Star vs the Forces of Evil

Aye /co do you guys have any good theories about Star vs the Forces of Evil season 3.

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I theorize we'll get more gay kissing after the positive reaction/good press they got.

Toffee will break into song at least once while he conquers Mewni, since he's unstoppably powerful by the start of a new season and noone is strong enough to oppose him.

This song will have trippy visual effects and will generally be considered the best thing to ever come out of this show.


>generally be considered the best thing to ever come out of this show.

Just like WOY's villain song?

>He'll do it before he fully regenerates his body and while he's still posessing Ludo, or possibly somebody else by then.
>The singing voice keeps switching between Toffee's and the person he's possessing's.

Toffee is an alternate universe/timeline Marco, having been corrupted by the tentacle arm.

Glossaryck is fine and playing the long con. This is all just his way of training Star. Some Ben Kenobi shit.

My theory is that Disney will somehow manage to make it even more shit than season 2

july 18th and august

>Just like WOY's villain song?
Toffee doesn't make most of us touch ourselves, so no

Theory 1: Toffee (or Luffee due to possessing Ludo) finding the crystal meth dimension, freeing Eclipsa.
Theory 2: The first 2 episodes focus on Marco on the first half & Star on the other.
>The Diaz himself probably found Star's diary laying around, and reread Chapter 11... Then the whole thing.
Theory 3: Toffee eventually found his finger, making him complete again.
Theory 4: Star became broken & not who she was anymore... It's gonna happen at some point.
Theory 5: Marco rediscovers a location from his elusive demon-waifu-blowing odyssey.

Also, have some random

Meaning Star x Starfan13 is probable! YES!

Toffee possesses Starfan13

Star suffers.

Janna reverts to her original form

Jackie is revealed to be Marco's guardian angel protecting him until it's time for him to save the day, and will disappear once that's done so he can bone the bug.

The demon that Eclipsa ran away with used the blood moon soul bonding curse to make her fall in love with her, turning her evil. Where do you think Tom got the idea to try it with Star?

Speak for your fucking self.

I said 'most'


>Adult Marco is going with his kids for Halloween
>His son looks like him
>His daughters are all in face concealing masks and have hats and/or fake hair on
>They all seem to have a trait of a different potential harem member
>Series ends with Marco entering the house and greeting his wife
>Fade to black before we see who it is

Star discovers a new use for that electric Love Sentence toothbrush handle

Starfan13 ships Starco according to the S2 finale so she probably wont be kissing Star or she'd break her ship.

Now...a lesbian Star cosplayer she can shower with sweet lady kisses on the other hand...

>a lesbian Star cosplayer she can shower with sweet lady kisses

original idea do not steal

>Starfan13 ships Starco

Season 2: SF13 gets contacts and dyes her hair blonde. "I could be your Star tonight, Marco"

>At some point in the next season or two, Star gets possessed by Toffee.
>Like what's apparently happening with Ludo, Toffee essentially lives in Star's mind and can posses her at will.
>Star now lives with the knowledge that at any point, Toffee could posses her into killing herself, her friends, or her family, and is likely just waiting for the perfect opportunity to do so.

>Toffee could posses her into killing herself, her friends, or her family

This isn't Alex Hirsch

> a very special livechat in Marco's kitchen where his voice changes pitch randomly and near the end "Star"'s head appears above the countertop cleaning her lips

Nefcy's not a hack.

Is Buffco a thing?

That's way too crack

How about Frognik?

How about NO, ye crazy dutch bastard.

Star achieves her final form before Marco, an actual insect but with the same hair.

He looks at her with a thousand-mile stare and says "You're beautiful."


>Star fights monsters all the time
>Mewni fought monsters during a great war
>Moon friendly with monster queen and king

So wait.... From Star's point of view it looked to us monsters were generally bad guys but in reality she was just fighting a simple gang of jerks?

Monsters are just poor natives in mewni?

>Moon friendly with monster queen and king
Cordial != friendly


>>Fade to black before we see who it is
It's Tootie

Marco decides to follow Star with his pair of scissors but first he recruits people. Jeremy, disillusioned by his shallow life, does a heel face turn and joins him and provides a swagged out RV with his butler driving. Sensei comes because he wants to meet a real magic pony. Pony Head and Kelly tag along because Star is their friend, Marco warns Janna that it's too dangerous but she sneaks on anyway. They contact Tom but he's too hot headed to cooperate and heads off on his own enraged. Star gets captured by Toffee and they have to do a rescue Star arc. Toffee has totally taken over Mewni and the citizens are kept in concentration camps. They meet Buff Frog who is hiding around somewhere and he tells them where Toffee but doesn't join them because of his babies. They battle their way into his fortress and right when they meet Toffee he jumps up and tries to cut Marco's head off but Monster Arm erupts out and counters him. Marco grins and it turns out it not only didn't go away but he's part monster now. He starts doing black magic he learned from Eclipsa's chapter. Marco is fucking his shit up, Toffee busts an Enel face but then he's like "time to use THAT" and teleports Tom in front of Marco right as he goes for the finishing blow. Tom has been possessed and is mindless, Toffee smirks and says "you wouldn't hurt you friend would you?" Marco has to weigh the odds of whether he can beat down his pal to save his best friend.

> I watch shit anime unironically

>shitting on the most popular anime of all time
whoa look at you

>the most popular anime of all time
My Little Pony?

Trips did confirm.

I have a feeling that Star's diary will come back

DAE realize just how outdated pic related is now?
teh feelz

>"I just hate contributing to gender stereotypes."
>"Janna likes pink and fights the patriarchy."
>"I am a strong, independent warrior princess."
>Face the Music: written & boarded entirely by women

Why were people complaining about gay background kisses when this show was already a Tumblr magnet from the start?

They pull a Regular Show and have some random girl we never met before.

Granted, there is a difference, but she was on friendly terms it seemed with the mom.

Do you have a size I can read?


Yeah, but I can't upload it because it's larger than 4 MB. You can read it here:

I think it's just that they gave him a lot of traits that would be attractive if he was a human villain, and then just made him a lizard monster with hair and human clothes and generally human proportions, etc.

If you keep wanting to fuck reptile characters you probably are a scaly or something though.

even lewder

If Adult Marco doesn't fight Toffee then it's all pointless

Taking Toffee requests.
Here's the catch though, he has to be dominating somebody.


Toffee in that gay skull armor getting in young Moon's face

Exactly what's going on is up to you

I think you mean
>"I can be your Marco tonight, Star."

Toffee using his tail to grab Star by the neck, ala Frieza.

Toffee possessing Star


>Am I a furry?
If you have to ask, the answer is yes.

I can't help but to think of the movie American Psycho when I see Toffee.

... that idea turns me on more than it should.

Good god I need help

Wonder why that is

just draw it slave

This one, OTOH, remains very much relevant.

I don't know what to say, user.

we're talking puppies
we're talking rainbows
we're talking netorare

Oh. Right. Dexter. Totally forgot.

Requesting more of kid toffee

>the character exuding the most sexual energy is a suit-clad Lizardman

>>"I just hate contributing to gender stereotypes."
>>"Janna likes pink and fights the patriarchy."
Wasn't that mocking her? She did something as ridiculous as lie about what her favorite color is (under thread of excessive punishment no less) and it calls that "fighting the patriarchy"? She hates " contributing to gender stereotypes" when it's TRUE about her?

She looks like a huge fool and that's the joke.

>we're talking rainbows
>we're talking puppies
>we're talking neto-ra-ra-rare

Fixed that for you.

I think it's both.

So no matter the amount of theories we have about potential pairings, we can all agree that Star and Marco's relationship can never return to normal friendship right?

With this in mind, what's the next plausible step considering they're both still the 2 main characters.

He's perfect for it obviously

mutual fisting

Did SVTFOE rip off Detentionaire, Sup Forums?


It still freaks me out hearing him speak and not having it sound like he's dead inside.

toffee doming star

Don't make me sad all over again

Well, the next step is Chaser and Chasee, considering he's going to start chasing after her in Season 3.

As for where they go next? Closer friendship, at the least.


Theory from Storm the Castle

Also Marco did use that evil energy when Glossaric was at that meeting


>>we're talking neto-ra-ra-rare
I'm hearing it in Brad's voice

forgot pic

>dem digits
That is going to be exciting considering we've never seen Marco in this state
>Closer friendship, at the least.
I like that "at the least" part.

It didn't affect Marco. It might be because he's human

Is there a mega link to the last few episodes 1080 webrip?

I need all the eps from 19 to the finale, if glorious user has posted those yet.

Somebody should draw Toffee taking Starco out on his boat

Who's "Starco"?

Rhombulus mourning the Chancellor.

Question: who becomes the new chancellor of the MHC?

Probably Moon

Only one who could do shit

>who becomes the new chancellor of the MHC?

Oh, definitely. Of course, it's also going to be really sad, because Marco's going to be haunted by Star's confession and absence up until he finally decides to search for her, which is going to affect him and his relationship with others. So we'll have to see where that goes.

Well, he said next plausible step. Closer friendship is the next plausible step. Whether they become anything 'more' depends on further development.

The pairing of Star and Marco, shortened to Starco.

Toffee neck biting Moon


...where did that other "Well," come from?

Toffee. He IS the MHC!