You are tasked to officially Reboot the Avengers.
Who will be your permanent 7 founding members?
Will you keep it classic or add a new hero?
You are tasked to officially Reboot the Avengers.
Who will be your permanent 7 founding members?
Will you keep it classic or add a new hero?
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Wolverine, Ant-Man, Wasp, and Hawkeye.
>No Hulk
I'm fine with Wolverine surprisingly, but Hawkeye should definitely always start as a villain
Hawkeye could start out as a villain who gains mutual respect with Iron Man and they form a friendship which leads to his inclusion to the Avengers, justifying his trick arrows and place on the team.
>justifying his trick arrows
Quick addendum: I mean the crazier ones like anti-hulk arrows and whatnot, obviously trick arrows are a requirement for comic archers.
>Hey Tony hook me up
>Sure Clint
Luke Cage, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine
>Luke Cage
>Found Avengers
Ive never seen such shit taste.
it's literally the New Avengers line up, way to miss the joke moron
>OP asks for how you would reboot the avengers from zero, what your new founding members would be
>"brum drum duhhh BENDIS! HEHEHEH thats a SICK reference!"
Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, Wasp, Ms. Marvel, and The Thing.
The Hulk winds up in the Defenders instead.
Wonder Man, Thor, Mar-Vell, Black Knight, Swordsman, Miss Marvel Carol, Namor. Probably something like that. I can come up with a more balanced line up, those are just my top favorites
Scarlet witch
Giant man
Quick silver
Captain America
Iron Man
Ms. Marvel
U.S. Agent
War Machine (Rhodes)
She Hulk
Red Norvell
Stinger ( Cassie Lang)
Trick shot (Barney Barton)
Leader = Cap
Tech = Iron man
Magic/Cosmic = Doctor strange
Xmen = Wolverine
Popular meme = Spiderman
F4 = Sue Storm
Speedster = speed demon
>Main Avengers (Internationally)
Cap America
Iron Man
Cap Carol
Scarlet Witch
>New/Mighty Avengers (street level or NY)
Luke Cage
Iron Fist
Monica Rambeau
Captain American
Iron Man
Thor/Adam Warlock/Ikkaris(Any cosmic magic hero really)
Ms. Marvel
Yellow Jacket = (Ant man + Wasp + Giant man)
Black panther
Core team:
Ms Marvel
AntMan/Yellow Jacket
Black panther
Extended Team:
War Machine
Scarlet witch
Plus Hawkeye on the extended team
>Almost evrry post has Cap at the top
Nice to see Sup Forums still has a little bit of good in them.
Iron Man
Wonder Man
Wild card out of the blue suggestion: Man Thing.
Two heavy hitters, two tech guys, size manipulator, a mystic/teleporter and a field leader. Wanted to add a psychic but it's hard to find any that isn't massively bound up in X-Men, or so OP that they render the rest of the team pointless.
Captain America (Steve, Sam, John, etc, not picky about it)
Venom (Flash Thompson)
Wasp (Janet or Nadia)
Sandman's for texture, Flash because he has crazy good character interaction potential, Cannonball so you can actually have a "mutant trial balloon" arc that Hickman never bothered doing.
Thor Girl
Jennifer Kale
Jack of Hearts
Scarlet spider (Ben
Spider woman
Scarlet spider (Kaine)
Spider-Man 2099
Spider Gwen
>speed demon
>fucking who
>google it
>Speed Demon is a homoerotic horror film, released in 2003, directed by David DeCoteau.
Well now.
Captain America
Throw in Captain Marvel if we can ignore CW II.
Invisible woman
Rotating cast, no one is permanent.
I saw him in one of the cartoons
He's also the team's token minority
You need to clean up your cookies and history search if gay porn pops up in your searches
>Both giant-man and yellow jacket in the same picture
I'm a Spiderfag too, but fuck off Slott.
>This much damage control.
>He hasn't read superior foes
can they double duty or do they have to be exclusive? I always thought Storm should have been on the main roster, or Invisible woman, anyone besides black widow
>Black Knight
>Black Widow
>Black Panther
>Black Ant
>Black Bolt
>Black Goliath
>Blue Marvel
>nice to see Sup Forums wont fuck off
Man-Thing, Jennifer Kale, Moonstone, Clea, Satana, Spiral, Magik.
>Main Avengers
Captain America
Iron Man
Scarlet Witch
>Extended Team
Black Widow
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
War Machine
Spider-Man (Would make him a part time Avenger)
Night Man
Captain America (original or Bucky)
Iron Man (Stark, Rhodey or Doom)
Beta Ray Bill
Hulk (Banner or Cho)
Black Widow (original)
Scarlet Witch
Monica Rambeau
>Black Widow not in that pic
Good, she should not even be an Avenger.
I would add SpiderMan.
Captain America
Hank Pym as Antman or Giant-man
>He doesn't want to be lead by Cap
Black Knight
War Machine
Speed Demon was white in the comics.
There's just one thing worse than a normie. One thing, and one thing only: a half-assed non-normie.
Cap and Tony the mandatory captains
Black Panther the obligatory black guy
Wasp the obligatory Woman
Gwenpoole the comic relief
Young Peter Parker the kid.
Strange The wild card.
Wha do you think, Sup Forums?
If its essentially remaking the Avengers as a reboot of the Marvel U then:
Cap never gets defrosted, he died in the crash.
Bucky does though.
SHIELD has him become Cap and lead a new initiative based off the old Invaders:
Stark was crippled by the attacks that made him Iron Man in current canon, instead hes basically 007's Q but for SHIELD, instead Rhodey is Iron Man on the team.
Pym is there as science/field agent and to keep an eye on She-Hulk (who instead of being Hulk's cousin is his daughter, the gamma irradiation killed Bruce but mutated his genes enough to pass down), and Vision, his creation that needs field testing.
Namorita acts as an envoy between Atlantis and the rest of the World, and has joined the team on the orders of King Namor.
also Nico Minoru because the team needs magic, and I like her.
Gotta go with the classic team. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
The Pym Particles arrows are great.
We could actually builñd the team relationship around him stealing their gadgets because a femme fatale convinces him. Not much unlike his own actual history. Clint is a smart guy, but not when there's a (strong, hot) female around him.
It's a Bendis line up.-
I thought he was mocking it.
black(s) & blue
>Toni Ho
>Beta Ray Bill
>Deadpool the Duck
>The Wasp
>Phil Coulson
>Doctor Doom
>Spider-Man 2099
Captain America (Sam Wilson)
Thor (Jane Foster)
Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)
The Wasp
Hercules (America Chavez, somehow)
Black Panthers Matter (same hero with new name)
Now I sit back and watch Sup Forums commit suicide.
Best team this thread
Totally random line up out of my mind right now.
Human Torch (Jim, not Johnny, but I would like Johnny too, why not) as the team dad /genre savvy guy.
Justice as the idealist hero.
Speedball as the hidden deeps funny lancer.
Ms Marvel as the chick with balls (actually, the big guy of the team. Reductant at start).
Hank and Hope as the team smart science and engineering couple (I want Hank back).
Clea because I need some mystical stuff with magic and, well, adult woman, I guess.
And Rick Jones as the info guy who often goes solo.
My line up.
Cap, Ryu, Spiderman, Megaman, Thor, Hawkeye, Chris Redfield.
Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series
>Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Where's Spider-Man On This Lineup, It Feels Incomplete Without Him!
>Steve Rogers
>Tony Stark
>Thor Odinson
>Clint Barton
>Hank Pym
>Carol Danvers(No dyke cut)
Pete, Miles, Miguel, Ben and UK, India and Ock?
>Not either his sister or one of the lesbian terrorist ones
Avengers (Main team):
>Cap, Iron Man, Falcon, Carol, Janet Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Spiderman
West Coast (Mostly legacies with a focus on unique Skill sets mixed together):
>Hawkeye, Tigra, War Machine (Lila Rhodes?), She-Hulk, Giant Man (Raz Malhotra), Brother Voodoo
Revengers (Edgy Team)
>American Eagle, Mania, USAgent, Black Widow, Damon Helstrom, Scarlet Spider (Kaine), Wolverine
Champions (Young team):
Kamala, Cho, Miles, Riri, Nadia Pym, Inferno, Robbie Reyes
Bucky, Songbird, Coulson, Red Wolf, Night Thrasher, Hellcat, Silk
(I really have no idea what the theme is here I just chose a bunch of characters and threw them together). (Stealth maybe?)
>Only Songbird is 'Boltscore and has a general lack of semi-reformed villains
Yeah, I don't know why I said Thunderbolts. Secret Avengers is probably a better name for them
>Blue Marvel
>Black Panther
Iron Man
Not my faves, but a more objective view. Wasp/Pym could also be around.
If it's a total reboot for a new universe/restarted line/tv show whatever then...
Team captain and the speedster. He's older but has a wealth of experience. I'd probably play up his hidden mutant heritage somewhat so that there's strong mutant representation on the team that isn't tied tot he X-Men.
>Miss America
Whizzer's wife, she's the Wonder Woman of the team. A flying brick, what more do you want from me?
>Human Torch
Android version, of course. Another older character, he got roped into it by his old wartime pal. Would probably play up his android side further in a reboot to separate him from the others a bit, maybe give him an extremely cool and rational attitude to contrast his pyrokinetic power.
>Black Panther
Black Panther fills the Batman role, covers questions of financial support and tech and fills a diversity quota. There's no reason not to include him.
The ocean needs representation too. He and Human Torch would clash a lot. He probably sits out many missions as a sort of "drop-in" member whenever he chooses it.
She covers the magical side of the Marvel world, plus female and more diversity. It's better than just Doctor Strange again, at least.
A Skrull that gives the Avengers some links to the greater cosmic universe, plus his shapeshifting powers give him a unique role on the team. I'd retain his Cosmic Cube ring but reduce its reality-warping powers somewhat. Possibly using it to create Cosmic Cube Constructs, these C3 projections allow him to fit a niche similar to both Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern.
>Android version, of course. Another older character, he got roped into it by his old wartime pal. Would probably play up his android side further in a reboot to separate him from the others a bit, maybe give him an extremely cool and rational attitude to contrast his pyrokinetic power.
Jim has canonically a soul. And he's quite emotional. He's also kind of rude at times, as far as I've seem.
You could still play the card of what's-an-android, but in a different, not Vision-y way.
Yeah, I'm aware that he has a soul and is emotional and all that. I'm not sure how I'd play up the android aspect but I was thinking his personality becoming more rational and calm might just be an older wisdom thing, since by the time the Avengers form he's probably been doing this for 3 decades. Mainly I'd like to see the contrast of a fire-user who isn't a hothead.
But because Namor rubs him the wrong way he probably arcs up and becomes more like his younger emotional and rude self around the dickish prince? I dunno. Just like the contrasts I guess.
I go classic.
>Captain America
>Iron Man
>Giant Man
Dr Strange
Captain America
Iron Man
Captain America, Wolverine, Namor, Human Torch as an established team, and then Thor, Hercules and Black Knight.
Hitler really needs to get punched good.
>Iron Man
>Captain America
>Ms Marvel(Carol Danvers)
>Dr. Strange
>Human Torch
>Black Panther
That could work. That way you can make him meltdown a little, make him more calm and patient. In fact, I think he has been wising up lately, with all the weird shit he has suffered all his life, writers had tend to put him in the veteran team, much like how the Cap is (was, I mean... Well, you know what I mean). You could also play the melancholy part (because he is kind of melancholic in my opinion), by reflecting about him being eternally young, or how he can be himself despite not being the same he was at first, or some philosophical stuff like that. Not the typical "What's to be human and what's to be a roboguy", but identity and eternity issues. He's not a genius, so you could give him a "guy" voice on the themes.
The Sentry
Moon Knight
Silver Surfer
I kind of like the idea that as much as they fight and butt heads, that Namor and Jim get each other better than the others because of Namor's extended lifespan and Jim's eternal one. They've most likely both seen loved ones grow old.
The whole android thing can definitely be played up in a variety of ways, and I like the idea of the melancholy about being essentially immortal.
Why is Nova in that team?
They both are also fishes out of water with a bad first step into the world of men. So yeah, I can see it work that way.
Marvel, bring us this, even if it's for a mini, or something.
Can we also call them Ultraforce instead?
Is Silver Surfer really the best you could find in terms of an equivalent for Martian Manhunter?
plus the fact he's a good leader
... Nevermind.
Very funny, user.
Honestly, I've always been bummed that we don't get more stories of the heroes from the early era of Marvel, it'd be great.
I had also hoped for an entire "Retro Marvel" movie franchise in the MCU featuring the Invaders and the All-Star Squadron after the great stuff in Captain America, but sadly it wasn't to be.
I just really like Namor and Jim Hammond.
I'll admit I'm kind of blanking out on which alien Marvel heroes could fit the bill.
The most fitting choice would probably be a reformed Super Skrull or a fully-Kree looking Mar-Vell
Definitely a Skrull yeah. If you can ignore the fact that he's actually a pastiche og Superman, then the Skrull Ethan Edwards seems to fit the bill okay.
I personally went with Crusader, but I didn't look too hard for a heroic Super-Skrull to be fair.
As much as a proper Kree warrior is a good sub, it's gotta be a Skrull in my mind, since the shapeshifting thing is Jonn's major thing (alongside his telepathy).
Well, an invaders movie is hard to do at this point because time passes for the cast (unless you recast Steve and Bucky. I think they can pull a flashback story in the small timeframe they have. I think. I don't know, it's been a while since I watched the First Avenger).
But I think they could create a story for a movie about both Namor and Jim, and a few others. The problem could come once you want them to stay alive or connected to the MCU of present times. Some user said a few days ago about a 50's settles movie about the Hank Pym and Janet adventures and team mates (old Edward Stark, Peggy and whoever was with them at the time). But the problem with these two, or at least with Torch, is that he cannot / doesn't need to get retired because, hah, old age. Namor, he can decide to fuck humankind anytime. But Jim is too pure, I mean, good for that. So... wess they would've to kill, destroy or shot down him in the MCU, too for it to work because, why he wasn't around in The Avengers and the other movies?
>Edward Stark
Was Tony's father's name this? I've suddently realized I don't remember his fucking name. Was it Thomas?
Was I thinking about Game of Thrones?
What's the taste of clouds?
Kooky quartet
It's Howard.
Ransack the Reject
Box ( madison Jeffries)
Comet Man
Jennifer Kale
So close.
Thank you.
>Jennifer Kale
She's usually a pretty obscure character, why is she so popular here all of a sudden? Is it because of that one storytime?
Yeah, time is definitely closing for an Invaders movie, sadly.
Dealing with where Jim is actually isn't hard at all. Just gotta have that thing where he flies out to a desert and goes nova, draining his energy and shutting down until someone unburies him decades later.
The real issue is that there's still complications with Namor's rights (I expect a distribution problem similar to the Hulk), and that the trademark for Human Torch is absolutely with Fox for the F4 so merching or advertising Jim is hard. They'd probably have to change his hero name to something like just Torch or whatever.
Exactly. My post was like half a covert shitpost and half sticking in characters I like despite not really making sense.