this was a well done fan animation. a well-written narrative with smooth animations.
This was a well done fan animation. a well-written narrative with smooth animations
yes, peridot is a shit meme green gremlin, but freako is good.
This porn
Isn't it?
It's a pretty below average fan animation. Heavy puppeting, the voice is slightly off when talking, not much squishing animation. The only thing that makes it pretty erotic is that Peridot's grunts are pretty spot on for how I imagine she would sound.
Now all that's left is for Freako is to animate the one Oolay-Tiger did for Jasper.
Barring the Greg bit at the end, of course.
It is, you can find it on SWFchan and Newgrounds.
That's how she's written on the show so I don't see a problem.
>Now all that's left is for Freako is to animate the one Oolay-Tiger did for Jasper.
Knock yourself out.
Shit... this is hot.
>fuck me human
>fuck me like rose quartz fucked over this planet
The VA was good but her inflection was off and it bothered me.
>fuck me like rose quartz fucked over this planet
Well, she is right.
Go away, Jasper.
Those gasps for breath and heavy breathing on that cock tho
>That's how she's written on the show
But why?
This is pretty shitty
You're pretty shitty. Get back in my bladder, excrement.
link me faggot.
Don't worry, user. I got you covered:
Wow, I didnt even know Newgrounds still existed.
You could say the same thing about Sup Forums
shadbase is better
I need more cartoons like this in my life.
Not crazy about the animationbut the original audio clip has me diamonds every time
Whoa whoa
What's the hells this
>what the fuck was that!?
Fuck you, OP. It was awful. I was waiting something good, like those Gumball animations.
Seriously? The Gumball thing is a one in a zillion.
Well that was something
Do people look at what they do and wounder if they haven't taken it to far?
Hot as fuck though
Ive busted so many nuts to it anyways