Why no one talks about these guys anymore? they used to be a big hit in tv.
Why no one talks about these guys anymore? they used to be a big hit in tv
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exactly >
Is it not a cartoon?
i was joking with the tv posting, but i dont know it might just not have left a big enough impression
Because it ended years ago.
Hmmm. Sup Forums, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
>used to
that's why
I think so Boco
but you need to shut up
They grew up, married and have children now. You should ask yourself why are you talking about some cartoon aimed at kids that ended over 25 years agi
Animaniacs got a bad rep around these parts. I can see that spreading over to pinky & the brain. But I really loved this show as a kid.
This and Pokemon were the main things I watched.
I still remember those kids WB bumper animations
It was pretty good and everybody seem to agree on it.
You cant have much discussion in here if everyone thinks the same. Thats why threads about things we hate reach the bump limit.
>Animaniacs got a bad rep around these parts?
Why? I'm generally curious.
The complaint that the series hasn't aged well due to dated jokes and humor and what-not
>Why no one talks about these guys anymore?
Because it's a 20-year-old series buried under everything that came after it. You can ask the same question and get the same answer for a majority of old cartoons.
On another note...
Even aside from the fact that it ended over two decades ago there's not much to talk about, everybody liked it and agreed it was good, there was no cancerous fanbase to bitch about, it had only two characters and a simple and repetitive premise.
Invader Zim ended almost as long ago, in 2001 (?) but you see more threads for that because people hated the fanbase, lolrandumb holds up spork, shipping and some superficial muh lore, and of course the comics.
The only thing to complain about with P&tB is the Elmyra shit and everyone agrees that sucked so what else is there to say?
I do occaisonally see a thread on here about Brain's true motivations or the old "BUT WHICH ONE WAS A GENIUS AND WHICH ONE WAS INSANE??" bit but there's really not much to either complain about or dissect. Even shipping Pinky/Brain isn't really contentious or anything, no one gets mad at you if you do it.
I loved the Christmas episode and the Country Music one by the way. Damn good little show.
On Sup Forums, one never knows.
>it had only two characters
But what about Larry?
>Why no one talks about these guys anymore? they used to be a big hit in tv.
Because they're not on TV anymore.
>The complaint that the series hasn't aged well due to dated jokes and humor and what-not
Okay that's more tame that I was imagining.
yfw you figured out pink was the genius and the brain was insane.
>Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?
>Umm.. I think so Brain... but if we get Sam Spade, we're never have any puppies.
>...but if you get along little doggie, wouldn't you just call it a dachshund?
>...but if the plural of mouse is mice, shouldn't the plural of spouse be spice?
>...but if we give peace a chance, wouldn't the lima beans be left out?
>...but if we build a snowmobile, wouldn't it melt by summer?
I could go on.
>being incredibly smart and wanting to lead the world into a better age with your intelligence is insanity
If he was a Soviet mouse, he'd have done it already. He was born on the wrong side of the iron curtain, and after the iron curtain.
if Jimmy cracked corn and doesn't care, then why does he do it?
Please don't.
Does anyone else want to cum on Pinky?