Ed,Edd n Eddy's creator Danny Antonucci has finally made another cartoon

Ed,Edd n Eddy's creator Danny Antonucci has finally made another cartoon.

this acctually looks good, id watch it

>that music
>those classic fucked up EEnE sound effects

I want more of this NOW.

So what network he tryin to pitch this to?

I get that it's a pilot,
but man give me a second to breath.

>eene aesthetic
>over the top
>the sound effects
>the music
>the character design

Jesus Christ. I've missed you, Antonucci.

Wow, that has some really creative animation in it. They don't call him A+ Antonucci for nothing.

This is good
Hella good
It's so good i feel like a fool for trying to convince myself magiswords was good
It has the same lack of pacing magiswords has but it works in here due to the theme.
Now all i have left is a void in me and a craving for more.

yeah the runtime really hurts it, all the more reason it needs to be a 11+ minute show instead of a 3 minute pilot

>Rainbow dash and her pet dog
well then.

What is this? Johnny's origin story?

Wait, is it actually voiced by Ashleigh Ball? It's close enough I can't decide.

Feels more like Johnny's son story.

Shit man, i want this. Snotrocket on netflix when

It can work as its basically working off the old EEnE format of imagination.

Tara Strong has a million different waifus
Tabitha has Wendy O. Koopa (I guess)
Andrea Libman has Madeline and female Barry B. Benson
Now Ashleigh can be known for something other than R63 Johnny Test.

I need more of this in my life

I admit I'm suffering the flu right now
But that seemed way too fucking spazzy and fast

Like all the old What A Cartoon pilots were. I wonder if they feel pressure to wedge as many gags in the pilot as they can, to show potential? Kills the pacing, though.

That's the way it is with short pitch pieces. Gotta come running out of the gate and grab their attention

Yes, you need to grab their attention in as few minutes as possible so that makes the process of making a pitch is stressful and the stress can lead to a disastrous trainwreck of packed up gags ad nausea.

Danny really seems to be aiming for a kids show this time.

I probably wouldn't like it as much if I didn't know who made it.


Does that target market even exist nowadays?

This looks lame

>that music
>those sound effects
>that slapstick
>that absurdity

Cartoons like this need to come back.

I wanted to like this, but goddamn that shit needs to calm down
Maybe it was just because it had little time to explain anything, but holy shit there was not a single stopping point in that episode. It felt kindof forced
The animation looked great, but I don't want this to become a thing just so we don't have to ruin the beauty that is EE&E


Needs to absolutely tone down the kid if it gets picked up
He seems like he'd get annoying fast even for kids
the doggo is pretty chill though

>girls are icky
>stupid annoying kid character
>dog gets punished for dumb kid's shenanigans

The 1950s called!
They want their shtick back!

They need to slip that kid some sleeping tablets


looks like the mom already ate them all.

this is fantastic but I'm struggling to see how it would work as a whole show. it seems like they'd run out of things to do with the characters pretty quickly, but I'd love to see what they'd do regardless. I wonder why the fuck it took this long for this studio to make something new if they're clearly capable of it?

>run out of things to do with tha characters
Wow, does it hurt to be that wrong?. There are endless ideas, They can never run out, they can literally make their imaginations reality.

Why is it that a lot of showrunners seem to fall off the radar after their first show, even if it was a successful show

Absurd comedy + slapstick is still around in animation. In anime

lightning doesn't strike twice

I assume they're still doing some kind of work somewhere. But a lot of the time when I try to look up what some past showrunner had been doing after their show ended it's usually pretty barren. Maybe it's just all my confirmation bias though


He should have just made Eds in high school or other characters in that universe, would be way funnier tbqh familia

Autism detected

A lot of people want that so fuck off will ya

that does not mean it is a good idea

Sounds bad

>Eds version of All Grown Up


It didn't really worked for me, I felt like it was kinda unoriginal...
But it's made by Danny Antonucci, I totally trust him, I'd like to see a complete serie

>yes yes Danny this pilot is exceptional!
>we just have one little thing
>why isn't this TTG?

Preface: I love EEnE, Danny and the animation in this is amazing.

My main concern is the characters. The dog getting in trouble is straight out of Chuck Jones/Tex Avery. Fine for one off shorts but could get old in a series.

Also, I hate the annoying twins trope. They aren't funny or interesting just because there's two of them. It would be tolerable if they were just bratty sisters with different looks and personalities but literally two of the same character is lame.

And finally the over imaginative kid is a tired trope as well. It seems clever in a pilot but I've never seen a series do this idea well. Not to mention it's always the same thing.

>Oh no, my sister is a dragon! My parents are aliens!

If there's anyone who could pull this type of cartoon off I'd put my money on AKA cartoons and I hope the show gets developed further

Yes, the pacing is fast but it's still more understandable than anything John K's made in the last 10 years.

that was actually pretty good

a bit too spazzed out for my current tastes but it was good

The set up with the questionable parent leaving a dog in charge of a kid reminds me of the Looney Tunes and I love it for that

also just love that the cartoon is clearly mostly just a kids imagination

Johnny 2x4's kid?

It's pretty good but way too fast paced, at least EE&E gave me some space

I like it, want to see a longer short to see what it looks like with some breathing room.

Kid needs to be more likable.

>Tartakovsky's back
>now Antonucci is back too
Are neo00s a thing now?

tfw he responded to me on Facebook

Fuck yo-.....Actually you're right


What did he respond to with that?

Some mongoloid took plank and gave him the CalArts treatment complete with round edges and warm colors. Antonucci threw a fit and respectably so



Hopefully the characters are a little more different then " ADHD on speed kid, evil twins, bitch mom "

Was he on shrooms when he made this?

Ughh why do the people behind Batman, Spiderman TAS, Gargoyles and Iron Man TAS never create intellectual cartoons again?

3 minutes.

said Mongoloid was PanPizza of all -people if I remember correctly

We can do better than 00's.

The world is going back to the 80's and animation will be going back to the 90's.

no, if the world is going back to the 80s, so does the animation

and the current Marvel cartoons already are 80s in the worst way possible

Needs to be longer because this short made things way too fast to even like the characters. Style is fine and sounds. As for the setting it feels a little too outdated to be a modern show.


He maid this to make fun of Nu PPG, someone just sent the image to Anthony without context and he sperged

I cannot unhear Rainbow Dash, goddammit

That's a tradeoff i'm willing to deal with so long as anime goes back to the 80's too


I felt the same way, but it was GOAT otherwise

It aint no Ed Edd N Eddy

>sound effects not used strategically
>no jazz score custom-made to fit the scene
>characters are literally just Mindy and Buttons, no personality
>nothing feels paced, its hyperactive as fuck
>I dont even remember what the plot was

The only upsides are its hand-drawn, complete with smears, and it uses a good set of colors

Yeah it's so goddamn fast, EEnE wasn't this crazy

Mindy and Buttons had no personality, Butch clearly has some and the kid's will probably be expanded on

This almost as bad those piolets from Dilworth who forces it to be wacky in a unfunny way.

Stupid anime poster.

It's an independant 3 minute pilot.

Plenty of cartoons are still hand drawn.

Why the fuck is it only 3 minutes? That is barely anytime to establish anything. Just making it 5 minutes would improve it.

>Your Grand Dad will never be this alpha

I still have no idea why people think smears are bad. Do they honestly think that all movement should be conveyed in 1s?

all movement must be conveyed in 1s

>These twins

Was Danny bullied by girls as a kid?

because it's a pitch

he did imply that much

looks great! Glad Antionucci is still interested in producing more stuff

Go back to doing adult animation, Danny boy.

Son, I might be desperate, but that doesn't mean I'll turn into the cartoon equivalent of Prison Gay.


Yes and I love it.

Closeminded cuck detected.

I really liked this
something about having a lot of sound effects and the music fits really well, though it all did went by pretty fast
I feel as though a lot of the episodes would be kinda samey though with the dog has to do the thing, the kid won't let him, and then he gets in trouble
though EE&E did have episodes that didn't revolve around scamming the kids that were pretty good so maybe it wouldn't be too bad
All that's missing it the absurd, over the top violence and it's perfect

wtf did I just watch?

Too fast
I get it's supposed to parralel the way that kid is.
But that's way too fast, there's no pacing!
Ultimately it feels annoying, just like the kid.

it had shades of it in the mom throwing the iron at butch and the twins trampling him

Meh. I've seen this cartoon a thousand times in Tex Avery's time, there's nothing new or interesting about it.

Never liked EEnE, it was probably the weakest addition to the cartoon cartoon lineup since Mike, Lou, and Ogg. This one seems to be just that, except they smoked a rock of crack beforehand, and threw it into flash studio.

>shit opinions

>Smart talking animal and dumb human duo
>Shroom visuals

And into the trash it goes.