an elastic vagina
>only thing that can satisfy her is the BBC

oh wow i didn’t know! thanks for letting me know Disney/Pixar!

Mrs Incredible was already independent, she brought the kids to the island to rescue their dad.

Dash was already shown to be an athlete

Violent will probably be more social

Isn't Brad Bird pretty old fashioned?

>has an underlying theme that is relevant to both political sides.

This one. "Be nice to people" isn't a political statement.

Lol just like my ex haha

>Not Miss Appear
Reee, jobber henchman had a god tier idea and they scrapped it.

Sure am hyped about this 10+ years dead franchise getting brought back to milk for cash.


>tfw I still don't have The Incredibles on VHS

I bet they haven't grow up and this time Elasticgirl become the main character instead of Mr.Incredible

That's literally the plot.

It takes place right after the first movie, and follows GRRL POWER FUCK THE PATRIARCHY ElastiWOMAN as she saves the day (because why would anybody else?) while "MISTER" so-called "incredible" stays at home like a good cuck and takes care of his wife's son.

>elastigirl sucks air into her ass like kirby and super braps on the Sup Forumstards

>>Mrs Incredible will be stronk independent woman who don't need help from no man
As long as she's a MILF, I'm okay with this

Me too senpai, it was never a question
>that part of the film where she's recruiting bob and boarderline flirting with him the whole time
God, that was sexy