Is this even meant to be in my hands now?
Is this even meant to be in my hands now?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post the Janna pages now.
What if Janna's last name is actually Banana?
Janco fans are gonna like that top right corner.
What does Brittneys message say?
Nice. Anything cool we didn't know already? If not, post the Tom pages, please.
Oh shit, wasn't expecting it. Thanks bro.
So Glossaryck created Hekapoo to create the scissors, why'd he make Lekmet and why does his power kit suck so hard?
How did you get this book already?
Post any Queen Butterfly pages, please.
>wasn't ready to date someone as fierce as me
Suuuuuuuuure, Janna. That's exactly why.
Scan it. ALL OF IT!
...So I definitely misread that from the thumbnail as 'a guide to masturbating in every dimension'.
>Janna doesn't drink
Oh bullcorn
>Referencing alcohol in a children's book nonchalant.
God damn when did Disney get so edgy?
BookDepo sent it out on Monday and I got it today.
No problem. I know some of these are a bit out of context but I think that's everything about her.
That's not the full page (two rows not seen in the picture) but it says I wish this pen wrote with fire signed by her.
Forgot to upload the Lekmet page whoops.
Post whole book please.
Janna is a tryhard confirmed
She acts tough but she's really just a sweet girl deep down.
Upload Lekmet please
Makes me wonder if Bernardo did something...untoward.
She is a Banana deep down inside.
He's got no dick, so take comfort in that
He tried to bone her
tried to slip her the bone
Someone better compile these.
oh you guys!
Done now in the other thread.
Trying to set up a old printer/scanner. I just hope I can get it to work since it's easier then my phone and then editing it. Not sure if I should post them all on Sup Forums or just imgur it.
Good job, user.
He didn't have the guts to try anything
>Not sure if I should post them all on Sup Forums or just imgur it.
Thank you for this, by the way.
Post them all here because we're lazy thirsty bastards, then collect them in imgur for convenient showing later.
Son of a bitch.
Just imgur it, 4chins isn't made for mutiposting
>Dating skeleton
>No penis
No wonder she doesn't want to date him again,
Ty based user.
It's Australian internet. Not the worst where I am atm but not amazing. I also don't need to crop or resize to make it under 4mb.
This was linked in the book where you are meant to hear oskar's tuns and download instrumentals to write lyrics of your own.
>It's Australian internet
Oh I know how that feels. I'm in Brisbane right now.
>mfw manna becomes endgame
Brisvegas for life, yo.
The eventual episode where Marco is stuck between his feelings and Janna comes out of nowhere to kiss him and be like "why don't you just choose me" is going to be insane.
insanely awkward as Marco, completely frustrated, sheds his safe kid persona and just unleashed his full savagery at Janna
The part about mentioning seances, necromagic and basically "ZOMG ITS SATANISM (in the eyes of concerned parents" cracks me up even more.
Thats definitely not how Disney was back in the day.
Wierdmageddon probably paved the way for authors to really try to push the boundaries as much as possible.
Its great
Ya, that is true too I guess.
>J: we had a great time. he's really cool
>S: are you going to go out again
>J: uh, um wah?, A-are you crazy? NO WAY!
So, Janna is trying to cover for the fact that she got dumped, right?
Still better than Marvel
So Marco does know that Janna likes him, he just doesn't give a fuck because she's annoying.
I got it to scan but it has a blur line somewhat. Still want it?
It's simply because the other two girls that want him are just too superior.
and do I do this in another thread or post it here?
Anything you give us is more than we got.
Lies, Janna is the best
>It's Australian internet
Man I thought that was just an Sup Forums meme.
Keep up the good work user.
Jesus christ how terrifying
>That portrait
>By Marco
Oh god
>That's how Marco see's her irl.
>His favorite drink is hot chocolate with cinnamon in it
No wonder she got cucked
Is that... JoJo?
No, that's Marco
The fuck is wrong with you people.
SvtFoE:TCG when?
Or a CCG, I wouldn't mind.
>Ponyhead buttmad Marco and Star refer to each other as best friends
>by Starcrushed she seems totally okay with them referring to each other as such
I wonder where 'lover' is in terms of bestie ranking
Hey anons I'm retarded but can someone explain the cinnamon meme to me? I keep seeing it and still don't get it.
I don't get it either. Something to do with cucking i think.
Forced meme that was born in the not sveg threads, where someone thought Star's farts smelled like cinnamon and her period blood was mountain dew. It kept getting shitposted in these threads, and blew up enough to be "hinted" at by the crew.
It died after a week or two into February because Star being a massive fuck up and gigantic cuck was more memeworthy (also canon).
cinnamon = cum brown = mexican?
so her second name really is Banana?
Forced meme in SVTFOE threads on Sup Forums where it was decided Star/parts of Star smell/taste like cinnamon
Recently Marco's VA, Adam McArthur, aka /ourguy/, decided to be an absolute madman on a in-character livestream on Disney's YouTube channel and said Marco's favorite cereal was "Cinnamon Toast Crunch"
>McArthur, aka /ourguy/, decided to be an absolute madman on a in-character livestream on Disney's YouTube channel and said Marco's favorite cereal was "Cinnamon Toast Crunch"
And seeing as Adam had no part in writing this book, we can plainly conclude that multiple people in the crew are aware of our memes and using it to fuck with us.
Nefcy taught them well.
That is pretty based.
new fuel for the Manna ship
The best part was he spent a good thirty seconds trying to backtrack in-character when he realized "whoops that's a trademark violation" and managed to improv something like "yeah, just home-made, cinnamon-flavored, toasty, crunchy, non-brand-specific cereal"
2 rich
Nefcy certainly had eyes for the VA of his male lead.
I wonder if Eden (Star's VA) is also aware of the show's memes but chose to not fuck with us openly.
Hell, maybe Eden is among us! Maybe she had camouflaged between us perfectly.
Nice try, Eden, I see through your trick.